Minor Roman Gods
From Genco
Abeona Protector of children leaving the home.
Abudantia Goddess of luck, abundance and prosperity. She distributed food and money from a cornucopia.
Adeona Goddess who guides children back home.
Aequitas God of fair trade and honest merchants.
Aera Cura Goddess associated with the underworld.
Aeternitas Personification of eternity.
Africus God of the Southwest wind.
Alemonia Goddess who feeds unborn children.
Angerona Goddess of Secrecy and protector of Rome. Festival Divalia or Angeronalia December 21.
Angita Goddess of Healing and Witchcraft.
Anna Perenna Goddess of the New Year provider of food. Her festival is March 15.
Antevorte Goddess of the future.
Aquilo God of the North Wind.
Aurora Goddess of the dawn.
Auster God of the South Wind.
Bona Dea Goddess of fertility, healing, virginity and women. Festival May 1.
Camenae Goddesses of wells and springs.
Candelifera Goddess of childbirth.
Cardea Goddess of thresholds and door hinges.
Carmenta Goddess of childbirth and prophecy. Festiva Carmentalial January
11 and 15.
Carnea Goddess of the heart and other organs, and door handles. Festival June 1.
Cinxia Goddess of marriage.
Clementia Goddess of mercy and clemency.
Cloacina Goddess of the Cloaca Maxima, the system of sewers in Rome.
Coelus God of the sky.
Concordia Goddess of agreement and understanding.
Conditor God of the harvest.
Consus God of grain storage. Festivals Consualia August 21 and December 15.
Convector God of bringing in of the crops from the fields.
Copia Goddess of wealth and plenty.
Corus God of the North West wind.
Cunina Goddess of infants.
Dea Dia Goddess of growth. Festival in May.
Dea Tacita Goddess of the dead. Larentalia festival on December 23.
Decima Goddess of childbirth. With Nona and Morta she forms the Parcae (the three Fates).
Dia Lucrii Gods of profit.
Devera Goddess of brooms used for purification.
Deverra Goddess of women in labor and the patron of midwives
Disciplina Goddess of discipline.
Discordia Goddess of discord and strife.
Dius Fidus God of oaths.
Egestes Goddess of poverty.
Empanda Goddess of openess, friendliness and generosity.
Eventus Bonus God of success both in commerce and in agriculture.
Fabulinus God who taught children to speak.
Fama Goddess of fame and rumor.
Fauna (Bona Dea) Goddess of the Earth, Mother Goddess.
Faunus God of the wilds and fertility. He is the protector of cattle also referred to as Lupercus. Festivals are Lupercalia on February 15 and Faunalia on December 5.
Faustitas Goddess protectress of herds of livestock
Favonius God of the West Wind.
Febris Goddess who protected people against fevers.
Felicitas Goddess of success.
Feronia Goddess of freedom and good harvest. She was often worshipped by slaves to achieve their freedom. Her festival is November 15.
Fides Goddess of faithfulness and good faith.
Flora Goddess of Spring and the blooming flowers. Her festival Floralia, was April 28 - May 1.
Fontus God of wells and springs. Festival October 13
Fornax Goddess of bread baking and ovens.
Fortuna Goddess of fate.
Fulgora Goddess of lightning.
Furina Goddess of thieves.
Honos God of chivalry, honor and miltary justice.
Indivia Goddess of jealousy.
Juturna Goddess of lakes, wells and springs. Her festivals are January 11 and August 23.
Juventas Goddess of youth.
Lactans God of agriculture.
Lares Guardian spirits of the house and fields.
Laverna Goddess of unlawful gain and trickery.
Liber God of fertility and nature. Festival March 17.
Libera Fertility Goddess.
Liberalitas God of generosity.
Libertas Goddess of freedom.
Libitina Goddess of funerals.
Lima Goddess of thresholds.
Lucifer God of the morning star.
Lucina Goddess of childbirth and midwifery.
Luna Goddess of the moon.
Maia Goddess of fertility and Spring.
Maiesta Goddess of honor and reverence.
Mania Goddess of the dead.
Manes Similar to the Lares, Genii and Di Penates. They were the souls of deceased loved ones. They were honored during the Parentalia and Feralia in February.
Matuta Goddess of the dawn, harbors and the Sea. Patron of newborn babies. Her festival day is June 11.
Meditrina Goddess of wine and health. Her festival is the Meditrinalia on October 11.
Mefitas Goddess of poisonous vapors from the earth.
Mellona Goddess and protector of bees.
Mena Goddess of menstruation.
Mens Goddess of the mind and consciousness. Her festival is May 8.
Messor God of agriculture and mowing.
Moneta Goddess of prosperity.
Mors God of death.
Morta Goddess of death and one of the three Parcae.
Muta Goddess of silence.
Mutinus Mutunus God of fertility.
Naenia Goddess of funerals.
Necessitas Goddess of destiny.
Nemestrinus God of the woods.
Nona Goddess of pregnancy. One of the Parcae with the Goddesses Morta and Decima, the Roman Fates.
Nox Personification of the night.
Nundina Goddess of the ninth day, on which the newborn child was given a name.
Obarator God of ploughing.
Occator God of harrowing.
Orbona Goddess of parents who lost their children.
Orcus God of death and the underworld. Also a god of oaths and punisher of perjurers.
Pales Goddess of shepherds and flocks.Her festival was the Palilia, on April 21.
Parcae Goddesses of fate. The Goddesses Nona, Morta and Decima make up the group. The three Parcae are also called Tria Fata.
Pax Goddess of peace. Her festivals are January 3 and 30 and July 4.
Penates Gods of the storeroom and the household.
Picus God of agriculture.
Pietas Goddess of piety.
Poena Goddess of punishment.
Pomona Goddess of fruit trees and orchards.
Portunes God of ports and harbors. He is the guardian of storehouses and locked doors. The Portunalia were observed on August 17
Porus God of plenty.
Postverta Goddess of the past.
Potina Goddess of children's drinks.
Priapus God of gardens, viniculture, sailors and fishermen.
Prorsa Postverta Goddess of women in labor.
Providentia Goddess of forethought.
Pudicitia Goddess of modesty and chastity.
Puta Goddess of the pruning of vines and trees.
Quirinus Old Sabine god with mysterious origins. Became very important as a figure of the state. His festival, the Quirinalia, was celebrated on February 17.
Quiritis Goddess of motherhood.
Robigo Goddess of corn.
Robigus God who protected corn from diseases. His festival, the Robigalia, took place on April 25.
Roma Personified Goddess of the City of Rome.
Rumina Goddess of nursing mothers.
Sancus God of oaths and good faith.
Saritor God of weeding and hoeing.
Securitas Goddess of security and stability.
Semonia Goddess of sowing.
Sors God of luck.
Spes Goddess of hope.
Stata Mater Goddess who guards against fires.
Stimula Goddess who incites passion in women.
Strenua Goddess of strength and vigor.
Suadela Goddess of persuasion, especially in matters of love.
Subrincinator God of weeding.
Summanus God of night thunder. His festival is June 20.
Tempestes Goddesses of storms.
Terminus Terminus was the god of boundaries. Festival February 23.
Terra Mater (Mother Earth) Goddess of fertility and growth. She was worshipped on April 15 in the Fordicia.
Trivia Goddess of the crossroads.
Vacuna Goddess of agriculture.
Veritas Goddess of truth.
Vertumnus God of the changing seasons and the ripening of fruits and grains.
Viduus God who separated the soul and the body after death.
Viriplacaa Goddess of marital strife.
Virtus God of courage and military prowess.
Vitumnus God who gave life to children in the womb.
Volturnus God of the waters. His festival was the Volturnalia on August 27.
Volumna Goddess who protects the nursery.
Vulturnus God of the East Wind.