Gods of the World
From Genco
* Jeebo * Jengu - (Sawa) diety of water spirits (also, the name for the water spirits themselves) * Mami Wata - Goddess of Beauty (one of the water spirits); Accompanied by a snake and wealth. * Waaq - (Ororomo) Single supreme and universal deity (creator of day and night) * Amlak (Ethiopian) * Jah - A name for God (Rastafari) * Ngai - Supreme god, lives on the holy mountain Kirinyaga (Mount Kenya). (Maasai) * Mwari - (Shona people of Zimbabwe) * Nyadenga - (Shona people of Zimbabwe) * Musikavanhu - "The Creator" (Shona people of Zimbabwe)
[edit] Anglo-Saxon
* Eostre, Goddess of spring * Fríge, counterpart to the Norse Frigg. Friday comes from her name. * Ingui Fréa, counterpart to the Norse Frey * Seaxnéat, the founder of the Saxon race * Thor, the same god as the Norse deity of the same name. Thursday comes from his name. * Tiw, counterpart to the Norse Tyr. Tuesday comes from the name of this god. * Wéland, counterpart to the Norse Volundr * Wóden, counterpart to the Norse Odin. Wednesday comes from the name of this god.
[edit] Akan
* Brekyirihunuade, "he who knows and sees everything." * Kwaku Ananse, a trickster god.
[edit] Ashanti
* Anansi - Depicted in numerous forms: a spider, a human or combinations thereof. Known as a trickster. * Asase Ya - Earth goddess of fertility * Bia - Personification of violence * Nyame - Means "God" in the ashanti language.
[edit] Australian Aboriginal
* Altjira - God of Dreams * Anjea - Fertility goddess * Bagadjimbiri - Two brothers and creator gods * Baiame - God of rain * Bamapana - A trickster god who causes discord * Banaitja - A creator god * Bobbi-Bobbi - Supernatural being who lived in the heavens in the Dreamtime * Bunjil - The supreme god, represented as an eagle * Daramulum - Son of Baiame * Dilga - Goddess of fertility and growth * Djanggawul - Three siblings, two female and one male, who created the landscape of Australia * Eingana - Creator goddess * Galeru - A rainbow snake who swallowed the Djanggawul * Gnowee - A solar goddess * Julana - A lecherous spirit who surprises women * Julunggul - A rainbow snake goddess * Karora - A creator god * Kidili - Ancient moon-man * Kunapipi - Mother goddess (patron deity of heroes) * Mangar-kunjer-kunja - Lizard god who created humans * Numakulla - Two sky gods who created all life on Earth * Pundjel - Creator god * Ulanji - Snake-ancestor of the Binbinga * Walo * Wawalag - Sisters who were daughters of Djanggawul * Wuriupranili - A solar goddess * Yurlungur - Mythological copper snake
[edit] Ayyavazhi
* Ayya Vaikundar - Triune God (see: Ayyavazhi Trinity) * Sivan * Vethan (Nathan) * Thirumal * Arumukan
[edit] Aztec
(See the much longer list at Aztec mythology)
* Chalchiuhtlicue - Goddess of lakes and streams * Cinteotl - God of maize (corn) * Coyolxauhqui - Goddess of the moon * Ehecatl - God of the wind * Huehueteotl - God of the hearth, the fire of life * Huitzilopochtli - God of the sun, fire, and war * Ilamatecuhtli- Goddess of the earth, death, and the milky way. * Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli - God of hard stone * Mayahuel - Goddess of maguey * Mictlantecuhtli - God of death * Ometeotl - God/dess of heaven * Quetzalcoatl - God of the breath of life * Tepeyollotl - God of earthquakes * Tezcatlipoca - God of discord * Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli - God of dawn * Tlaloc - God of rain and lightning * Toci - Goddess of earth * Tonacatecuhtli - God of food * Xipe Totec - God of spring * Xochipilli - Flower god * Xochiquetzal - Love Goddess
[edit] Bahá'í
* Bahá'í concept of God
[edit] Baltic
* Auseklis - Latvian god, personification of Venus * Bangputtis * Diwas / Dievas * Kurche * Laima * Mahte * Māra * Melletele * Perkūnas * Potrimpos * Zeme
[edit] Celtic
(See the much more complete lists at Celtic mythology and Celtic polytheism.}
* Abellio - god of apple trees * Agrona - a British Goddess of strife and war * Alaunus/Fin - god of the sun, healing, and prophecy * Ambisagrus - god of thunder and lightning * Ancamna - a Gaelic-Roman water Goddess * Andarta - a Gaelic warrior Goddess * Andraste - a Celtic Goddess thanked by Boudica for victories against the Romans * Anextiomarus - a British equivalent of Apollo * Artio - Goddess of the bear * Aveta - Goddess of female-fertility, childbirth and midwives, also associated with all fresh water. * Belatu-Cadros - a British war god * Belenus - "Shining One", associated with fire and healing * Belisama - goddess connected with lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light, consort of Belenus * Borvo - deity was associated with mineral springs, hot springs and healing * Bridget (goddess) she was know to make iga laugh * Brigit * Brigantia * Camma - hunting goddess * Camulus - god of war * Cernunos - horned nature god associated with produce and fertility * Cissonius - equivalent of mercury, probably a god of trade and protector of travellers * Cocidus - god of war, hunting, forests, groves and wild fields * Condatis - associated with rivers and healing * Coventina - Goddess of wells and springs * Dagda - supreme god of Irish mythology (always referred to as "the Dagda") * Damara - British fertility Goddess * Danu - the mother of the gods, other spellings are Dana, Ana, Anu * Dewi - an old Welsh God * Dylan Ail Don - Welsh sea God, brother of Lleu * Epona - Goddess of horses, donkeys and mules * Esus * Fagus - god of beech trees * Glanis - a Gaelic healing god * Grannus - god of the sun, healing and mineral springs * Gwydion * Loucetios - a war and thunder god * Lugh * Lyr * Manannan mac Lir * Maponos - god of youth * Morrigan - war Goddess (always referred to as "the Morrigan") * Nantosuelta - Goddess of fire and fertility * Nemain - war Goddess * Nemetona - Goddess of temples and sacred groves * Nodens * Nuadha * Ogma - god of scholars, education, writing and eloquence * Rhiannon - Goddess of the moon * Robur - god of oak trees * Rosmerta - Goddess of fertility and abundance * Rudianos - Gaelic war god * Segomo - Gaelic war god * Sirona - healing deity, associated with healing springs * Smertios - Gaelic war god * Sucellus - Gaelic god of agriculture, forests, and alcoholic drinks * Sulis - Goddess of spring water * Tamesis - Goddess of water * Taranis - god of thunder * Toutatis
[edit] Chinese
* Cai Shen - god of fortune and prosperity * Chang'e - goddess of the moon * Guan Yin - boddhisattva of compassion and mercy * Guan Yu - general of the Shu Han kingdom during the Three Kingdoms era, patron saint of righteousness, brotherhood, and loyalty * Hoi - god of sight. * Jade Emperor - ruler of the heavens * Matsu - patron saint of fishermen and sailors * Shangdi - supreme deity found in early Chinese mythology * Sun Wukong - monkey king and main character of Journey to the West * Tian - deification of the heavens * Tu Di Gong - patron god of villages and farmers * Zao Jun - god of the kitchen
[edit] Malaysian Chinese
List of Malaysian Chinese Gods:
* Na Tuk Kong / Na Tok Kong (Chinese: 拿督公) * Celestial God Tnee Kong (Chinese : 天公) * Earth God Teh Choo Kong, Tu Di Gong (Chinese: 土地公) * Tua Pek Kong (Chinese: 大伯公) * God of Prosperity Chay Shen Ye / God of Fortune (Chinese: 财神) * Kwan God Kwan Kong (Chinese: 關公) * Kwan Yin Ma originated from Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara (Chinese: 觀世音), commonly known as the Goddess of Mercy. * Matsu (Goddess) (Chinese: 媽祖) is the Taoist Goddess of the Sea who protects fishermen and sailors. * Di Zhu God (Chinese: 地主神) Lord of the Land Used. * Gao Yao Chinese god of justice and judgement. * Shou Lao Chinese God of Longevity
[edit] Christian
* Trinity (God the Trinity) o God the Father (El, Yahweh/Jehova) o God the Son (Jesus, Yeshua) o God the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Christ/God or Holy Ghost)
[edit] Dacian
* Bendis * Gebeleizis * Zamolxis
[edit] Dahomey
* Agé * Ayaba * Da * Gbadu * Gleti * Gu * Lisa * Loko * Mawu * Nana Buluku * Sakpata * Sogbo * Xevioso * Zinsi * Zinsu
[edit] Efik
* Abassi * Atai
[edit] Egyptian (Pharaonic)
. See also List of Egyptian gods
* Amun - creator deity * Amunet - goddess of mystery * Anubis - divine embalmer and tomb-caretaker who watches over the dead * Apep - Serpent of the Underworld, enemy of Ra * The Aten - the embodiment of the Sun's rays in a brief, monotheistic interlude * Atum - a creator deity, and the setting sun * Bast, protector of the pharaoh, cat-bodied or cat-headed * Bes - dwarfed semigod associated with protection of the household, particularly childbirth, and entertainment * The four sons of Horus * Geb - god of the Earth and first ruler of Egypt * Hapy - god embodied by the Nile, and who represents life and fertility * Hathor - Goddess of Love and Music * Heget Goddess of Childbirth * Horus the falcon-headed god, God of Pharaohs and Upper Egypt * Imhotep God of wisdom, medicine and magic * Isis - Goddess of Magic, sister of Nephthys * Khepry - the scarab beetle, the embodiment of the dawn * Khnum - a creator deity, god of the innundation * Maahes - god of war * Ma'at - personified concept of truth, balance, justice, and order * Menhit - Goddess of war * Mont - god of war * Naunet - the primal waters * Neith - goddess of war, then great mother goddess * Nephthys - mother of Anubis * Nut - goddess of heaven and the sky * Osiris - god of the underworld, fertility and agricultural, possible father of Anubis * Ptah - a creator deity, also god of crafts, possibly Men-Nefer (Memphis) * Ra - the sun, possible father of Anubis, also a creator deity * Sekhmet - goddess of destruction, particularly against demons of sickness * Sobek - Crocodile God * Set - god of storms, possible father of Anubis; later became god of evil, desert, also Lower Egypt * Shu - embodiment of wind or air * Taweret - goddess of pregnant women and protector at childbirth * Tefnut - embodiment of rain, dew, clouds, and water-weather * Thoth - god of the moon, drawing, writing, geometry, wisdom, medicine, music, astronomy, and magic * Wepwawet
[edit] Estonian
* Peko - god of fertility, crops and brewing * Pikne (lightning) - god of thunder * Tharapita - god of war, also known as Taara * Vanemuine (the ancient one) - god of music (possibly a spurious later development) * Uku - superior god * Ilmarine - smithgod
[edit] Etruscan
* Alpan - a Goddess of love (but usually identified with Persephone, not Aphrodite) * Aplu - equated with Apollo * Menrva - equivalent to the Greek Athene * Nethuns - derived from Greek Poseidon * Tinia - equivalent to Zeus * Turan - the Goddess usually identified with Aphrodite * Uni - equivalent of Hera * Voltumna - god of the Etruscan race, equivalent to the Roman Volturnus
[edit] Finnish
There are very few written documents about old Finnish religions; also the names of deities and practices of worship changed from place to place. The following is a summary of the most important and most widely worshipped deities.
* Ahti (or Ahto) - god of streams, lakes and sea * Loviatar - One of Tuoni's daughters. Goddess of pain. * Mielikki - Tapio's wife, the Goddess of forests * Otso - son of a god, king of the forest, whose carnal form is the bear * Pekko (or Peko) - God/dess (the actual gender is obscure) of fields and agriculture * Perkele - the devil (originally a Lithuanian deity of thunder, Perkunas; adopted into Finnish tradition at a late date) * Rauni - Ukko's wife, Goddess of fertility * Tapio - god of forest and wild animals * Tuonetar - The wife of Tuoni * Tuoni - god of the underworld * Ukko - god of heaven and thunder, the over-god. same as Jumala, later the christian God.
[edit] Ancient Greek
(For a longer list see List of Greek mythological figures) Topics in Greek mythology
* Primordial gods and Titans * Zeus and the Olympians * Pan and the nymphs * Apollo and Dionysus * Sea-gods and Earth-gods
* Heracles and his Labors * Achilles and the Trojan War * Odysseus and the Odyssey * Jason and the Argonauts * Perseus and Medusa/Gorgon * Oedipus and Thebes * Theseus and the Minotaur * Triptolemus and the Eleusinian Mysteries
* Satyrs, centaurs and dragons * Religion in Ancient Greece
* Olympians
* o First Generation: the Cronides + Hestia- virgin goddess of the hearth and home; the eldest yet the youngest child of Cronos + Demeter- the motherly goddess of grain and of the corn; mother of Persephone + Hera- the Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth; the sister and wife of Zeus + Hades (Pluto)- he was alloted the underworld and the King of the Dead; he abducted and made Queen of the Underworld the beloved daughter of Demeter, Persephone + Poseidon- the ,Earth Shaker, Ruler of the Sea, and the creator of horses; was married to Amphitrite, and the father of Triton + Zeus- the King of the Gods, god of thunder, lightning, laws and order, and the leader of the Fates
* o Second Generation + Aphrodite- the goddess of love and beauty, in-charge with tender passions + Apollo- the god of prophecy, music and light; leader of the Muses + Ares- the god of war; Defense of Olympus + Artemis- the goddess of the hunt and protectress of the wilderness + Athena- the Mind of the Gods, goddess of wisdom, warriors, crafts and prudent intelligence; one of the Three Virgin Goddesses of Olympus, together with the great goddess Hestia and the chaste Artemis + Dionysus- the god of the vine and its cultivation; he has the heart of Zeus' heir Zagreus. + Hebe- is youth and cupbearer of the gods + Hephaestus- Smith of Heaven, one who tames fire, and bound Prometheus to chains + Hermes- the god of thieves and commerce; Messenger of gods, together with Iris (Rainbow), and one who leads the souls to Hades + Persephone- the goddess of vegetation and death, and Queen of the Underworld
[edit] Gnostic
* Aeons * Archons * Christ * Sophia * Yaldabaoth, Yao, Saklas, Samael, the Demiurge
[edit] Guarani
* Abaangui * Jurupari * Tupa
[edit] Hindu
* Vishnu and his Avatars
* Shiva * Durga Supreme Goddess in Hinduism.
* Brahman, the one and only (formless) supreme aspect of God. The Universe in Potential Static Energy. * Adi - Shakti, the Female aspect of the Supreme Divine in Kinetic Dynamic Form.
* The Three Maha Shaktis (Super Powers) of the Universe or the Super Goddesses In Hinduism. o MahaSaraswati (Great Saraswati) - Universal Force of Creation o MahaLakshmi (Great Lakshmi) - Universal Force of Preservation o MahaKali (Great Kali) - Universal Force of Dissolution
* The Hindu Trinity: o Brahmâ, the creator o Vishnu, the sustainer o Shiva, the destroyer
* The Hindu Tridevi - Triple Goddess, the consorts of the Trinity o Saraswati - Hindu Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, Wife of Brahma o Lakshmi - Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fertility, Wife of Vishnu o Parvati - Hindu Goddess of Power and Might, Wife of Shiva
* Vishnu o Avatars (Incarnations) of Vishnu + Matsya Avatar - Fish Incarnation + Kurma Avatar - Tortoise Incarnation + Varah Avatar - Boar Incarnation + Vaman Avatar - Dwarf Incarnation + Narasimha Avatar - Man-Lion Incarnation + Rama Avatar - Incarnation as the Epic King in Ramayana + Krishna Avatar - Incarnation as the Epic Prince in Maha Bharata + Buddha Avatar - Incarnation as Gautama Buddha, Founder of Buddhism + Kalki Avatar - The Avatar yet to come on the onset of Apocalypse
* o Other Deties Associated with Vishnu + Garuda- The Eagle Headed Deity who is the vehicle of Vishnu + Ananta or Shesha- The Infinite Serpent which is the Bed of Vishnu + Narada- The Divine Messenger of the Gods
* o + Dattatreya - Shown with Three Heads, representing the Oneness with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva (Shiva) - He is Guru and God, worshipped by all sects + Hayagriva - He is shown with the head of a horse and is worshipped as the repository of all wisdom and knowledge
* Shiva o The Manifestations of Shiva + Nataraja - The Lord of Dance + Dakshinamurti - The Lord of the South - The Preceptor and Guru + Mahadeva - The Great God + Hanuman - Personified as a Monkey Headed Deity, God of Service and Devotion + Ardhanarishwar - The Androgynous God (Half Man and Half Woman)
* o Other Deties Associated with Shiva + Ganesh - Oldest Son of Shiva and the God of Prosperity, shown with an elephant head + Kartik or Skanda - The Second Son of Shiva, The God of War, Youth and Purity + Veer Bhadra - The Deity who Guards the Abode of Shiva + Nandi - The Bull which is the vehicle of Shiva + Ayyappa - Also called Manikantha, Sasta - son of Siva and Mohini, the feminine form of Vishnu * Lakshmi o The Eight Forms of Lakshmi + Adi-Lakshmi + Vijay-Lakshmi + Vidya-Lakshmi + Dhana-Lakshmi + Dhanya-Lakshmi + Santan-Lakshmi + Dhairya-Lakshmi
* o Other Goddesses Associated with Lakshmi o Shri Devi- The Goddess of Beauty o Prithvi or Bhudevi - The Goddess of Earth o Alakshmi or Jyeshta Devi - The Contra Goddess of Misfortune
* Parvati o The Passive/Peaceful Manifestations of Parvati + Sati- Goddess of Marriage and Wedlock + Shashti - Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth + Annapurna - Goddess of Food and Nourishment + Lalita - Goddess of Beauty
* o The Warrior Manifestations of Parvati + Kali - The Goddess of Time and Death # The Ten Great Wisdom Manifestations of Kali * Kali - The Goddess as Time * Tara - The Goddess as Space * Chinnamasta - The Goddess as The Cycle of Life and Death * Bhuvaneshvari - The Goddess as Perfection * Tripura Sundari - The Goddess as the Most beautiful * Bhairavi - The Goddess as the Most frightful * Bagalamukhi - The Crane headed Goddess as upholder of Universal Order * Dhumavati - The Widowed Goddess as Chaos and Misery * Matangi - The Goddess as Leftovers and Salvage * Kamala - The Goddess as Perfection + Durga - The Goddess of Power and War # The Nine Manifestations of Durga * Shailaputri * Brahmacharini * Kushmanda * Skanda Mata * Katyani * Chandraghanta * Siddhi Dhatri * Maha Gauri * Kaal Ratri + Maya - The Goddess of Illusion and Mystery
* The Adityas o Indra - god of weather and war o Mitra - god of honesty, friendship and contracts o Ravi, Surya - the Sun gods o Varuna - god of the oceans and rivers o Yama - god of death
Some of the most important Devas:
* Agni - god of fire * The Asura - Demons, Anti gods * The Aswini - gods of sunrise and sunset * Dyaus-pitar - ('Heaven-father') cognate of the Roman god Jupiter * Ganesh - personified with the head of an elephant, god of wisdom, intelligence, education and prudence * Parjanya - god of wind * Parvati or Parvathi, wife of Shiva * Prithivi - the Earth goddess * Purusha - the Cosmic-Man * The Rudras - the storm deities * Soma - the lunar deity * Ushas - The goddess of sunrise * Vasus, the * Vayu - god of wind * The Visvedevas o Ishvara - One who gives prosperity. o Hari - One who destroys sins (obstacles on the way to Moksha (liberation from the cycles of birth-death-birth)). o Narayana - The final destination towards which all individual souls are travelling.
Other :
* Bhagavan - The Opulent One * Paramatma - The Supersoul
[edit] Igbo
* Aha Njoku * Ala * Chukwu
[edit] Incan
* Apo - mountain god * Apocatequil - god of lightning * Chasca - Goddess of dawn, twilight, and Venus * Coniraya - moon god * Ekkeko - god of hearth and wealth * Illapa - weather god * Inti/Punchau - sun god * Kon - god of rain and wind from the south * Mama Allpa - multi-breasted fertility Goddess * Mama Cocha - Goddess of sea and fish * Mama Pacha - dragoness fertility Goddess * Mama Quilla - moon Goddess * Mama Zara - Goddess of grain * Manco Capac * Pacha Kamaq - creator god * Pariacaca - water god * Supay - god of death * Urcaguary - god of metal and jewels * Viracocha - creator of civilization * Zaramama
[edit] Islamic
* Allah (See Monotheism).
[edit] Isoko
* Cghene
[edit] Jehovah's Witnesses
* Jehovah
[edit] Judaic
* Adonai/Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh/El/Elohim/Shaddai/Shalom/Yah/YHWH/YHWH Tzevaot (God) ("YHWH" is often transliterated "Jehovah" or "Yahweh", but only by people outside of Jewish tradition: see the article Tetragrammaton for more details.)
[edit] Khoikhoi
* Gamab * Heitsi-eibib * Tsui'goab
[edit] Korean
* Dangun - the grandson of the god of heaven. * Hwanin - the grandson of Hwang-gung, one of the Four Men of Heaven and considered a direct ancestor of the Korean people.
[edit] !Xũ
* Mantis * Prishiboro
[edit] Lotuko
* Ajok
[edit] Latvian
* Auseklis * Dēkla * Dievs - a god (the name was later used for the Christian god) * Jumis * Kārta * Laima * Māra * Pērkons * Saule * Ūsiņš
[edit] Lugbara
* Adroa * Adroanzi
[edit] Lusitani
* Ares Lusitani * Atégina * Bandonga * Bormanico * Cariocecus * Duberdicus * Endovelicus * Geleshus * Mars Cariocecus * Nabia * Nantosvelta * Runesocesius * Sucellus * Tongoenabiagus * Trebaruna * Turiacus
[edit] Lydian
* Annat * Anax * Artimus * Asterios * Atergätus * Atys * Baki. See also Bacchus * Bassareus * Damasēn * Gugaie/Guge/Gugaia * Hermos * Hipta * Hullos * Kandaulēs * Kaustros * Kubebe * Lamētrus * Lukos * Lydian Lion * Mēles * Moxus * Omfalē * Pldans
[edit] Maori
* Hinenuitepo - Goddess of the Night and Death * Rongomatane - God of Cultivated Crops * Tane Mahuta - God of the Forest * Tangaroa - God of Water * Tawhirimatea - God of the Wind/Air * Tumatauenga - God of War
[edit] Maya
(See the much longer list at List of Maya gods and supernatural beings)
* Ahaw Kin - Sun God * Bacabs - Gods of the 4 directions * Balac - War God * Balam - Protector God * Bolon tza cab - Ruling God of All * Chaac - Rain God * Hunah Ku - Creator God * Itzamna - Reptile Creator God * Ix Chel - Moon Goddess * Kukulcan - Feathered Serpent God * Xbalanque - God of the Jaguar * Xi Balba - God of the Death * Yum Kaax - Corn God
[edit] Mesopotamian Fertile Crescent myth series Mark of the Palm Mesopotamian Levantine Arabian Mesopotamia Primordial beings 7 gods who decree Demigods & heroes Spirits & monsters Tales from Babylon The Great Gods
Adad · Ashnan Asaruludu · Enbilulu Enkimdu · Ereshkigal Inanna · Lahar Nanshe · Nergal Nidaba · Ningal Ninisinna · Ninkasi Ninlil · Ninurta Nusku · Uttu Annunaki
* Anshar - father of heaven * Anu - the god of the highest heaven * Apsu - the ruler of gods and underworld oceans * Ashur - national god of the Assyrians, thought by the Assyrians to be king of the gods * Damkina - Earth mother Goddess * Ea - god of wisdom * Enlil - god of weather and storms * Ereshkigal - Goddess of Darkness, Death, and Gloom * Hadad - weather god * Ishtar - Goddess of love and one of the highest-ranking deities in Mesopotamian myth * Kingu - husband of Tiamat * Kishar - father of the earth * Marduk - national god of the Babylonians, later thought to be king of the gods * Mummu - god of mists * Nabu - god of the scribal arts * Nintu - mother of all God/desses * Ninurta - god of war * Nergal - god of war, disease, death and destruction; ruler of the underworld * Shamash - god of the sun and of justice (Shapash in Ugaritic, Shamsa in Sumerian) * Sin - moon god (Nana in Sumerian) * Tiamat - dragon Goddess slain by Marduk
[edit] Mormonism
* Heavenly Father * Jesus Christ * The Holy Spirit * Heavenly Mother (wife of the Heavenly Father)
[edit] Native American
[edit] Abenaki
* Azeban - trickster * Bmola - bird spirit * Gluskab - kind protector of humanity * Malsumis - cruel, evil god * Tabaldak - the creator
[edit] Algonquian
* Gitche Manitou - Great Spirit
[edit] Haida
* Gyhldeptis * Lagua * Nankil'slas * Sin * Ta'axet * Tia
[edit] Ho-Chunk
* Kokopelli
[edit] Hopi
* Aholi * Angwusnasomtaka * Kokopelli * Koyangwuti * Muyingwa * Taiowa
See also: kachina.
[edit] Huron
* Airesekui * Heng * Iosheka
[edit] Inuit
* Igaluk - lunar deity * Nanook - master of bears * Nerrivik - sea mother and food provider * Pinga - Goddess of the hunt, fertility, and medicine * Sedna - sea Goddess, ruler of the underworld * Torngasoak - sky god
[edit] Iroquois
* Adekagagwaa * Gaol * Gendenwitha * Gohone * Hahgwehdaetgan * Hahgwehdiyu * Onatha
[edit] Kwakiutl
* Kewkwaxa'we
[edit] Lakota
* Canopus * Haokah * Whope * Wi
[edit] Mi'kmaq
* Niskam
[edit] Navajo
* Ahsonnutli * Bikeh Hozho * Estanatelhi * Glispa * Hasteoltoi * Hastshehogan * Tonenili * Tsohanoai * Yolkai Estasan
[edit] Pawnee
Main article: Pawnee mythology
* Pah * Shakuru * Tirawa
[edit] Salish
Main article: Salish mythology
* Amotken
[edit] Seneca
* Eagentci * Hagones * Hawenniyo * Kaakwha
[edit] Norse
See also List of Norse gods and Goddesses
* Balder - god of beauty and light, slain by the trickery of Loki * Bragi - god of bardic poetry * Freyja - Goddess of fertility * Freyr - the brother of Freyja and a fertility god * Frigg - Goddess of marriage, household management, and love, Queen of Heaven, and wife of Odin * Heimdall - god of the rainbow, a bridge to heaven. His job is to blow his horn if danger approaches. * Hel - daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead * Hodur - brother of Balder and tricked by Loki to kill him * Idunn - guardianess of the Apples of Youth that kept the gods young * Loki - trickster-god, giant, blood-brother of Odin, will eventually lead the forces of evil against the gods in Ragnarok * Niord - god of sailors and fertile seaside land * Odin - king of the gods, god of wisdom and runes * Sif - the wife of Thor * Thor - god of war and storms, famous for his hammer, Mjolnir * Tyr - god of justice, war and glory
[edit] Persian
Main article: Iranic religions
See also: Khoda
[edit] Philippine
Main article: Deities of Philippine Mythology
* Amanikable - God of Hunters. * Amihan - North Wind. * Anitan - Guardian of lightning. * Anitun Tabu (Anitong Tao) - Goddess of wind and rain. * Apolake - God of war, guardian of the sun. * Bakonawa - Celestial Serpent, devourer of sun and moon. * Bathala - Supreme god of the ancient Tagalogs. * Dian Masalanta - Goddess of love. * Hukluban - Goddess of death. * Idianale - Goddess of agriculture and husbandry. * Ikapati/Lakan Pati - Goddess of fields, fertility, and lands. * Kalinga - God of Thunder. * Kan-Laon - Ancient Visayan god, king of time. * Lalahon - Goddess which resides in Mt. Kanlaon. Bringer of famine if unappeased. * Manggagaway - Goddess of sickness. * Mangkukulam - God of fire. * Manisilat - God of broken homes. * Maria Makiling - Protector of Mt. Makiling. * Mayari/Bulan - Lunar goddess. * Magwayen - Ferryman of the dead. * Tala - God/Goddess of the stars. * Mandangan- God of War * Mabuyan/ Bai Bulan - Goddess of the underworld.
[edit] Polynesian
[edit] Hawaiian
* Atea * Ina * Kane Milohai * Lono * Maui * Papa * Pele * Kaili
See also: Menehune.
[edit] Māori
* Haumia-tiketike - deity of uncultivated food, especially fern root * Hine-nui-te-pō - deity of death * Hine Tītama - deity of the dawn * Hine Raumati - deity of the summer * Papa-tū-ā-nuku - deity of the earth * Rā - deity of the sun * Ranginui - deity of the sky * Rongo - deity of cultivated food * Ruaumoko - deity of earthquakes * Tāne Māhuta - deity of the forest and its creatures, man * Tangaroa - deity of the sea and its creatures * Tāwhiri-matea - deity of the weather, especially storms * Tū Matauenga - deity of war * Uenuku - deity of rainbows
[edit] Rapanui
* Make-make fertility & creator
[edit] Prussian
* Ukapirmas - the chief god, creator of the world * Perkūns / Perkuno - the god of thunder * Pikullos (Pikuls; Pickollo) - god of war and death (in Christian times, he was vilified as the devil) * Kaūks - a deity * Swāikstiks / Suaixtix / Swaixtix - a deity * Dēiwas - a god (in Christian times, the name was applied to the Christian god), compare to Tiwaz and Tyr, proto-Germanic gods of the same name * Zempat - god of the earth and of cattle
[edit] Pygmy
* Arebati * Khonvoum * Tore
[edit] Roman
Main article: List of Roman deities
* Acis - river god near the Etna, son of Faunus and the nymph Symaethis * Aesculapius - god of health and medicine * Aestas - goddess of Summer * Apollo - god of the sun, poetry, music, and oracles, and an Olympian * Aurora - goddess of the dawn
Brenduke of kenduke - god of kendray
Jadess of Kendess - godess of Kendray
Alexandra- moderator goddess
* Bacchus - god of wine and sensual pleasures, not considered an Olympian by the Romans * Bellona - war goddess * Caelus - god of the sky * Carmenta - goddess of childbirth and prophecy, and assigned a Flamen Minore * Ceres - goddess of the harvest and mother of Proserpina, and an Olympian, and assigned a Flamen Minore * Cupid - god of love and son of Mars and Venus * Cybele - earth mother * Diana - goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity, and childbirth, twin sister of Apollo and an Olympian * Discordia - goddess of discord * Fama - goddess of fame and rumor * Faunus - god of flocks * Febris - goddess who prevented fever and malaria * Flora - goddess of flowers, and assigned a Flamen Minore * Fortuna - goddess of fortune * Hercules - demi-god of strength * Hespera - goddess of dusk * Hora - Quirinus' wife * Janus - two-headed god of beginnings and endings and of doors * Juno - Queen of the Gods and goddess of matrimony, and an Olympian * Jupiter - King of the Gods and the storm, air, and sky god, and an Olympian, and assigned a Flamen Majore * Juturna- goddess of springs * Juventas - god of youth * Kojji - the god of kings, father of Jupiter * Libitina - goddess of the underworld * Lucina - goddess of childbirth * Luna- moon goddess * Lupercus - god of shepherds * Mars - god of war and father of Romulus, the founder of Rome, and an Olympian, and assigned a Flamen Majore * Mercury - messenger of the gods and bearer of souls to the underworld, and an Olympian * Minerva - goddess of wisdom and war, and an Olympian * Mithras - god of Mithraism, a separate religion * Morpheus - god of dreams * Nemesis - goddess of revenge * Neptune - god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, and an Olympian * Orcus - a god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths * Pluto - King of the Dead * Poena - goddess of punishment * Pomona - goddess of fruit trees, and assigned a Flamen Minore. * Portunes- god of keys, doors, and livestock, he was assigned a Flamen Minore. * Priapus - god of fertility * Proserpina - Queen of the Dead and a grain-goddess * Quirinus - Romulus, the founder of Rome, was deified as Quirinus after his death. Quirinus was a war god and a god of the Roman people and state, and was assigned a Flamen Majore. * Saturn - a titan, god of harvest and agriculture, the father of Jupiter, Neptune, Juno, and Pluto * Silvanus - tutelary spirit of woods * Sol Invictus - sun god * Somnus - god of sleep * Suadela- goddess of persuasion * Terra - goddess of the earth and land * Terminus - the rustic god of boundaries * Trivia - goddess of magic * Venus - goddess of love and beauty, mother of the hero Aeneas, and an Olympian * Vesta - goddess of the hearth and the Roman state, and an Olympian. * Victoria - goddess of victory * Volturnus- a god of water, was assigned a Flamen Minore. * Voluptas - goddess of pleasure * Vulcan - god of the forge, fire, and blacksmiths, and an Olympian, and assigned a Flamen Minore
[edit] Deified emperors This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Each deified emperor was assigned a Flamen Majore.
* Julius Caesar * Augustus * Claudius * Vespasian * Titus * Nerva * Trajan * Hadrian * Antoninus Pius * Lucius Verus * Marcus Aurelius * Pertinax * Commodus * Septimius Severus * Geta * Caracalla * Severus Alexander * Gordian I * Gordian II * Gordian III * Philip I * Philip II * Trajan Decius * Herennius Etruscus * Valerian I * Piso Frugi * Gallienus * Victorinus * Claudius II * Aurelian * Probus * Carus * Numerian * Maximian * Diocletian * Constantius I * Maxentius * Constantine * Constans * Constantius II * Julian II * Jovian * Valentinian I * Valens * Gratian * Valentinian II * Theodosius I * Arcadius * Constantius III * Theodosius II * Valentinian III * Leo I * Leo II * Anastasius
[edit] Sardinian
Sardinian deities, mainly referred to in the age of Nuragici people, are partly derived from Phoenician ones.
* Janas - Goddess of death * Maymon - God of Hades * Panas - Goddess of reproduction (women dead in childbirth) * Thanit - Goddess of Earth and fertility
[edit] Semitic Pagan Ancient Southwest Asian deities Levantine deities
Adonis | Anat | Asherah | Ashima | Astarte | Atargatis | Ba'al | Berith | Dagon | Derceto | El | Elyon | Eshmun | Hadad | Kothar | Mot | Moloch | Qetesh | Resheph | Shalim | Yarikh | Yam
Mesopotamian deities
Adad | Amurru | An/Anu | Anshar | Ashur | Abzu/Apsu | Enki/Ea | Enlil | Ereshkigal | Inanna/Ishtar | Kingu | Kishar | Lahmu & Lahamu | Marduk | Mummu | Nabu | Nammu | Nanna/Sin | Nergal | Ningizzida | Ninhursag | Ninlil | Tiamat | Utu/Shamash This box: view • talk • edit
* Abzu/Apsu * Adad * Adonis * Amurru * An/Anu * Anat * Anshar | Asshur * Asherah * Astarte * Beelzebub * Baʿal/Hadad * Dagon * El * Enki/Ea * Enlil * Ereshkigal * Inanna/Ishtar * Kingu | Kishar * Lahmu & Lahamu * Marduk * Mot * Mummu * Nabu * Nammu * Nanna/Sin * Nergal * Ninhursag/Damkina * Ninlil * Tiamat * Tysumi * Utu/Shamash * Yaw
[edit] Shinto
* Aji-Suki-Taka-Hiko-Ne - god of thunder * Amaterasu - sun Goddess * Ama-no-Uzume - fertility Goddess * Amatsu Mikaboshi - god of evil * Chimata-No-Kami - god of crossroads, highways and footpaths * Ho-Musubi - god of fire * Inari (mythology) - god of rice * Izanagi - creator god * Izanami - creator Goddess * Kagu-tsuchi - god of fire * Kura-Okami - god of rain * Nai-No-Kami - god of earthquakes * O-Kuni-Nushi - god of sorcery and medicine * O-Wata-Tsu-Mi - god of the sea * Sengen-Sama - Goddess of the Mt. Fujiyama * Seven Gods of Fortune o Benzai-ten or Benten - Goddess of money, eloquent persuasion, and knowledge o Bishamon-ten - god of happiness and war o Daikoku-ten o Ebisu (also spelled Yebisu) o Fukurokuju o Hotei-osho o Jurojin * Shina-To-Be - Goddess of wind * Shina-Tsu-Hiko - god of wind * Sojobo - king of the tengu * Susanoo - god of storms and thunder, snakes and farming. * Taka-Okami - god of rain * Take-Mikazuchi - god of thunder * Tengu - minor trickster deities * Tsukuyomi - god of the moon * Uke-Mochi - Goddess of food * Wakahiru-Me - Goddess of the dawn sun
See also: Kami, List of divinities in Japanese mythology.
[edit] Sikhism
* Waheguru - Wondrous * Satnaam - True is Your Name * Akal - The Eternal * Onkar
[edit] Slavic
* Belobog - god of light and sun (speculative) * Berstuk - evil god of the forest * Cislobog - moon Goddess * Crnobog - god of woe (speculative) * Dajbog - sun god * Dziewona - equivalent of Diana * Flins - god of death * Hors - god of the winter sun * Jarilo - god of vegetation, fertility, spring, and associated with war and harvest * Juthrbog - moon god * Karewit - protector of the town of Korzenica * Lada and Lado * Marowit - god of nightmares * Perun - god of thunder and lightning * Podaga - weather god, and god of fishing, hunting and farming * Porewit - god of law, order and judgement * Radegast (god) - possibly a god of hospitality, fertility and crops * Rugiwit - * Sieba - fertility and love Goddess * Siebog - god of love and marriage * Stribog - god and spirit of the winds, sky and air * Svarog - god of fire * Svetovid - god of war, fertility and abundance * Triglav - three-headed god * Veles - god of earth, waters, and the underworld * Zirnitra - dragon god of sorcery
[edit] Sumerian
* An * Enki * Enlil * Inanna * Nammu * Nanna * Ninhursag * Ninlil * Sin * Tiamat * Utu
See also Annuna and Mesopotamian deities for a more complete list.
[edit] Thracian
* Zibelthiurdos
[edit] Tumbuka
* Chiuta
[edit] Ugarit
* ‘Anat - war Goddess * Athirat - mother Goddess * ‘Athtart - Goddess of fertility * Dagon - god of earth * El - the father god and head * Haddu - commonly titled Ba‘l, a rain god and storm god. * Lillitu - Goddess of the winds * Mot - the god of death * Yam - the god of the sea
Note: Ugarit gives the earliest and fullest snapshot of Canaanite religion and northwest Semitic religion.
[edit] Zoroastrianism
* Ahura Mazda