Veiled Star of Fortune

From Gameresource


[edit] Backstory

Pepper Merchant whose desire to learn the secrets of the Strange White Pepper has lead him to learn much kung fu, that he might plumb the depths of the ruins in search of the secrets.

[edit] Info

Name: Veiled Star of Fortune
Caste: Eclipse Anima: Peppercorns with various words on them
Motivation: Gain Kung Fu enough to enter the ruins that have the secret of the Strange White Pepper
Intimacies: Love of new foods, his workers.

Age: 30 something, he forgets.
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Prematurely Greying Black
Eyes: Brown

Description: Thin man in rather pedestrian garb with a manic look in his eyes. Usually can be found trying to find new foods to eat. Preferably with others.

[edit] Attributes

Strength ••
Dexterity •••
Stamina ••

Charisma •••
Manipulation ••••
Appearance ••••

Perception •••
Intelligence •••
Wits •••

[edit] Abilities

(F) Martial Arts ••••
War •

Integrity ••••
Performance ••
(F) Resistance •••
Survival •

(F)Craft(Wood) •••
(F)Lore ••
Medicine •
Occult •

Athletics ••
Awareness ••
(F)Dodge •••

Bureaucracy ••••
Linguistics ••
Socialize •••

Craft: Wood (Peppers) ••

[edit] Advantages

Artifact- Hearthstone Bracers ••
Resources ••••
Manse-Windhands Stone •••
Influence •
Contacts- Guild Merchant •

Compassion ••
Conviction •••
Valor ••
Temperance •••

(•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Health Levels
0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Inc [ ]
Dying [ ][ ]

Permanent •••
Personal 15 ()
Peripheral 37 (33)
Committed 4

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Great Curse
Heart of Flint

[edit] Charms

Second MA, Integrity, Resistance, Bureaucracy
Ox-body Technique(1x-1, 2x-2), Durability of Oak Concentration, Iron Skin Concentration
Fists of Iron Technique, Knockout Blow, Solar Hero Form, Dragon Coil Technique, Sledgehammer Fist Punch

[edit] Combos

[edit] Artifacts and Hearthstones

Hearthstone Bracers (Orichalcum) (+3 dodge dice, +2 damage)
Windhands Stone

[edit] Combat stats

Join Battle
Join Battle: 5

Natural: 2B / 1L / 0A
Armor: 8B / 5L / 5A
Total: 10B / 6L / 5A

Dodge DV: 4 (6)
Dodge MDV: 6


  • Punch: Speed 5, Acc 8, Damage 4B, Def 5, Rate 3, Tags N
  • Kick: Speed 5, Hit 7, Damage 7B, Def 3, Rate 2, Tags N
  • Clinch: Speed 5, Hit 7, Damage 4B, Parry NA, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P

[edit] Notes

Probably fine with being called Mr. Pepper. Or even just Pepper. But that second one only if you know him well.

[edit] Experience Progression

Total XP: 30

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