Rhazimandarius, once called The Great

From Gameresource


[edit] Basic Character Information

Name: Rhazimandarius the Great
Player: Svad
Caste: Twilight
Concept: Wandering Mystic Crafter
Motivation:Protect the South from Tyranny

[edit] Attributes and Abilities

[edit] Attributes

Physical: Strength: 3 Dexterity: 4 Stamina: 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

[edit] Abilities

Caste: Craft: 5, Investigation: 1, Lore: 5, Medicine: 2, Occult: 5
Favored: Burecracy: 3 Martial Arts 5, Resistence: 5, War: 4, Archery:3
Others: Linguistics: 1, Awareness: 1, Integrity: 1, Presence: 2, Sail: 2, Survival: 2

[edit] Advantages

Willpower: ******

[edit] Flaws

Wanted: 3 (Defying the Perfect)

[edit] Virtues





[edit] Backgrounds

Resources: *****
Followers: **
Artifact: ****
Manse: ***
Manse: ***

[edit] Charms And Colleges

[edit] Charms

  • Martial Arts
      • Righteous Devil Style
      • Kiss Of The Sun Concentration
      • Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique
      • Lighting Draw Stance
      • Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation
      • Cloud of Ebon Devils
      • Righteous Devil Form
      • Phoenix Flies On Golden Wings Attack
      • Azure Abbacus Meditation
      • Twin Salamander Fist
      • Dance of Howling Magma Sprites
      • Phantom Flamebolt Prana
      • Caress of a Thousand Hells
  • Occult
      • Enchantment Mastery
      • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
      • Lesser Golem
      • Manifestation of Vigorous Design
      • Second Occult Excellency
  • Craft
      • Second Craft Excellency
      • Object Strengthing Touch
  • Reisistance
      • Durability of Oak Meditation
      • Iron Skin Concentration
  • Lore
      • Chaos Repelling Pattern
  • War
      • Second War Excellency
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