Custom Artifacts for Celestial Guns

From Gameresource

Spiral-Fire Personal Cannon
Artifact •• Projectile Weapon
Less common in this fallen era than the officer's choice of a Plasma Tongue Repeater, or the sheerly destructive personal Fuel Bolt Launcher, the Spiral-Fire Personal Cannon (also referred to as the Kirighast Variant Fuel Bolt Launcher, for the area it was rediscovered in) is a weapon built with marksmen in mind. While the ammunition system is largely the same as that found in the Plasma Tongue Repeater, it's unique, four-action firing system is what separates it's performance.
The system, as opposed to the front breechloaders of standard Firewands, is located at the back, and operated by a bolt lever. The bolt is pushed foreward, the breech is opened, the gas of the previous round is vented (rather than burning and warping the barrel's customized grooving), and the new ammunition (either a pellet of alchemical firewand fuel or a flame pearl) can be placed within. The bolt is swung back and locked, and the breech is closed. The gun itself uses a much more gentle projection system, and the ignited pellet itself is shot, as opposed to a spray of fire. The pellet will eventually explode, either at impact or usually within the last tenth of it's range, as a ball of fire.
The weapon was originally built in Red Jade, but since has been found remade in practically every Magical Material type known to Creation. A mortal version is still forthcoming; so far none have lasted beyond a few experimental shots without exploding or warping so severely as to be unsafe to use. The weapon is typically somewhere between just under four feet and and somewhere over six, depending on personal construct. They are not ambidextrous weapons; the bolt action is built in either on the left or right side, and attempts to use one not meant for your hand orientation evoke the standard -2 penalty.

Attunement: N/A
Fired: Speed: 6, Accuracy: +2, Damage: 10L, Rate: 1, Range: 200, Ammo: 1, Tags: Flame Type, Two-Handed
As A Club: Speed: 5, Accuracy: -1, Damage: +4B, Defense: +0, Rate 2, Tags: Improvised 

Artifact •• Gossamer Firedust Box

Capagnida is a box with six removable compartments each meant to hold one charge of firedust or gunpowder, seemingly made of clear glass. The glass of each compartment is filled with liquid fire drawn from one of the fire lakes commonly seen in the Deep Southern Wylds; green, blue, white, red, black and yellow. The owner places enough powder for a single charge into any one of the compartments, then spends a mote to charge the dust with the essence of the liquid flame. When the firedust is used, it has the same effects as the liquid flame it was charged with; for example, firedust charged with the green fire would only damage and burn metal, leaving human flesh untouched. The larger box has a socket to place a hearthstone.

Artifact •• Projectile Weapon

Designed as a more practical and longer-ranged alternative to Flamewands, the Steelcaster design uses enchantment and alchemical powders easily made by even the most amateur thaumaturge to hurl bits of metal at amazing speed, ripping large holes in whatever stands in their way. There are three basic varieties of Steelcasters. The Tornado Caster is a single-handed pistol that carries six rounds in a rotating chamber, the Krieggewehr, a two-handed rifle designed for longer ranges with a slower rate of fire and the Stormshooter, a double-barreled weapon that fires clouds of smaller ammunition to cause heavy destruction.

Using a Steelcaster requires an alchemical explosive powder which can be purchased (or made) as a Resources 1 item. Each purchase is generally enough to last a month. The physical structure of the weapons also requires weekly maintenance by a person with at least Archery 2 and Crafts 1. All three varieties of Steelcaster are level 2 Artifacts. Please note that these weapons are intended to be customized with various powers, not simply used as stock items. No one ever saved the day with stock items or stock freighters.

Tornado Caster: Speed 5 | Acc +3 | Damage 8L | Rate 6 | Range 100 | Committment 5 
Krieggewehr: Speed 5 | Acc +5 | Damage 10L | Rate 4 | Range 200 | Committment 5 
Stormshooter: Speed 5 | Acc +0 | Damage 20L | Rate 2 | Range 20 | Committment 5 

NB: This was actually designed by Telgar and can be located on the ExaltedWiki through his page; I merely posted it here for ease of access. - QSF

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