Raha Muren
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Basic Character Information
Name: Raha Muren
Caste: Chosen of Serenity
Concept: Orphan "brought into the fold."
Motivation: Make Creation safe and peaceful again.
Anima: A soft halo of blue light
Attributes and Abilities
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 5
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Caste: Craft 4, Dodge 3, Linguistics 2, Performance 3, Socialize 4
Favored: Integrity 2, Martial Arts 4, Medicine 3, Occult 2
Other: Athletics 2, Melee 1, Lore 3, Stealth 1, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 2, Presence 2, Resistance 3, Larceny 2, Investigation 1, Ride 1
Resources 2: Raha might normally have the Wealth background, but his parents' estate has long since been dissolved and he lives with his sifu. Resources 2 represents his stipend.
Sifu 3: Silent Mournful Starfall, a Deheleshen physician who is now a centuries-old experienced Reckoner (and harbors secrets of her own regarding Raha's predecessor).
Backing 2 (The Night Sky Regime): Raha is a fairly well-known fixture in certain circles, if as nothing other than one of the better faces the NSR could display to the public - or as simply "Starfall's boy." He's too young to hold a position of serious clout or consequence, but he's well thought of by most people in his social circle and is expected to go places, and often acts as a sort of unofficial PR for the Regime in some districts of the city.
Savant 3: Raha has had a fairly thorough formal education and has an innate understanding of First Age technology and techniques.
Artifact 2: Distorted Causality, a starmetal seven-section staff. While he is reasonably adept with it, he prefers not to fight unless pressed. Stats given below.
Artifact 2: Discreet essence armor. Stats below.
Artifact 1: Resplendent personal assistant (see Wonders of the Lost Age)
Willpower, Virtues, and Intimacies
Willpower: 6
Virtues: Compassion 4, Temperance 2, Conviction 2, Valor 2
Intimacies: The Unconquered Sun, Silent Mournful Starfall, his family
Health and Essence
Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Essence: 3
Personal Essence Pool: 12
Peripheral Essence Pool: 34
Experience: 30 XP
- 2nd Performance Excellency
- Perfection in Life
- Defense of Shining Joy
- Efficient Secretary Technique
- 2nd Medicine Excellency
- Avoiding the Truth Technique
- Absence
- Duck Fate
- Optimistic Security Practice
- Methodology of Secrets
- Prior Warning
- Compassionate Essence Replenishment
- Impeding the Flow
Martial Arts
Celestial: Fate-Touched Hero Style
- The Serenity of Fortune's Mantle
- The Ewer 2
- The Messenger 1
- The Sorcerer 1
- The Rising Smoke 1
- The Musician 1
- The Lovers 1
Combat Statistics
Defense Statistics
- Dodge DV: 5 (7 w/DoSJ)
- Parry DV:
- Mental Dodge DV:
- Mental Parry DV:
- Unarmored
- Standard: 4B/2L/0A
- Starmetal Discreet Essence Armor
- Soak 7B/6L/0A, Hardness 2L/2B, Mob -0, Fatigue 0, Attune 5m
- With Optimistic Security Practice
- Soak 10B/9L/3A
Combat Statistics
- Clinch
- Standard: Spd 6, Dmg +0B, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P
- Kick
- Standard: Spd 5, Dmg +3B, Rate 2, Tag N
- Punch
- Standard: Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +0B, Rate 3, Tag N
- Distorted Causality (Starmetal Seven-Section Stave)
- Standard: Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +13B, Def +4, Rate 3, Tag P, M, Attune 5m
Personal Information
Appearance and Personality
Raha is a product of his environment: beautiful, charismatic, and bright, as befits the youngest child of a Golden Hero Vassal. Those who meet him see a slight, slender-framed boy balanced on the cusp of manhood, with long, thick mahogany hair kept artfully bound out of his eyes but styled in a way that shows his looks to full advantage. His complexion is vaguely bronzed and his voice quiet and cultured, betraying the fine upbringing of a child of a former ruling class. He has deep cerulean blue eyes and (usually) a wry, slightly lopsided smile on his flawless face, and usually dresses in some combination of blue, black, and white.
(Quick and dirty bust-sketch can be seen here.
In personality Raha is compassionate and easygoing, and is friendly to pretty much everyone he meets. While he is not (and never has been) prone to a quick temper, a certain sadness always seems to lurk in his eyes. For the most part he seems like a mild-mannered, intelligent and well-adjusted Joybringer... except for frequent nightmares, an intensely adverse reaction to unexpected physical contact and small enclosed spaces, and a single noticeable gap in his memory.
Many only know the Night Sky Regime as traitors and usurpers, and their detractors would certainly paint them as such. They would likely be very confused to see as one of its officials a fresh-faced young Sidereal with a gentle demeanor and a deep empathy for the suffering of Creation's people, a boy whose naivete is almost outstripped by his fierce idealism.
It is even more confusing when they discover the details of his background, for young Raha has every reason to support a Solar hegemony.
He is the youngest son of Sachairi Muren the Radiant Dowager: an ancient Twilight Caste Solar well-known within the Deliberative for her work in creating artificial life forms (and, later on, for her experiments in necromancy that began when her first daughter died unexpectedly while she was away on business many centuries ago). She largely kept to herself in the city of Sperimin, where she held a position within the great academy there as the expert on genesis craft. It was in Sperimin that Raha was born, a scant handful of years before the Final Calibration Feast that changed the entire world.
Raha actually does not remember most of the night his mother's manse was destroyed, or the deaths of his older siblings - or the deaths of his parents, for that matter. He was able to hide from the Dragon-Blooded for a time, but he doesn't remember hiding either. The other Sidereals were barely able to trace his horoscope in time to realize that he was the scheduled replacement for a well-regarded Chosen of Venus named Haris Mistral, who had died for her refusal to aid the Usurpation.
When they found him, he was alive but unconscious, half-smothered by the bodies of three older mortal sisters who had died trying to protect him.
Silent Mournful Starfall, his current mentor, was relieved to have found him in one piece, and immediately set to work guiding the boy's education (along with other small matters), carefully shaping his beliefs so that as he grew he would remain loyal to the newly established government of the Night Sky. While he was only five years old when his family died, it was better to be safe than sorry. These days, Raha lives with his sifu and guardian as her foster son.
What no one realizes, not even the Chosen of Serenity himself, is that his memories - of both this life and the last - are slowly beginning to resurface.