Three Player Maps
From Gamedozer
[edit] Three Player Maps
Three player maps are probably the hardest maps to design in Battalion. They present a number of challenges not present in other maps, so a map maker has to be on the top of his game to create a good three player map.
One of the primary concerns of a three player map is balancing the three sides. Except in some very unusual situations, three player maps usually consist of one player somehow between two other players. This puts the center player at a disadvantage, because anything he does will be restricted on both sides. Countering this problem is very tricky. One way to improve the situation a bit is to increase the size of the map. Drive the strategic areas away from the bases so that the action takes place independently of the starting locations. When creating a symmetrical three player map, make sure that the distances between the bases are truly equal. Don’t allow Red and Green’s artillery to hit Blue but not each other.
Perhaps another solution is to design a three player map as a two versus one map. Intentionally give the player in the center an advantage, knowing that he will soon be barraged by an attack on two fronts. Perhaps giving the center player the ability to create land, air and sea units while restricting the outer players to only two of the three.
All in all, three player maps require a lot of forethought and testing. It is recommended that map makers master the art of creating two or even four player maps before attempting to tackle a three player “conundrum”.
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