12aFTV Production Blogs ShortFilm/Nathan Troy

From Ftvprotowiki

Today just learned to work my way around the protowiki and got lost trying to find my site but got it all near end of last period

9/3/07 *Wolf*

Today nathan showed me how to do this

9/3/07 $Troy$

Troy is go to do his work about English

13/3/07 $Troy$

All i did today was work on my ipt assignment and got pics that i need for it

13/3/07 *Wolf*

I did jack all but work on my ipt assignment which is due in tommorow damit stupid ipt ill kill you one day

15/3/07 *Wolf*

Today i just did my hos work the end

15/3/07 $Troy$ --- {=====8

Today i am just doing work for diffrent clases =)

16/3/07 *Wolf*

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