Riley doco log

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Revision as of 22:53, 20 November 2006 by Besty (Talk | contribs)

RILEY BEST-PART TIME JOBS So far i have done one interview with Rebecca Lovisotto which was done at the Fasta Pasta resturant on the 29/10/06. I competed the whole interview and got numours shots of Rebecca cleaning tables washing cups and setting cutlery. I also got some good shots of the chef making a pasta dish. On the same day i also got shots of places such as mcdonalds, KFC, subway and Hungry Jacks to use in my introduction. Now i am importing what i got on the weekend and loading it onto Final Cut.

9/11/06 Today I am starting my introduction with internet pics of company logos and the shots of the different job outlets. The reason i am just starting today is because last week i missed two lessons of ftv because i was away and This weekend i have booked the camera again and i hope to get two more interviews of Zach and Alex at their jobs which should mean that all i would need is a interview with a social worker and i would have all my footage.

10/11/06 Today i continued to work on the intro and worked with the footage of rebecca. Today i will be filming Alex at hungry possum and zach at the edge cafe on saturday. Hopefully it all goes to plan.

14/11/06 On the weekend i got the filming of zach and alex which went very well and i have all of my footage now because i dont think i will beable to get a social worker in the time that i have because the person i had linded up cannot do it anymore. Today i imported the footage and edited as much as i could. I have also signed my name down for time on saturday to edit.

16/11/06 today i have continued to make progress on editing and hoping to get a few fill in shots of classroom with stuents working so i will probably get that done tomorrow when Mr Weston is here. I am hping to not come in on saturday but it looks like i will be just to clean a few things up and perfect it for weston on monday.

17/11/06 today i got quite a bit done and have done most of my sequence. I also got a quick shot of zach working in a classroom. which i used as a cut away between interveiws. All i need to do now is tidy some of the clips up and add a voice over and music to it which i hope to do tomorow.

18/11/06 Today is a saturday and yes i am in here working on my ftv assignment on a satuurday. I didnt take me long to do the work cause all i had to do was some more tidying up and make a voiceover and add it to the sequece and add music to it. The song i choose to was Eskimo Joe-Sydney Song which i think matches the sequence very well. So now i have just completed credits and now i just have to save it and it should be ready for MR Weston to check.

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