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Sokka's Neutral Look

Sokka also known as Sokka Water Tribe is an adolescent warrior and stratergist, born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe. Sokka considers himself the leader of Team Avatar as he is the main stratergist and normally is the one who devises plans and journeys. Sokka is the only member of the team who has no bending arts, due to this he seems to have a slight dislike of magic and prevers facts over myths. His father is Hakoda and he is the brother of Katara.


Like Katara, Sokka ws brought up into Water Tribe traditions. His attire consists of a blue Water Tribe robe, brown trousers and boots, also as he has no bending skills, Sokka has trained in basic Water Tribe weapons like boomerangs, spears and shortswords. He also trained under a master swordsman to become an apprentice swordsman.

Most of the time Sokka is kind and good natured however is someone wants to go against his judgement he usually protests evn though he can be easily bought over by something he likes. Sokka enjoys planning battles, shopping, eating, Earthbending Wrestling and keeping to scheduale.

The Southern Water Tribe

Growing up in the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka developped many combad skills from his father Hakoda. After Hakoda left for war, Sokka was left as caretaker and combat tutor for the tribe, it is shown that his jobs include hunting and teaching the young children of the tribe to fight.

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