Monk Gyatso

From Four Nations

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Monk Gyatso was a monk of the Southern Air Temple, a member of the Air Nomads council and Aang's personal Airbending Tutor. He died protecting the Southern Air Temple from the Fire Nation.



Monk Gytaso appearance was similar to all the other Air Nomads, he is balt with the airbender markings on his skin. His attire consisted of a long orange robe and a large necklace containing the Air Nomads crest.

Monk Gyatso was a very kind and generous man, he saw his students (like Aang) more as his children and treated them as such. It was this fatherly attitude that made the council make the decision to send Aang to another Air Temple to complete his trainig.


Monk Gyatso was wll known amongst the young monks of the Southern Air Temple as a father more than a teacher. After finding out Aang was the Avatar, Gyatso became Aang's personal tutor where they gained a strong relationship.

It is unknown after Aang fled the temple how his life continued although it is shown in The Avatar and The Firelord that Monk Gyatso had a good friendship with Avatar Roku when he was in Avatar training at the temple.


Monk Gytaso was shown to have died in the assault lead on the air temples by the Fire Nation. Gyatso's skeleton lies in a tent in the Southern Air Temple as Aang, Katara and Sokka found out when the visted the temple in The Southern Air Temple.

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