Security clearance

From Flight From Darkness

The Dream of Sweet Rain has five levels of Security Clearance. They are as follows:


[edit] Command-Level Security Clearance:

This level of clearance is reserved for the Captain of the Dream of Sweet Rain. That post is currently held by Evangelical Design. He can pretty much access any information and give the AI any orders he wants.

[edit] Bridge-Level Security Clearance:

This level of clearance is reserved for the Sidereal Bridge Crew and for the deities who directly assist them. Those at this level of security may access the personnel files of anyone aboard the ship, including the Captain. They may access restricted information in the archives, and may order the AI to perform any action they deem fit, though the AI may overrule them with an appeal to the Captain if it believes their orders endanger the ship.

[edit] Security-Level Clearance:

This level of clearance is reserved for the Chiefs of various corps and for trusted exalts and spirits who are nevertheless not entrusted with the secrets of the Bridge Crew. Those with Security-Level Clearance may access personnel files on any individual whose clearance does not exceed their own, may access restricted information in the archives on any subject, and are permitted access to the ship's more sensitive security systems. Those with this level of clearance are authorized to give even broad-reaching commands to the AI in their fields and less dramatic commands in other fields. The AI may only override them with permission from someone with a higher level of clearance, and it may only request that override if it believes the order endangers the ship.

[edit] Basic-Level Security Clearance:

This level of clearance is the default for any crew person who works directly for one of the Dream's corps. People with Basic-level clearance can communicate verbally with the AI and are permitted to access restricted information in the archives relevant to their duties. They are authorized to give limited commands to the AI only in their specific fields, and it is permitted to overrule their orders if it deems the orders to be a danger to those aboard the ship.

[edit] Passenger-Level Security Clearance:

This level of clearance is the lowest and most common, held by all those who live aboard the Dream but don't work for one of the Corps. Those with this level of clearance are authorized to access basic communication systems and non-restricted information, and are permitted to order the AI to alter local amenities such as lighting and temperature in their assigned quarters.

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