
From Flight From Darkness


[edit] Nadia

Nadia is an engineer of the Tech Corps, specializing in urgent and/or risky repairs or similar tasks, usually in difficult to reach places.

[edit] Appearance


Nadia has long dark hair, often tied in a messy, low ponytail that leaves fringes all around, and dark blue eyes. Her body is lithe and toned, hinting at athletic or even acrobatic training or habits.

She is commonly in a somewhat customized-for-comfort uniform of the Tech Corps, although it is immediately recognizeable for the navy-blue color, toolbelt and multiple pouches, not to mention the insignia on the shoulders. The insignia of the Tech Corps is also worn around her neck, albeit in a cold iron construction.

It's not uncommon to have bandages some place or another, or scalding injuries. It usually doesn't curb her smile.

[edit] Personality

Nadia is generally pleasant, often sporting a smile and always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder. She can often be seen grumbling about one thing or the other, but such behavior is usually in jest, and never interferes with her eagerness. The few times that she seems less enthusiastic are those times where weariness, injury or circumstances have dragged her down hard.

Some people wonder how she is still alive (most doctors do), since she is always climbing to the highest catwalks, crawling through steam vents, dancing around naked wires or ducking under massive pistons at least a few times a week. Still, she always seems willing to undertake those tasks that would give pause to many.

[edit] History

It has been about four years since that young man with the bright sm-... uh.. that young man... It was certainly a man... Anyway, since she was rescued from the blizzard that had stranded her in the Glacier. Details are a little blurry for some reason -you'd think events that save your life are engraved to your memory- but she does recall that her small experience with vehicular engineering would allow her to help a lot.

The Dream was absolutely breathtaking. It took her a while to familiarize herself with something so different, so unknown, so vast, but she listened to what her tutors had to say eagerly -perhaps too eagerly, according to one said tutor- and even spent her own time to get to know it better. A wonder beyond imagining from another age, a glorious, golden age, all around her. Of course, there was that matter with Creation being destroyed, but it is difficult to put such things in perspective when all you had seen of it was a town or two, open skies and white ice. After all, it's all about silver linings, isn't it? All wasn't lost. There were Exalts on the Dream. Exalts! If anyone could reclaim Creation, it would be them.

She had loved the idea of being in a Factory Cathedral, learning the craft. The awe, the magnificence, the prestige. She has spent those past few years being intimately acquainted with the Scrapyard, the various pumps and ducts and the dangerous or unreachable parts of the engines. Close enough. At least she liked the color of the uniform. And the emblem of a radial web made of copper on both shoulders was nice. She had a similar one made of cold iron worn as a necklace. Because if she stumbled upon a Cataphract, it would surely save her.

Climbing the riggings of an Air Transport to patch a rupture in freezing winds was one thing. She never thought that she'd miss it. Tiptoeing on a six inch ledge over a hundred-foot drop, trying to time your three-foot jump with the steam jets puts the whole experience in perspective. But it's something she could do, and it was very important to be done, so she did. Repeatedly. If only there were fewer urgent repairs required so that she could catch some sleep every now and then, she'd be happy.

Nadia is usually tight lipped about what happened before she was brought in the Dream. Friends might know she had experience with airships, but she hasn't demonstrated any connection to the Haslanti.

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