Impeccable Pattern Analyst

From Flight From Darkness

[edit] Impeccable Pattern Analyst

Impeccable Pattern Analyst serves as a respected member of the Olgotary, with responsibility for factory and worker productivity and planning. A skilled resources manager, her insight and analysis have rendered valuable service to Kamak for the past decade.

[edit] Appearance

Impeccable Pattern Analyst is a gleaming silvery Alechmical, assuming one actually sees her uncovered. Closer inspection (and touch) reveals much of her surface is actually silvered clay with strips of steel laced with starmetal spiraling across skin like a subtle pattern of tattoos. She's slim for an Alchemical and most of her visible Charms blend seamlessly into the silvery landscape of her skin. Prismatic eyes gleam in a face wrought like artwork and her long blonde hair seems to be spun of gold as it's bound back in a traditional Kamaki braid. Only an elaborate double knot tattoo on her left temple breaks up the theme of flawless metal perfection, as it's drawn in delicate black ink...and marred by a vertical scar slashing the knots asunder.

Impeccable Pattern Analyst favors one of Kamak's soft black robes with hood, ironically concealing most of her silvery appearance. Complete with gloves, sturdy boots and a scarf across her mouth, only her rainbow-hued eyes and her soulgem are bared to the world.

In manner, Impeccable Pattern Analyst is quiet, soft-spoken and demure. She listens well and her body language shows every sign of her giving her partner her full attention. In motion, her movements are small, controlled and very precise and she's often as still as a statue when there's no need for activity. Impeccable Pattern Analyst smiles little and often seems shadowed by a sadness she's never managed to escape.

[edit] History

To understand Impeccable Pattern Analyst is to understand Kamak, for she's very much the product of that nation, both in her many past lives as well as in her present one. Her nation was always wealthy but cold, its people reserved and private in public. Over the ages, many souls in Kamak led to Impeccable Pattern Analyst's creation. Fovek was a legendary factory supervisor who pioneered a new type of pressure relief valve, eventually becoming the director for his area of industry. Elastin was a Surgeon who specialized in cold-weather injuries but heroically saved eighty seven workers contaminated with a pipe-burst toxin before succumbing herself. Her most recent life, Merek, was a fiery young plutarch who devised a superior system for factory scheduling...and then spent the next ten years of his life passionately working to get it implemented before dying in an industrial accident just months after it successfully went live.

Impeccable Pattern Analyst is no stranger to either scheduling or advocacy. Wrought out of starmetal, her most recent life formed much of the foundation for her new personality when she became alive. Tasked with analysis of the Populat, Impeccable Pattern Analyst worked closely with Kamak's worker population to maximize factory production and magic material salvage, meeting with brilliant success in her first three years of life.

Still, Impeccable Pattern Analyst's talent with people management didn't translate into the best interpersonal ability and she was demurely shy on top of her awkwardness. Such a combination enthralled the mortal Surgeon Avri, who sought out and at last won the heart of this young Starmetal Alchemical. The two women wed in Kamak fashion and thrived for almost six years, each of them finding acclaim in their chosen field. Their happiness was not to last, though. Tasked with investigating signs of the One Tier Movement Populat conspiracy, Impeccable Pattern Analyst was inevitably led to her own door. Discovering that Avri had used her marital status to mask the Populat cabal's activities, Impeccable Pattern Analyst brought her own wife before the Regulators before the Sodalities took charge of their own. The heartbroken Alchemical is said to have scarred her own marriage tattoo, breaking the binding of their vows.

That was a year ago. In that time, Impeccable Pattern Analyst has labored to improve the lives of Kamak's people and manage its impending resource shortages. She's labored most of all to salve her broken heart and she'd welcome any distraction that could help her put her wife Avri out of her mind.

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