
From Flight From Darkness

The Bridge contains the central command banks for the entirety of the Dream of Sweet Rain, and as such is dominated by several control consoles with one seat each. Prism can project a holographic image of himself in the center, and usually does so to interact with the crew. Two chairs with smaller armrest consoles are in the center back, reserved for the Captain and First Mate. The "front" of the room is mainly a large viewscreen, which Prism or any of the control consoles can send images to. Side doors allow passage to and from the rest of Deck 1, while a dedicated bridge lift opens onto the rear. Overhead lies the skylight - the only dedicated window on the ship, though more people have seen the outside through open bay doors or through the lens of the Eye Of Judgement. A prayer strip - yellowed with Essence and age - sticks to the top frame of the view screen, like a beacon guiding the ship somewhere.

Not that most people have ever seen this. Access is restricted to the bridge crew.

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