
From Flight From Darkness

Abec, the self-titled Guiding Philosopher, always had dreams of setting the world right. But then things in the world yet terribly wrong. When offered the chance to help find a new world to call home, Abec seized his opportunity and joined the crew of the Sweet Dream of Rain. In doing so, he saw his chance to create a world that would be shaped by his philosophy into a veritable utopia.

[edit] Appearance

Abec is an old man, by Creation standards. He nears the end of his fifth decade of life, and he feels the lethargy of advanced age creeping into his skin and his bones. Even so, his mind remains as sharp and expansive as ever. He has snow white hair with short, flat bangs to accentuate his high forehead. His short beard is of nearly the same white purity, but tarnished with a few black and grey hairs. He usually wears a close-fitting toga over his Intelligence Corps uniform. His commanding officers let the old man indulgence in this little eccentricity.

[edit] Associations

Abec is a member of three organizations aboard the Sweet Dream: the Sweet Rain Intelligence Corps, the Sweet Rain Horticultural Corps, and the Night Dwellers.

For the Horticultural Corps, he has little standing. He is more of an honorary member, as he simply volunteers in the kitchens.

He is a rising member of the Intelligence Corps. He spends most of his time writing down the vast amount of knowledge he acquired while in Creation in order to preserve it. He also keeps a personal log of events aboard the Sweet Dream and helps record and compute the myriad statistics gathered by his superior officers within the Intelligence Corps.

Abec remains an obstinate member of the Night Dwellers. To him, Creation is lost and the crew should utilize their energy into finding and establishing a new world before they even think of returning to Creation--if ever. Though, if one knew Abec's desires, they might call his position within the Night Dwellers petty. After all, he wants to be the one who shapes the new world according to his philosophic vision.

[edit] Abilities

Abec possesses a formidable knowledge of lore: mathematics, the sciences, and history--especially history. He uses this knowledge to constantly refine his philosophy, to formulate the perfect government which he will create and establish in the future.

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