
From Fio


[edit] Fio v0.1 ReadMe

Fio is an isometric RPG engine trying to do the same as Fallout2 in the engine aspect. This v0.1 demo just contains one city with a premade heroine. Please try out other features in game and

 Welcome back to Arroyo.

[edit] Installation

Fallout2 installation is required (for all the image, sound and dialog strings are extracted from fallout2's directory).

Setup script will try to find installed Fallout2 in registry and generate script/config.lua. Now English and traditional Chinese versions are supported. If both are installed, English version is preferred. If failed to find either, setup'll exit.

Fio had been tested on Fallout2 v1.02 both English version and traditional Chinese version. I'm not sure if earlier version works.

If you got no Fallout2 installed, setup will reject. But you can do a hack in registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Interplay\\Fallout2 to cheat setup to install. Then later manually change the 'fallout_dir' in script/config.lua pointing to where you'd copy the master.dat, critter.dat and sound files - just make sure they accord with Fallout2's directory structure:


[edit] Config

script\\config.lua is generated during installation. several options can be changed:

* start_screen
    "g_splash.lua", start with splash screen(default)
    "g_main.lua", skip the splash screen
* fallout_dir
    the dir where Fallout2 is installed. generated by setup.exe during
    installation. if you change Fallout2's directory, you can reinstall
    Fio or just change this field.
* tracer
    "dumb", no debug trace(default)
    "file", debug trace output to trace.txt file
* render_cache
    true, showing a snapshot of backsurface
    false, non(default)
* language
    "english", English version, use_ulable must be false
    "cht", traditional Chinese version, use_ulable must be true
    other languages are not supported yet.
* play_music
    true, playing music after map is loaded(default)
    false, don’t play
* tick_pace
    (0, 1000) in ms, ms between critter's running animation frames
    a value around 50 is preferred. larger/smaller value is only for debug
    default is 50
* action_pace
    (0, 1000) in ms, ms between critter's action (other than running)
    animation frames.
    a value around 80 is preferred. larger/smaller value is only for debug
    default is 87
* record_replay
    "record", record time/input/random/window position 
              into data\\events.lua during play; shouldn't move window
              during game playing
    "replay", fetch input from data\\events.lua; player input disabled
    "non", normal mode(non record/replay mode, default)
    please note that a record might not replay correctly after windows' 
    theme changed (which will affect mouse coords alignment).

[edit] System requirements

DirectX 8.1 or later; 15M free hard disk space. For I don't have much resource to do installation test, here are just some machines I'd tried to install:

* Centrino 1.6GHz, 512M, ATI Mobility Radeon 9700(64M)
* Athlon 2500+ 1.83GHz, 512M, ATI Radeon 9550
* Pentium M 1.73GHz, 512M, ATIX 700(64M)

Fio now shows FPS on the left top of screen. Not very fast. Please note this is a debug build which makes error detection easier (but FPS is unavoidably slowed down by the run time checking). And please kindly send me your system parameters if you feel Fio runs too slow on your machine.

[edit] Known bugs

Bug(s) hard to reproduce:

i) switching cursor during combat when combined with picking
   item or screen scrolling might cause an assertion failure.

[edit] History

2007.1.19 v0.1 release.

[edit] Contact

Any comments, suggestions or bugs? please send to me at

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