
From Fio

Revision as of 14:03, 27 August 2006 by (Talk)



Fio(as fallout) use a multi-layered isometric engine to render the game world.

How to create a generic isometric engine is described in details in Jim Adams' article.


A tile is an image designed by artist to show part of the isometric layer. Many tiles can be combined together with correct coords to show floor, walls, sceneries, roof, critters, etc. Usually it's loaded from a .frm file. In Fio we get those .frm files from fallout2.

Hexgon Cell

In Fio each layer is a 300*300 2d array of hexgon cell(hex for short). A cell may be empty or it can hold tile(s). A hex is 32*16(w*h). Big sceneries will be cut into several tiles then each tile is set into a cell. So the tiles can be rendered according to the cell's coords in the layer.

The follwing image gives details of a hex(it's a slightly modified version of [1]):


Here we define the 6 edges of the hex as: NE, E, SE, SW, W, NW. The distance between midpoint of NW and SE is 20. It's calculate as:

√ (4+8)2 + (32/2)2

Isometric: Cells and Screen Coords


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