Weirdies: Original Adventure/S2x49

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[edit] We're Lost

[edit] Conversation

  • Paltrivel House*

Spike: Still cant believe it acctually worked

Yotsuba: And NiGHTS is still here! 8D

NiGHTS: Yep, I'm still here. :D You people seem like a fun bunch, so I decided to stick around.

Zoot: *w00t*

Dimentio: *kicked in the shin by Radical Edward* OW! What was that for?!

Edward: For being a jerk.

Orbulon: So, is he gonna stay?

Jet: Who, NiGHTS?

NiGHTS: I'm staying. :D

Erin: Great, now we have another unneccicary mouth to feed!

Dimentio: Please, no...

Jet: Jess and Maddie would love him over, but I'm the one in charge so he can stay here in the 'ol girl.

Dimentio: *Starts Crying*

Toboe: Could someone get Dimmie to stop crying?

[edit] Mr. Small Appeareth

Jess: Hello? Anyone out there, We're lost... HEEEEEAALP!!!! ANYONE!! *Enter Maddie* Ah, Thank Arceus! Maddie! *They hug as we see the dead bodies of the Wolf's Rain Characters Natives*

Jess: *notices the thing moving in Maddie's backpack* Look out! *tackles backpack*

???: I say! Unhand me you monster!

Jess: :O The heck?!!?!!

Maddie: Waitaminute... *pulls out a small male Mr. Men character that's only around a foot tall, is shaped like a Japanese rice ball, is orange, wears white sneakers, and has a black Abraham Lincoln-style top hat with a purple band that floats slightly off of his head*

???: Good tidings!

Maddie: Mr. Small, What the Faiz are ya doin' here?

Mr. Small:

Jess: Great! But, what about Mr. Small?

  • Mr. Small takes off his hat and makes a Puss in Boots-esque "innocent face"*

Dimentio: =|

Maddie: ...SO ADORABLE! *picks him up and lightly squeezes him in a hug* He HAS to stay!

[edit] Punch it

(As we hear Jade's Narration, We see the engineless B3BOP, A Captain's hat placed on the First Mate's Head, A Crew in Black Ninja Outfits and Steel Masks.)

Jade: (Narration) There comes a time in a woman's life when she has to ask: "Why?" Why do things happen that keep you away from your dreams? Why don't people acknowledge your existence just because you weren't part of anything special? Why can't you be recognised for everything you've been through as a person? All people have their reasons, mine is the loneliness my sister and I have felt, we have never been too far apart.

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