Weirdies: Original Adventure/S2x48

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[edit] The Trouble with World Tangling

Jess: ... What was that all about?

Maddie: ...No idea! XD

Orbulon: You mean I unlocked by guitarist talents for nothing!?!?! *throws guitar away*

???: *in a Midwestern accent* Ow! Whort was that for?

... Coach Z???

Coach Z: Yeah, it's me.

Maddie: What are you doing here?

Coach Z: Yer Goys is as good as Mine!

Maddie: What do you mean?

Cher: Maddie, Dont you get it. The Omniverse is being molecularly crushed together! Look!

*For some strange reason, Homestar, Mario, and Sonic are fighting each other!*


Penny: This is serious! I don't think the Homestar fans would enjoy watching Sonic racing Homestar in a SBEmail!

Orbulon: Yeah...wait, where did Zoot go?

  • Meanwhile, Zoot is on the other side of the mixed up media world, chatting with a girl that's all head, shaped like a semi-circle, is pink, and has blonde hair in two pigtail buns*

???: I like chocolate cake. I like pencil erasers, too!

Zoot: Out of bounds! It's way out of bounds!

Jess: Hey, if this is a mixed media universe, then that must mean--

(Flute music can be heard playing in the air. As the music plays, a pink/purple/yellow figure flies by, almost knocking me on my feet.)

Gomez: Whoa! What was that?!

Yotsuba: 8D It's him!!!

*pretty soon, Dimentia warps in as well*

Dimentia: Hey, Jess! Long time no see! Hello, Dimentio...

Dimentio: *pretends he doesn't notice Dimentia*

  • Zoot comes back, with the same girl, and another one that looks like her, only is male, and has no hair, plus a green bowler cap*

Zoot: Hey juys! I'm back! And Mr. and Little Miss Chatterbox came with me! 8D

Maddie: This could get eventfull...

Jess: Oh my. XD

Yotsuba: *dragging a purple/pink/yellow jester-person by the arm* Come on! Come on! I want you to meet my friends!

Mr. Chatterbox: *to Dimentio* How do you float like that? I mean, I saw someone float like that, but he was in a video game. Are you from a video game? I like video games. I expecially like the kinds that aren't over even when you finish it? Are you from that kind of game?...

Dimentio: *magiblasts Mr Chatterbox*

Mr. Chatterbox: This calls for backup! *Faiz gives him his Morpher, and Chatterbox calls someone on it...*

Yotsuba: You guys, you guys! This is that guy from my dream! NiGHTS!

NiGHTS: Hello. *waves*

Dimentia: *comes a little closer to NiGHTS* Hello...

NiGHTS: Oh, I remember you!

Jess: You know Dimentia?

Dimentia: Yep. In fact, I think it was Dimentio who got us to meet each other!

Mr. Chatterbox: :D Speaking of Dimentio...

[edit] Tickling Ensues

  • two long orange hands come from a bush (wearing a magic-proof outfit) and start to tickle Dimentio!*

Dimentio: Ahh, noooooo! *tickled* Stoooop! *pulls out a stick and whacks the hands*

Jess: Hey, isn't that Mrs Brashear(my math teacher)'s stick?

Dimentio: How should I know? All sticks look the same to me.

  • The hands retract back into the bush, and the user comes out. He's also only head, but is orange, oval shaped, has arms that can grow from long to normal, is wearing a magic protector, and has a blue bowler cap*

???: Somebody needs a tickle! :D

Dimentio: Tickle me and you're DEAD.

NiGHTS: *coughemptythreatcough*

Maddie: Mr. Tickle, long time no see!

Mr. Tickle: You still want that tickle, Maddie?

Maddie: No, remember that "tickle allergy" I have?

Mr. Tickle: Oh yeah...

(I really do have a "tickle allergy". If someone just touches me, I burst into giggles. I can even tickle myself!)

Dimentio: I have an Elton John allergy.

Jess: *Singing* Hold me closer, tiny dancer...

Dimentio: *runs screaming like a girl*

Jess: XD I love doing that.

Mr. Tickle: Come on! Does anyone want a tickle?

Jess: No, I don't think so.

[edit] We need a plan

Jess: So what do we do? There's got to be a way to fix this, because all the universes merged can't be a good thing.

Gomez: Why not?

Jess: It'll probably either ruin the space-time continuum or KILL US ALL.

Zoot: *slowly wakes up*

Mikey: Oh no! He's coming to! Quick! Keep any and all food products out of sight! *Withdraw!*

Zoot: Wha-What's going on...

Maddie: Zoot, the Worlds are merging because our ship's an all you can eat buffet. We need ya on the Bridge

Coach Z: Hey, Zoot. This is Coach Z, Darcia's holding some of yer putties horstice.

Zoot: What, They're trapped in a well? Then get me outta here.

(Maddie's inserted into the scene)

Maddie: Alright, Cause this Reality glitch thing is officially making me crazy! (Breaks Zoot's Pod, he stumbles out of the Pod.)

Zoot: Oh, What's going on?

Coach Z: an Entire Line of Robots was destroied!

Zoot: What! They got Destroied? Where was I when this happened?

Jimmy Neutron: Guys, The Intruder's Taken Control of the Starboard Engine and will devour the ship in thirteen days! We've got to cut the thing loose before it eats the whole ship otherwise all creation will be destroied.

Jess: M'kay, you're joking, right? Cause you said we had to cut the Engine Loose.

Jimmy Neutron: I Did.

SARA: and you must do it, Jess, We've run out of options...

Jess: But we could be scattered across the stars!

TOM: No, The Universe is more Important!

Jess: But-

Dr. Wakeman: No Buts, Jess! We've already lost a line of complex Robots, A Hyperdrive Engine and if we're not quick enough, everything that has ever lived in space and time or ever will shall be lost as well. This is as costly as it gets!

Jess: Ffffffine...So what do we do?

SARA: You need to set mana charges on the starboard wing, one on the outside, one on the inside.

Jess: First off: You said Mana Charges, (Slaps her forehead) What? Second: Why dont you set the one on the Inside? Third: You said Mana Charges, (Slaps her forehead) What? Fourth: We're doing grunt work?

SARA: First Answer: Mana Charges can Generate Three Feet of Sheilding whenever a Magical Girl is in it's 50 foot Range, but it can only take only twelve puellas as a Thirteenth would ultimately set them off and cause them to explode. Second Answer: Because, Jess, I cant Move. Third Answer: See First Answer. Fourth Answer: Yes. Yes, You are.

Little Miss Chatterbox: I think we might be able to help...

Dimentio: You? What can you do?

Little Miss Chatterbox: We have two friends that can do impossible things, and might be able to help get all of this straightened out.

Dimentio: Oh really?

Little Miss Chatterbox: Yep! Follow me!

[edit] Forest

*she leads us to the forest, where two of their friends are. One is male, and shaped like an oval turned on his side, is purple, and has a light blue top hat. The other is female and is an oval on it's top, is tan, has short brown hair, freckles, red shoes, and a green hairbow*

Little Miss Chatterbox: You guys, meet Mr. Impossible and Little Miss Magic. :D

Dimentio: Ain't that just special. </sarcasm>

Jess: *slaps Dimentio* Be nice.

Little Miss Magic: Well, hi there! What can we help you with? Broken window? Stuck kite? Tickle problem? Universal chaos?

Edward: Universal chaos. 8|

Dimentio: As if it weren't blatantly obvious...

Mr. Impossible: Don't worry. With our powers together, we can really do the impossible!

Dimentio: Yay. *cheers apethically* I perform an impossible feat every morning before breakfast.

Little Miss Magic: Quite the pessmetic, aren't you?

Jess: No, he's just narcistic. XD

Dimentio: Excuse me?

Jess: It's when you think you're the most important person in the universe and you don't give a crap about anyone else.

Dimentio: I know what it means!

Mr. Impossible: Speaking of universes...

(Cracks appear in the sky/ceiling/whatever.)

Jess: Yeah. =|

Tsume: So what's you plan this week, Porky?

Hige: *looks at Dimentio*

Dimentio: ... What?

Hige: You're the plan-man around here.

Little Miss Magic: Yep. We need all of the magical help that we can have.

Dimentio: This goes against my very being... oh, alright. For you. *points to conveniently placed Jareth* But just this once.

Mr. Impossible: Great! Do you think this will be enough?

Jess: *shrugs* Maybe.

Little Miss Magic: All right. The key to doing this is to focus on the same thing.

Mr. Impossible: We need to grasp hands to focus our powers.

Dimentio: Okay. *thinking* This is so stupid...

  • Mr. Impossible and Little Miss Magic grasp hands, and wait for the others to join them*

(Dimentio and Jareth join hands with Mr Impossible and Little Miss Magic.)

Little Miss Magic: Focusing...focusing...

(Dimentio and Jareth are focusing on the Explosives.)

Jess: I feel I must sing a song that is partially in Japanese. =|

Mikey: Now's not the time for Mr Roboto.

Maddie: Yeah, we don't want to ruin their concentration.

Jess: Good Point...

Mr. Impossible: Just keep on focusin'. That's right, focus it down.

(Something begins to happen.)

Mr. Tickle: I feel a disturbance...

Maddie: You know the Force?

Mr. Tickle: No, I just feel a snail climbing on me.

Jess: Get off of Mr Tickle, Gary. Climbing on people isn't nice.

Gary the Snail: Meow.

(Something else begins to happen, related to what Dimentio, Jareth, Mr Impossible and Little Miss Magic are doing.)

Jareth: These Explosives have been bonded to the elements of Harmony to protect all Puella Magi in it's presence.

Spike: You can go back through various portals throughout the universe.

Coach Z: As Much as I lake riskin' high types...It's way too riskoil for my turste. See ya, I gorse! *sent back to Free Country*

Jess: Bye, Coach! *Waves*

Zatch: *salute*

Mr. Tickle: There's just one thing I have to do before the five of us leave... *Tickles everybody!*

Maddie: *ROFL* Stop! *ROFL* Please! *ROFL*


Mikey: *not ticklish, due to turtly-scales* Oh, put a sock in it.

Little Miss Chatterbox: *slightly nervous* Wow, look at the time! We'll have to do this again soon! Real soon! See ya! *grabs Mr. Tickle and jumps into the escape pod headed to the Dillydale Portal, along with Mr. Chatterbox, Little Miss Magic, and Mr. Impossible*

Dimentio: *phew* Good riddance to them.

Jess: You're mean.

Dimentio: *Singing* And it's so easy when you're evil~!

Zoot: *hasn't payed attention to the entire thing, He's just singing*

I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

Jess: -_-;

Zoot: :D

Jess: We've got the Charges, Jareth is sendin' em to ya as we speak.

SARA: Great. Kolulu: And now the Thirteen Magical Girls!

Tia: Hey, You! Depressed Chick!

Madoka: Huh...

Tia: Name the friends ya got with a simalar secret that we need!

Madoka: Well, there's Sayaka, Mami, Kyoko and Homura.

TOM: Four.

Maddie: (On the Phone) I've met Five of the seven Pledes Saints! Do they count?

TOM: Nine.

Mami: You said unchained soul gems turn us into witches.

Spike: But now you're part of my personal Harlym, a group of magical girls bound to the life of their master, that's me, who can now unleash your personal witches to amplify your powers and my athletic prowess.

Edward: And since we've got this Metaphysical universe crunching crisis, We could recruit some witches-to-be

Jennifer Stone: It could be possible.

Madoka: Like Charlotte...

TOM: Ten.

Madoka: ...or Elly...

TOM: Eleven.

Madoka: maybe the first witch I saw...what was her name...

Maddie: (On Speakerphone) ...Gertrude?

Jess: (On Speakerphone) Yeah, I'd go with Gertrude!

TOM: Twelve.

SARA: We need a thirteenth.

(Our weirdies thnikkaband looks at Madoka.)

Madoka: Why is everyone stareing at me like that...

[edit] Suit Up

(SCENE: Jimmy's Porta-Lab, Hubb is suited up in a fancy new TOM-Esque Spacesuit. Complete with a Helmet.)

Jimmy: The Neutron Shellmeister XJ10, Named in Honor of what you are essentally becoming in this state of the Art Spacesuit.

Hubb: It's rather loose...

TOM: Yeah, there's an app for that (Presses an app on his smartphone which causes Hubb's Suit to stretch and squeeze until it fits his form perfectly)

Hubb: Oh, uh... Thanks...

Quent: (In an Army Green Suit) A little too flashy for my tastes.

Jet: (A Deep Green Suit) I get this treatment from this ship alot, but you get used to it once you find the basics we're confortable with.

(Edward has the helmet of her Orange and Green Spacesuit in her hand. The Wolves resemble Friender when they're wearing the Spacesuits in their wolf forms. Kiba's Shell is Light-Gray, Tsume's is Dark-Gray with an X on the Forhead, Hige's is Orange with gold-plated stripes and belly. Toboe's is a few shades of Crimson and Blue is wearing a deep-blue suit.)

Edward: We have to hurry and round up the Puellas so that we can cut the engine loose and take over the WORLD! (Maniacal laughter, interupted by Paper Fan from Blue, who is wearing a Dark-Blue Spacesuit with a Light Blue Highlights) Owie...

Blue: Stick to the script, Ditz...

Edward: That's Genius Ditz to you, Miss Yaiden!

(It causes Blue to blush underneath her Helmet.)

[edit] Rock Out

Mikey: You wanna get started on that song now?

Jess: Of course.

Dimentio: Ugh... I'm starting to feel bad for Dennis DeYoung... Jess

???????????????? (Domo arigato Mr. Roboto)
???????(Mata au hi made)
????????????????(Domo arigato Mr. Roboto)
???????(Himitsu wo shiritai)
You're wondering who I am -- :machine or mannequin
With parts made in Japan, I am the mod-ren m'am
I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M.
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a girl who needed someone, and somewhere to hide
To keep me alive-just keep me alive
Somewhere to hide to keep me alive
I'm not a robot without emotions-I'm not what you see
I've come to help you with your problems, so we can be free
I'm not a hero, I'm not a saviour, forget what you know
I'm just a girl whose circumstances went beyond her control
Beyond my control-we all need control
I need control-we all need control
I am the modern ma'am, who hides behind a mask
So no one else can see my true identity
Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo
Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo
Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto,
Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto,
Domo arigatou
Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
For doing the jobs that nobody wants to
And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
For helping me escape just when I needed to
Thank you-thank you, thank you
I want to thank you, please, thank you
Aaaaaaaaaaooooo. Whahooooooo!
The problem's plain to see: too much technology
Machines to save our lives. Machines dehumanize.
The time has come at last
To throw away this mask
So everyone can see
My true identity...
I'm Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy...

Others: *Clapping x3*

Jess: *Bows* Thank you! Thank you! I just need to figure out how to hold the "shiritai" as long as they do, and it'll be perfect. :D

Dimentio: You sadden me.

Jess: *Rolls her eyes*

[edit] During the Music Video

[edit] Madoka's Wish

Little Miss Magic: I feel it, something's happening...

(The Sheild Generator Explodes, Cutting Loose the Engine and healing the Universe. The crack in the ceiling/sky/whatever starts mending itself, and various characters are sent back to their original universes.)

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