Weirdies: Original Adventure/S2x46

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[edit] In Yotsuba's dreams...

Yotsuba: *with some kind of pink/purple/yellow jester person* Wow! A world made of ice cream! 8D

Jester person: It's beautiful, isn't it?

Yotsuba: *starts eating the landscape* It's good!

NiGHTS: Hahaha! What a silly Visitor!

Yotsuba: *holds up some ice cream to NiGHTS* You want some?

NiGHTS: Okay. ^_^ *takes some ice cream*

Maddie: I hope that whatever dream she's having, it's a good one...

Jess: Me too.

Kururu: Shall we find out what she's dreaming of?

Jess: No, that's okay. I'd hate to interrupt whatever it is...

[edit] Yanda

NiGHTS: Oh no! A Nightmaren!

Yotsuba: *looks up* D8 YANDA!!! What's he doing here?!!?!?!

NiGHTS: You know this Nightmaren?

Yotsuba: He stole my ice cream!

NiGHTS: I guess this means you have somewhat of a score to settle with him, huh?

Yotsuba: Yeah!

NiGHTS: Well then, let's Dualize so we can take him on!

Yotsuba: Okay!

(Yotsuba grabs hold of NiGHTS' hand and they somehow merge together, with Yotsuba's essence residing in NiGHTS. Don't ask me how that works. Ask SEGA.)

NiGHTSuba: Alright! I'm comin' to get you, Yanda!

Maddie: She looks like she's nervous...

Jess: Yeah...

NiGHTSuba: Let's go!

Nightmare Yanda: RAAAH!!!

Penny: What are you guys doing?

Jess: We're watching over Yotsuba while she's sleeping. I don't think she'd like to wake up without a familiar face nearby.

(NiGHTSuba flies into floating cellphones repeatedly, knocking them into Nightmare Yanda until he shrivels away into nothingness. Afterwards, NiGHTS and Yotsuba seperate, becoming two individual beings again.)

Yotsuba: Ha HA! Take that, Yanda!

NiGHTS: That was amazing, Yotsuba!

Yotsuba: You helped too, NiGHTS. 8)

Yotsuba: *slowly wakes up* We did it... we beat Yanda...

Maddie: You did what?

Kururu: What happened?

Penny: Who's Yanda?

Zoot: *coming in, with a piece of toilet paper on his shoe* What did I miss?

Yotsuba: I had the most amazing dream! 8D I met this magical purply guy named NiGHTS and we went to a world made of ice cream! But then Yanda came as a big monster to try and eat my ice cream again so me and NiGHTS threw cellphones at him and defeated him! Then I woke up. The end.

Jess: NiGHTS...? That name seems awfully familiar to me...

Maddie: Come to think of it, that name sounds familar to me too...

Yotsuba: He says he visits people in their dreams. Maybe he visited you guys once or twice! 8D

Jess: Maybe... or maybe one of us has been hitting the Wii a little too much before bedtime...

Maddie: I did that a lot, but all I end up getting was dreams about an Italian plumber, and a hedgehog...

Jess: Hmmm...

[edit] Endless Jell-O

Zoot: Well, I'm going to fill the fountain with Red Flavored Fluffy Puff Translucent Dessert Related Substance! Anyone want to join me?

Dimentio: DON'T YOU DARE!

Jess: How can something be red-flavored?

Zoot: I dunno. *starts to pour the powder in the fountain, and takes out a chicken-shaped egg timer*

Dimentio: NO!!! *swipes powder*

Zoot: *pulls another package out of his pocket, and dumps that one in*

Dimentio: *swipes that one too* Stop that!

Zoot: No! *grabs yet another package, and dumps the entire thing in it, plus another one*

Dimentio: I hoped it wouldn't come to this... Accio Jell-O Packets! *a bazilion Jell-O packets fly into Dimentio's hands and he warps them away to a garbage dimension* Accio! Accio! *more Jell-O packets* Good lord, man! How many of these do you have?! Accio!

Jess: *rofl*

Zoot: It's a lifetime supply of them! I got them from commercial work!

Dimentio: >( *uses some kind of powerful magical stuff that destroys any and all Jell-O packets within a 50-mile radius*

Jess: :O

Zoot: Don't worry. There's enough Jell-O powder in the fountain to solidify. In fact...

[edit] Swimmin' in Jell-O

  • egg timer rings, and the Jell-O in the fountain is solid*

Dimentio: ... CRAP!

Zoot: Yay! There's always room for Jell-O! 8D

Jess: It's not really cold in here, so wouldn't the Jell-O still be in a liquid form?

Dimentio: *to self* Yes!

Zoot: I was secretly getting Kururu to mess with the plumbing, and making the water freezing cold. :D

Jess: Oh, okay.

Dimentio: *sigh* Just when you need fire magic the most...

Kururu: The Jell-O's at maximum jiggle-ocity.

Helios: *eating the Jell-O* 83

Zoot: *eats some, and starts talking with mouth full* You know, when I die, I want my body to be preserved in red Jell-O.

Dimentio: That's... good to know... |P

Zoot: I also once got caught in a pool of red Jell-O. All I remember after I closed my eyes, was that first, it got real loud, then it got real hot, then it got real slimy, then it got quiet, and then it got...unspeakable. And when I opened my eyes, the pool was empty, and three days had passed. And Pom Pom still hasn't landed!

Dimentio: Oh joy.

Jess: No, that's my mom. XD

Kururu: Who is this "Pom Pom" you speak of?

Jess: A balloony guy.

Kururu: "Pokey with a pin" kind of balloon?

Jess: NO.

Kururu: Oh...

[edit] Jell-O Wars

Zoot: More Jell-O! *throws Jell-O at all of us*

Jess: Eep! *dodges Jell-O*

Luna: Eek! Stop! This is a wedding, not an elementary school cafeteria! D8

Zoot: Jell-O! Jell-O! Jell-O! *throw, throw, throw*

Maddie: Everywhere is an elementary school cafeteria when Zoot's with you.

Orbulon: Yeah, just ask anyone from the club! *dodge*

Luna: What works to get this guy to calm down?!

Maddie: Well, I know that he hasn't had a nap in a while. He calms down during his naps...

Luna: *thinking* Bingo! *Speaking* Zoot, you look a little tired. I think you should take a nap now. *performs a spell that makes Zoot fall peacefully asleep* ^_^ Problem solved.

Zoot: *Fell asleep*

[edit] Slumber Away

Jess: Yay! He's asleep! No more flying Jell-O! 8D

Zoot: *mumbling* More Jell-O...

Mikey: ... So now what?

Penny: Well, we can't go anywhere with Zoot asleep like this.

Dimentio: We could just leave him here...

Jess: No!

Maddie: Dimentio, you shall not have anything to do with Zoot.

Dimentio: Oh waah! I wanted to leave him here and not have to put up with him anymore! T_T

Maddie: No. I'm not leaving Zoot here.

Dimentio: Drat!

Cher: He'll be out cold 'til around lunchtime. Let's go explore for a little while.

Jess: Great Idea, Cher! Wolves Roam freely, of course.

Maddie: And what about Zoot?

Dimentio: Let's get him out of here before he makes another red-flavored mess.

Orbulon: Agreed.

Jess: ... How do we go about doing that, exactly?

Mikey: Easy. One of us gets his arms, one of us gets his legs.

Mike: That makes perfect sense.

(Gomez grabs Zoot's arms while Penny grabs his legs. Together they carry Zoot out of Mesmer's.)

Penny: Man, he's heavier than he looks!

Gomez: *grunting* Why does he have to be so BIG?!!??!

Penny: I thought he was supposed to be scrawny!

Gomez: Exactly!

JesS: *giggling*

Zoot: *mumbling* That's my rear end made that dent...

Jess: Wuh-hut?! XD

Maddie: Zoot's being crazy. He's unlocking random things.

Zoot: *mumbling* I'll unlock something... *farts*

Dimentio: That's gross.

Zoot: *still mumbling* Wham, bam, thank you ma'am...

Jess: Be quiet.

Dimentio: *absent-mindedly hums Suffragette City* ... What? He started it. 8|

Zoot: *snore*

Yotsuba: Has he gone to Nightopia too?

Gomez: Nightopia...?

Jess: Probably...

Orbulon: Lord, I hope not. Nightopia "mirrors the heart of a Visitor", so I'd hate to think of the state it'd be in with Zoot being there... :|

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