Weirdies: Original Adventure/Filler

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki


[edit] Missing Sessions

  • no.i-Name of Session (Duration of Session)
Length of the Session in Words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Characters that get the focus of the Session

[edit] Day 4-Day 14

  • 1-Gettin' The Band Back Together (Day 8)
A mysterious cloaked figure appears to them and says "You may as well start a gang!" Jet drags a good chunk of the Weirdies off to the Department of Guild Licencing.
at least 3000 words, must end with a surprize party with Faye Valentine, Radical Edward and Ein returning to the Ship! Running Gag: Spike Complaining about the long line
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Jet, TOM, Kiba
  • 2-Dubstep Dolts (Day 11)
Flash takes Hige, Zoot and Ein off to catch an Intruder in a secret lab, Shenanagans ensue because Flash is in charge
at least 5,000 words and at least 4 scenes of Classic Cartoon Antics
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Flash, Hige, Zoot (we also have Ein)
  • 3-Landslide (Day 6)
Maddie's Feeling a bit out of it during an escavation mission. She's Worried about her friend, Jess. Gomez being Equally worried because of his love for Jess. Needless to Say, you can learn alot from a robot
Under 4200 words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Maddie, Gomez, D
  • 4-White and Nerdy (Day 7)
Tsume is sent to Gamestop to perchase <insert gadget/console here> with Toboe, who gleefully perchases <insert Mario Party Game here> and bugs both Tsume and Spike about it, they spend all day trying to avoid Toboe's plea, but the both of them are worn down.
under 3000 Words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Tsume, Spike, Toboe
  • 5-Deserted Disco (Day 8)
Erin has spent days looking for the B3BOP, Even eating a few Groceries in the Hi-Tech alien Convee she does not know how to operate (Forcing Erin to drive a sluggish 30 miles an hour) This time, she finds a young girl in the desert. after they exchange stories and advice, they go on their separate paths to the B3B0P, one is Quicker than the other.
at least 5200 words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Erin, Radical Edward, Dimentio (also Ein)
  • 6-Bring me to Life (Day 12)
A ghost story about a mysterious woman who seems to embrace TOM like a mother would. This raises some questions as to how someone like her could possibly survive the cold vaccum of Space in nothing but a dress?
exactly 5000 words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Blue, Kolulu, Mikey (Also Ein)
  • 7-The Right Stuff (Day 10)
Faye has to babysit Kat and Ana and Zatch needs to feel like a Kid again to understand Paradise and his feeling toward Kolulu. They put both their needs together and Team up.
under 2100 words
Top 3 Weirdies: Faye, Zatch, Kat and Ana (also Ein)

[edit] Day 15-Day 22

  • 1-Who let the Dogs Out? (Day 15-Day 21) *Story Arc Climax*
When Chase sees Jess making Toboe do tricks for Smartfood Popcorn. They engage in numerous ways to outdo each other in the Dog Trick Department. As Jess' Trick Requests progressively get more and more ridiculous through, It's up to Tsume to suggest Toboe talk to Chase, If only he could get the words out of his mouth...
at least 7800 words, Must have Toboe talk to Chase about his Late Owner.
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Chase, Toboe, Tsume (Ein optional)
  • 2-Party Rock Anthem (Day 18)
Hikari has offered to volunteer at the Chestnut City high school's lunch program (serving gravy for the mashed potatoes they're serving today) in preparation for her shift of working on restoring A Taste of China. Meanwhile someone has used the "Nasty Burger" restaurant chain's signature Nasty Sauce to destroy an unspecified group of buildings, Targeting Chestnut High next. It's up to Spike to save the day.
at least 6400 words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Hikari, Takeru, Spike
  • 3-Dare to be Stupid (Day 17)
Quent reluctantly takes Blue and a starving Hige out fishing as requested by Jet. Since Hige would do anything for food, Cartoony Antics ensue.
at least 7800 words, (Running Gag: Jet staying completely Still on the Boat Till he catches a Fish)
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Quent, Blue, Hige
  • 4-Move Along (Day 16)
Jess is thinking about the dream she had and her Artwork is suffering because of it, It is up to her alien boyfriend to get her over this existential crisis.
As long as you make it
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Jess, Dimentio, Gomez
  • 5-Hip-Hop, Round the Block (Day 21)
Flash is doing a few errands for an old farmer as their bounty, Jet decides to join in on the Action.
At least 5200 Words, 7800 words max
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Flash, Jet, Faye (Ein Optional)
  • 6-Weird Science (Day 20)
Edward wants an inside look at Zoot, Maddie wants to keep Zoot alive, Zoot's in deep quano
As long as you need it to be
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Maddie, Radical Edward, Zoot
  • 7-Amish Paradise (Day 17)
Kiba has to portray TOM in front of their Amish Employers, and Penny has to portray SARA.
As long as you need it to be. The ending must connect to the ending of Dare to be Stupid.
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Kiba, TOM, Penny.
  • 8-Vogue (Day 15-Day 16)
After being forced to part with her literal 'Birthday Suit' to put on normal clothes, Cheza must now learn about laundry and why she will have to get used to dressing yourself.
Up to 5200 Words
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Cheza, Sakurako, Ameka

[edit] Halloween 2078

  • Group 1-Trick or Treat
Jess and Maddie want to go Trick or Treating, And they want to use the Wolves to Trick or Treat with them, So to give her little-old-to-go-Trick-or-treating friend an Allebi, Maddie
At least 10400 words
Group Members: Jess, Maddie, Jade, Kiba, Tsume, Hige, Toboe, Cheza, Blue, Kat and Ana, Hikari, Takeru, Akari, Ryou
They're all coming to Jess's House to Trick or Treat and Joy Paltrivel has put Quent in charge of handing out candy! He'll have to ally themselves with a few odd groups in a sad attempt to keep their sanity!
Interactive thingy
Group Members: Quent, Spike, Jet, Faye, Edward, Dimentio, O'Chunks, Mimi, Nastasia, TOM, Flash, D, SARA, Erin
  • Group 3-Prep it up!

[edit] Costumes

  1. Jess as Dimentio/Kat
  2. Maddie as Dimentio
  3. Dimentio as
  4. Zoot as
  5. Jade as Ana
  6. Kiba as Toboe
  7. Tsume as Hige
  8. Hige as Kiba
  9. Toboe as Tsume
  10. Cheza as Blue
  11. Frieda as Frieda (El Tigre)
  12. Chase as Chase (Xiaolin Showdown)
  13. Zatch as Pikachu Gijinka
  14. Kiyo as Duskull Gijinka
  15. Kolulu as Raichu Gijinka
  16. Lori as Piplup Gijinka
  17. Tia as Chansey Gijinka
  18. Megumi as Jigglypuff Gijinka
  19. Mikey as Michelangelo (TMNT)
  20. Spike as Vicious
  21. Jet as Quent
  • Darcia as Cher
  • Quent as Darcia
  • Penny as
  • Mike as
  • Kat as 6-yr-old Jess
  • Ana as 6-yr-old Jade

[edit] Snow Days

  • 1: Pop Stars Undercover
Three Pop Stars stroll into Town with Rapper Kanye West and strut their stuff. They say they're 'Vocaloids', But how does that make a difference?
At least 6400 words
Top 7 Core Weirdies: Flash, D, Kat, Ana, Hatsune Miku, Kaito, Meiko
  • 2: Seven of Seven
A Japanese Co-Ed Studying abroad, and she tells us stories about her High School life and how her sisters changed over that period ...
Must be at Least 5,000 Words
Top 7 Core Weirdies: Nana Suzuki, Blue, Jess, Maddie, Jade, TOM, Spike
  • 3. We didn't Start the Fire
The conclusion must have a Tie-In to the Ending to "It's not what it looks like"
Top 3 Core Weirdies: Kiba, Jet, Zoot
  • 4. It's Not what it looks like
Dimentio is paid by a fetish group on deviantART to cast Random Transformations on the Weirdies. And Spike has to avoid being transformed himself...
As long as you like, Be sure to AP at least one of the Kids, AR at least one of the Teens/Adults, MG, BE, TG, GTS, Shrinkage, Be sure to wrap it up with RN
Top 5 Core Weirdies: Jess, Maddie, Spike, Tsume, Yotsuba
  • 5: It's Exactly what it looks Like
Volvagia's Back and she's got quite alot of Firepower thanks to a Local Pawnshop that Sells, Get this, Weaponry from the Friggin' Ratchet and Clank Series, And to Top it off, she's wearing Link's Tools! Can anypony stop her!
At least 5200 words that are not Spoken by a all...
Top 7 Core Weirdies: Jess, Jade, Natalie, Jet, Ed, Flash, Hige
  • 6. And the Bottom drops out.
  • 7. Beat It
  • EX: Dude looks like a Lady
The 100th Weirdie debuts here, Celebrations all around! Who could this New, Original Character possibly be?
Tsume seems to be Falling head over Tail for a mysterious Woman named Patricia. The thing is, Penny has noted the Metal Detector Blipped and she didn't have a thing on her.
It shall end with Patrick engaging the AI autopilot of Patricia and exiting the mecha by opening the head.
Top 7 Core Weirdies: Patricia, Tsume, Jet, Cheza, Quent, Toboe, Penny

[edit] Weirdies on Tour

  • Route 1-Dog Day Afternoon (My Hairiest Adventure)
Larry Boyd just found the coolest thing in the It's an old bottle of INSTA-TAN, "Rub on a Dark Suntan in a minute" - That's what the label says. So Larry and his friends do, but nothing much happens. Until Larry meets a Woman named Harmona in his Dreams, Waking him up in the middle to the night to find hair: Dark spiky hair growing on his hands and face. Hair that keeps Growing back even after he shaves it off.
The ending must have Larry following Lilly to a mysterious Grotto that sends him one year into the future, where Cheza drives them to the setting of the story.
Weirdies Roadies: Larry Boyd, Lilly V. Turnbull, Manny Hernendez, Jared, Kristina
  • Route 2-Re_birthday (The Cuckoo Clock of Doom)
Tara the Terrible. That's what Michael Webster called his bratty little sister. She loves getting Michael into trouble, making his life Miserable. Things couldn't get any worse. And then Mr. Webster helps a mysterious Woman with Pink Hair with Silver colored hairbuns bring in the antique cuckoo clock. It's old, it's expensive, and Mr. Webster won't let anyone touch it. Michael Turns the Cuckoo's head backwards and meets a mysterious girl with Green Hair
The Ending must have Michael and Tara Celebrating their 15th birthday as Twins. The Weirdies Carting in the Cuckoo Clock.
Weirdies Roadies: Michael and Tara Webster
  • Route 3-Charming Invaders
Weirdies Roadies: Akira, Shuu, Reiji, Ryusei, Makoto, Natsumi Hinata, Fuyuki Hinata, Keroro, Tamama, Giroro, Dororo, Aki Hinata, Momoka Fujioka among others
  • Route 4-Success
Weirdies Roadies: Nanappe, Nanakko, Nanarin, Nanasama, Nanapon, Nana---
  • Route 5-Bad∞End∞Night
Our heroes have entered a world where the cold embrace of death is everywhere...Freeze City in Moscow, Russia!
Weirdies Roadies: Jasper "Jazz" Boyd.
  • Route 6 - Never gonna Give You Up!
It has to include 'Dr. Hige, Attorney at Law' and Medusa Cyrogenicly Freezing Hikari and Takeru
  • Route 6-Decision 3012
Weirdies Roadies: Maka Travers, Patty Travers

[edit] Final Cut

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