Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x32

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[edit] Birthday Bashed

[edit] Set in Motion

(The calendar says June 3.)

Jess: Huh. That's weird. It's my birthday and no one's wished me any happiness. I've hardly even seen anyone today...

  • hiding in the closet with Mr. Small, Kururu, and Mikey*

Maddie: Are you sure we should be avoiding her like this?

Mikey: That's what Frog Man's friends did in that comic, right? I'm just glad we're not all in the same closet... I'm starting to cramp up as it is!

Kururu: If you're talking about me, I'm going to pinch you when we get out of here.

Mikey: Whatever.

(Meanwhile, some others are setting up in the back yard under the maple trees...)

NiGHTS: How high do you want this banner?

Dimentio: Just a litle higher... Shooting Star, your end's crooked.

Shooting Star *wobbly* It would help if the guy I asked to hold the ladder actually HELD THE LADDER!!!

Gomez: Sorry... ._.; *holds onto the ladder better*

  • Meanwhile, Kat, Ana, Penny, and Mike are dragging a huge amp*

Kat: *struggling* Why does this have to be so big?

Penny: *slight struggle* We need her to show how much we care by blasting the music for all to here!

Ana: *struggle* And who's the rest? Tahiti?

(Meanwhile, I'm in the front yard with Yotsuba, showing her cicadas.)

Jess: And if you look down at the ground, you can see the little holes they dig to get to the surface.

Yotsuba: Wow! That's so cool!

Jess: I know. But the maple tree in the back yard near Tidbit's area is covered in cicadas and cicada shells. Wanna come check it out with me?

  • out of nowhere, Zoot jumps on you in a glomp*

Zoot: Uh, whoops? *Sweatdrop* I just remembered, um, I need the bathroom again? *Sweatdrop*

Jess: *sigh* Come on... *to Yotsuba* I'll show you the cicadas in a little bit, okay?

Yotsuba: Okay! :D I gotta go, I'm late for your surprise party!

(In the backyard, Dimentio does a *facepalm* due to Yotsuba's goofup.)

Jess: Uh, see you there... I'll be the surprised one...

  • Meanwhile, still in the closet*

Maddie: *Singing* I've got a candy bar in my pocket, and I think it's starting to melt~!

Mr. Small: When can we get out of here?

(The closet doorknob starts to turn.)

Mikey: Guys, I think it's time!

(The door opens. It's me.)

Jess: Uh... what are you guys doing in there?

Maddie: Um...uh...

Mr. Small: We were...

Kururu: ...Finding a coat!

Jess: Yeah... riiiiiight...

Mikey: Uh... *quickly pulls a CD out of his shell and flips it onto the ground* We were also looking for this CD I lost! Kururu, buddy, you found it!

Kururu: Uh...right! Exactly! That's what we were looking for!

Mikey: Well, we'd better get going now... Later! *rush rush*

Jess: ... Something's up...

  • meanwhile, in the ecoroom...*

Orbulon: We gotta hurry! She could be here any minute!

Dimentio: Almost done... *conjures up a coupla picnic tables*

Kururu: Should me and Shortstuff go get her now?

Dimentio: Mmmm... Yeah, I think we're ready!


Jess: *playing Mario Kart Wii* Yeah, take that, Bowser! Feel the power of the galactic princess!!!

  • Kururu and Mr. Small rush in*

Mr. Small: Jess! Jess! Emergency!

Kururu: Orbulon! Broken toe! Badmiton!

Jess: Badmitton? *Rosalina(my character) gets hit by a Blue Shell and falls into the lava* Since when did anyone use that old badmitton set?

Kururu: ...Just come with us!

Jess: Okay, okay! *follows them*

Kururu and Mr. Small: Hurry!

Jess: I'm hurryin'!

Kat: *listening from outside* I think I hear them!

Dimentio: Wait for it...

Orbulon: Any second now...

Jess: (outside now, noticing the birthday stuff.)

Others: Surprise!

Jess: 8D Wow, guys!!! I had no idea!!!

Yotsuba: Are ya happy?!?!!

Jess: Of course, silly goose!

Orbulon: *to others* We did our job! She's happy! w00t!

[edit] Presents!

Jess: Present time?!

Dimentio: Yeah, whatever.

Jess: Eee!!! *jumps into pile of presents* *grabs one* This one first! *unwraps it, it's a KY Driver's Manual* ... Who's bright idea was this? *tag says "Love, Mom"* Figures. *flings driver's manual behind back* Next one, and hopfully it's a good one!

Kat and Ana: Go for it! :D

Jess: *shakes it, hears some sort of disk rattling* Ooh, this sounds promising! *unwraps it madly* 8D <Insert Pokemon Movie>!!! Daaaawwwww... *checks tag* Mikey, you remembered~!

Mikey: *under breath* I totally saw the commercial and guessed!

Jess: Next one is from... *checks tag* Zoot!

Zoot: Yay! You found my gift!

Jess: *opens it to find a plush version of Dimentio, and Darcia* ...Aww, I thought it was gonna be a Beanie Baby...It's a creepy little Dimentio plush...I think that guy's Darcia-sempai... Zoot, I appreciate the thought. *slams both "plush toys" on table*

Dimentio: *wince*


Darcia: *Stumbles*

back home

Jess: NEXT! *grabs a present from you*

Maddie: Great! You got mine! :D

Jess: I wonder what it is, I wonder what's insiiiiide~ *opens it* 8D Pencils!!! And paper!!! Awesome!!!*GLOMP!*

Maddie: Glad you like it! :D

Jess: Yay! *grabs another one* This is so oddly-shaped...

Shooting Star: That one's from me. :D

Jess: *tears into it madly* OMG! *holds it up, it's, a digital camera* It's a Kodak moment~

Penny: Lucky! :D

Jess: Ooh, a card! *picks up a card from Mom and Dad and opens the envelope* "Put your PAWS in the AIR! SHAKE your TAIL! RAISE the ROOF! It's your BIRTHDAY today!" *opens card*

Card: Who let the dogs out? Who, who-who, yeah, who!
Who let the dogs out? Who, who-who, yeah, who!
Who let the dogs out? Who, who-who, yeah, who!
Who let the dogs out?

Jess: HAAAA, awesome.

Kat: Such a fun card! :D

Jess: Yeah. Okies, next one! *grabs one from Mr.Small* Ooh, I wonder what this is! *opens it* Whoa! It's Mr Scatterbrain! *turns him around* A pull-string toy! I haven't seen one of these since last time I watched Toy Story! *pulls the string*

Mr. Scatterbrain doll: Where is my head?

Jess: *Laughing* That is priceless! Thanks, Mr Small! *picks up an envelope*

Mr. Small: Glad you like it! :D

Maddie: Who's that card from?

Jess: Yotsuba... *opens it*

(Yotsuba's present is a picture of us together with a brown lump[maybe Tidbit] and black smudges[cicadas?] in the air.)

Jess: Dawww, thanks, Yotsuba!

Yotsuba: You like it??? 8D

Jess: Like it?! I love it!

Maddie: *looks at picture* Wow! How...unique!

Mr. Small: It's sure...special!

Kururu: I've never seen anything like it!

Jess: Okies, next one! Hey, someone hand me one, please.

Penny: *gives you a CD box-shaped present with blue and orange wrapping paper* I hope you like this! Mike and I worked together to give you this!

Jess: Awesome! *unwraps it* OMG! Eeeee!!! Crush 40! Crush 40! Crush 40! *GLOMP!* YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Okay, next one! Come on! OMG!

(Mikey hands me one from Mom and Dad.)

Jess: *opens it* 8D

Mr. Small: What is it? What is it?

Jess: *happy tears* It's... Pokemon... X, Y...AND ____????!!! 8D

Maddie: w00t! So lucky~! :D

Kururu: Awesome!

Jess: *hugs PMD* |3 Okay, next one, please! *holds out hand*

Kururu: *gives you a box with yellow wrapping paper, and orange spirals* This is from me! :D

(It's a Dimentio repellent kit, complete with a pepper spray-like material, and an Elton John CD. XD)

Jess: *opens it* Haaa, awesome. ... *sprays the pepper stuff at Dimentio* XD

Dimentio: Aah, my eyes! *Faints*

Kululu: Kukukuku~! It works! :D

Jess: A-yep! :D Next one... *picks one up*

Gomez: That one's from me! It took me forever to pick it out!

Jess: Aww, thanks! *opens it* Ooohh!!! *it's some sort of pretty pendant* It's so pretty! 8D Thankyousomuuuch~! *GLOMP*

Gomez: ^/////^

Zoot: I wanna touch it.

Maddie: Zoot, don't. It's probably very expensive.

Jess: Okay, next one! :D *grabs another present*

Kat and Ana: You got our present! :D

Jess: Yay! (She opens it and gets a necklace that matches Chase's Zipper) Ooooh! It's so pretty~! Thanks, you guys!

Kat and Ana: You're welcome! It was my idea!

Jess: Of course it was. :D *grabs another present*

Orbulon: You got my present! :D

Jess: Awesome. *starts to open it*

(Meanwhile, Yotsuba has run off in pursuit of a flying cicada. Thankfully, it's pretty much staying in the yard, so she's not running too far off.)

Zoot: Ooh! Cicada! *starts to chase it with Yotsuba*

Jess: *opens it to find a remote control version of the Oinker* Ah, cool! I love these remote control thingies! I had one of a futuristic Pluto that I got at Disneyland once... wonder what happened to it... *starts up the remote control ship* Wheeeee~!

Orbulon: Glad you like it. :D

(Soon, all the presents are open. Among the stuff from earlier, Jess also got WarioWare: Smooth Moves from Penny, an illustrated dream dictionary from NiGHTS, PMD: Explorers of Darkness from Toboe, both National Treasure and Book of Secrets from Kat and Ana, money from the grandparents and Super Smash Bros Brawl from Dimentio, who I think was just trying to keep on my good side so he can get away with doing certain stuff.)

Jess: Thanks, you guys! This was the best birthday party ever!

Others: You're welcome! :D

Jess: ^////^ *notices something coming up the road* Hey... what's that?

Shooting Star: Looks like a guy with a big stick carrying a girl...

Mr. Small: Great McGilicuty! Who could that be?

[edit] To the Rescue

(Chuckie Chan[human version] is walking up the street, supported by the stick he's holding. He's carrying a badly injured Toph Bei Fong piggy-back style.)

Jess: Holy crap! What happened to them?!

Mikey: That guy has some funky hair. 8|

Maddie: Oh my! Poor fellows!

Zoot: What could have happened?

Jess: I dunno, but we should go help them! C'mon, guys!

(Around half of us rush over to help['cuz really, 16 people aren't all needed to help an injured kung-fu master and an unconcious Earthbender].)

Maddie: *stops at the two* Are you two okay?

Chuckie: I am fine... but the young lady... she requires medical assistance...

Shooting Star: Okay, guys, leave this to me!

Jess: Uh... why?

Kururu: Yeah, are you a *puts a pink hairbow on, and talks in a nasally, monotone voice* trained professional?

Shooting Star: Eh, no. But I have healing abilities, and I was required to take a CPR course in highschool. *stretches her fingers* We just need to get her inside first. When I'm healing, I prefer to have the patient on a comfortable surface, like a couch or bed. That pavement can't be good for her back!

Kururu: *still with the bow and voice* I can do it. Don't worry, it will be easy!

Maddie: You can ditch the voice now.

Jess: Yes, please.

Later, in the house...

Jess: Are you sure this'll work?

Shooting Star: Sure, I'm sure. I wouldn't do anything to someone else that I wouldn't do to myself, and I practice my abilities on myself all the time!

Jess: Okay...

Mr. Small: I sure hope you know what you're doing...

Shooting Star: Trust me, I know what I'm doing.


Jess: *puts an icepack on Chuckie's shoulder* There ya go. ^u^

Chuckie: Thank you.

Jess: By the way, what happened to you guys, anyway?

Penny: Yeah! What happened? You two seem to be badly hurt.

Chuckie: I will tell you in the manner of a wavy flashback...

[edit] Flashback Tiem

It all started when I was travelling through the city. I was doing my own business--

Jess: Doncha mean "minding your own business"?

Yes, thank you. I was minding my own business when suddenly...

Toph: *surfing on earth* Outta the way, chicken legs!!!

Chuckie: Waugh! *jumps out of the way* What the-- *a harsh, brief wind blows past* What is going on...?

Penny: Waiwaiwaiwaiwait. She was surfing on the earth?

Chuckie: Why, yes. She is an Earthbender, after all.

Jess: Honestly, Penny, have you never watched Avatar? She's also blind, but she uses vibrations in the earth to see. You need to watch more cartoons, girl!

Penny: Well, excussssse MEEEE! </stevemartin>

Jess: *Giggles*

Chuckie: Now, where was I...?

Jess: Toph surfed past you on earth and then a harsh wind blew by.

Chuckie: Ah, yes, now I remember...

The harsh wind I had experienced was caused by an enormous beast, the likes of which I had never seen in my life!

Beast(some kinda giant, mutated evil Charizard): RRRAAAAAAAWWWWWRRR!!! *shoots past Toph at incredible speed and starts to come at her from the front*

Chuckie: Young lady! You are going the wrong way! It is coming towards your front!

Toph: Huh--? *mutate!Charizard lands in front of Toph* Oh, great.

Mutate!Charizard: RRAAAAAAAWWWWWRR!!!

Toph: Bring it, big shot! *starts Earthbending waves of rock as mutate!Charizard*

Mutate!Charizard: *flies out of reach of the rock waves*

Maddie: Wow. That's pretty scary!

Penny: What is that beast?

Toph: Where'd that thing go...?

As the beast prepared to strike her from the rear, I knew that I must intervene!

Chuckie: *charges up that green energy ball thing, then fires it at the mutate!Charizard!*

Mutate!Charizard: *hit, but not much damage* RAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRR!!! *Flamethrower!*

Chuckie: Waaugh! *jumps out of the way*

Voice: Hahahahahaaaa!!! I see my Giga Charizard is already a success!

Maddie: Who is that?

Penny: Who could have owned such a creature?

Chuckie: Who are you, fiend?! Show yourself!

Almost immediately, an overweight man who looked to be in his late 40's flew in, riding some sort of personal aircraft.

Fatty: You don't know who I am? Well, aren't you unfortunate! I am the world's greatest scientist and the best evil genius ever born! I am DR EGGMAN!!!

Chuckie: ... Never heard of you.

Eggman: *anime-style faint*

Chuckie: Why are you in pursuit of this young lady?

Eggman: She has something of mine... and I intend to get it back! Normally, I'd send out one of my robots, but I couldn't do that this time. You see, not only is that little brat one of the most powerful Earthbenders, she also has the unique ability to bend metal, rendering my mechanical powerhouses useless. So I decided that the only way to fight someone who can control metal is to use a weapon containing absolutely no metal at all. That's where Giga Charizard comes in!


Eggman: Quite the feat of genetic engineering, if I do say so myself! I took some DNA from a regular, boring old Charizard, the horn-covered Rhydon, an expert Firebender and added just the right amount of cold-blooded evil. Now nothing can stand in my way, not with Giga Charizard by my side!

Giga Charizard: RRAAAAAAAAAWWWWRRRRR!!! *shoots out blue fire from its mouth*

[edit] Reassurance

Penny: Scary! He's no evil genius! He's just an evil idiot with a huge problem!

Jess: Yeah, that's what Sonic's been trying to tell him for years. XD

Chuckie: After that, we were forced to engage in combat with the so-called "Giga Charizard". As you can tell, we didn't do so well... *sweatdrop*

Jess: And then you guys ended up here?

Chuckie: Yes.

Jess: That's quite the story...

Penny: Yeah! Who would have thought he would create such a thing!

Jess: I always thought he cared nothing for living things. I was right. 8|

(Meanwhile, Shooting Star has finished healing Toph.)

Shooting Star: Done! *Phew!* Didn't think it'd take that long... now we just have to wait for her to wake up.

Jess: That's good...

Kururu: I could help in doing that...

Maddie: Try it, and you'll be tasting asphalt for the rest of the month.

(Soon, Toph opens her eyes[even though that's pretty much pointless in her case, but whatev].)

Toph: Huh...? Where am I...?

Jess: Hey! Great to see you're awake!

Toph: *ears perk up slightly* I know you! You're one of those people from that wet and nasty cave!

Maddie: *Phew!* She's up! What a relief!

Toph: And I know you, too! Does that mean everyone from that cave is here...?

Mikey: What's she talking about? What cave?

Jess: You weren't there, you wouldn't understand.

Zoot: *from another place* Is that Toph? Is that the girl from the cave? *runs to see her, and trips*

Toph: So... where are we, exactly?

Jess: My house. :D Chuckie told us what happened to you guys. What was the thing you had that Eggman wanted?

Toph: Well, I don't know what it is, exactly... I found it and thought it was a weird-shaped rock, but I can't seem to bend it. *pulls out a green, glowing jewel* As soon as I found this thing, that huge monster started chasing me.

Jess: Wow! 8D That's a Chaos Emerald!

Toph: A what?

Penny: They're the ultimate power source in Eggman's universe. There's seven of them, and they can turn Sonic into an ultimate being, along with other things.

Toph: Who's Sonic?

Jess: A blue hedgehog that runs superfast. Though in your case, the "blue" part is a moot point.

Penny: Yep. The Blue Blur himself.

Jess: Yeah... *looks outside* Wow! It got dark quick! *looks at the clock* No wonder! It's 10 at night! We should get some sleep.

Shooting Star: Yeah, I could... *Yawn* I could go for a nap, too...

Toph: Not me.

Jess: Well, you've been asleep for a while already. That's probably why.

Mr. Small: *secretly pinching himself, to keep awake* I could stay awake all the time!

Jess: Yeah, right. Time for bed, everyone.

Yotsuba: What?! No fair! I'm not sleepy at all! I can still... *stares off into space* I can play!

Toph: *puts one of her feet on the floor* Seems to me like you've almost run out of energy.

Jess: Come on, let's get beds set up.

(We break out blankets and sleeping bags like that one time at Christmas, only it's more complicated as there's more of us this time around.)

Penny: I think that's about all of the beds.

Jess: Yeah, and people still hafta share... Oh well. G'night, everyone.

Maddie: Goodnight.

Others: Goodnight.

(They All Fall asleep)

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