Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x31

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki


[edit] Neighborhood Market

[edit] Let there be Distraction


Jess: *searches the fridge* We need groceries. The fridge is empty, 'cept for this questionable hunk of aluminum foil. *opens it* Ooh! Lasagna!

Mr. Small: At least it's better than the blue cheese incident... *looks at Mikey*

Mikey: *not paying any attention*

Jess: So, who's going with me to get groceries?

Gomez: I will! I'm the only one here with a driver's license, y'know. N-ngloating, just saying...

Shooting Star: I have a driver's license, but it's only valid in Free Country USA. *sweatdrop*

Maddie: *raises hand* I'll go! I love grocery stores! :D

Zoot: I wanna go! I wanna go!

Kururu: Me and Shortstuff volunteer!

Mr. Small: I never agreed to tha-

Kururu: We're going.

Jess: Great!

Shooting Star: I'll stay here and make sure no one blows up the house.

NiGHTS: I won't blow up the house. 8|

Shooting Star: Who says I was talking about you? ;)

Orbulon: I'll also stay here and do the same thing.

Jess: Okay. We'll be back in a hour or two! Don't blow up the house, okay?

Shooting Star: No need to worry! *waves*

Orbulon: We've got it all under control!

[edit] After they leave...

Shooting Star: *turns to those who decided to stay* All right, everyone, listen up. I'm aware that we're not all exactly fond of Mr Bowie-is-king. I myself hate his freakin' guts. But I care about Jess, so that's why I'm in full agreement for this party. I don't want it to turn into a disaster, so let's all work together to make this the best day of her life! Whaddaya say?

Orbulon: That's right. It's our priority to keep the house in one piece when they come back!

Shooting Star: That's right. Now... *pulls out a laptop* I'm gonna check out Wal*Mart's DVD inventory. It says on her birthday list... *pulls out a photocopy that Dimentio gave to everyone except me* ... that she wants both National Treasure and National Treasure: Book of Secrets DVDs.

[edit] in the car

Kururu: I know we're small, but why did you stick me and Shortstuff in the baby seat?

Maddie: It's cute. :3

Mr. Small: Actually, I do this all the time back in Dillydale.

Natalie: Wait... the car has a baby seat?

Gomez: She put it in. *points to Maddie*

Nathan: Do they do this often...

ConC!Yotsuba: As often as the bath house thing we did back on Thra, That's our shtick, bag some baddies, do some work, buy groceries, bond in bath houses, and have some silly adventures along the way...

Nathan: I see, We're a family...

Spike: Yeah, somethin' like that...

[edit] At the grocery store...

Maddie: what's on this list?

Jess: Hmm... first, in the produce aisle! Because, due to this store's layout, going counter-clockwise from start(produce) to finish(checkouts) is faster and easier than finding each item on the list in the order they're written in! Okay. *reads produce items on list* "Lettuce... tomatoes... potatoes... grapes... vitaminwater(there's vitaminwater on a shelf near the produce at my local Kroger)..."

Jess: Okay... *checks grocery list* What's on here that's in the produce aisle...?

Gomez: What about a canteloupe? They look ripe.

Jess: It's not on the list, but whatev! *picks up a canteloupe* Okay, Let's Split up, Gang!

Maddie, Kururu, Zoot, and Mr. Small: Okay! :D

Jess: Great!

Gomez: *picks up a bag of grapes* Oh geez... how do you tell good grapes from the bad?

Jess: Here. *takes the grapes* First, you gotta examine 'em carefully, make sure there's no rotten ones. *examines the bunch in the bag* One rotten grape ruins the whole bunch.

Gomez: I see...

Jess: Then, if there's no rotten ones, you taste one of the grapes. Generally, a bunch of grapes tastes the same all around. *picks a grape and tastes it* Hmm... pretty good! *weighs the grapes and puts them in the buggy*

Gomez: How did you obtain such intellect on produce?!!

Jess: Years of practice.

[edit] Meanwhile, at home...

Yotsuba: *drawing a picture* Hum de dum...

Orbulon: It seems that everything's going good so far. No one's destroying anything.

NiGHTS: *floats over to Yotsuba* What are you drawing?

Yotsuba: A picture for Jess! :D It's gonna be my present for her.

Penny: Aww! That's a really cute idea! :D

Yotsuba: Look! *shows the pitcure to Penny and NiGHTS... you know how her drawing is...*

NiGHTS: Um... wow, it sure is... wow! :awkwardplz:

Yotsuba: You like it?! 8D

Penny: I've never seen anything like it! :Awkwardplz:

Yotsuba: 8D

[edit] Back at the grocery store...

Jess: Okay, we got our plants. Next up, meats and such!

Zoot: What kind of meat? I like burgers, but chops are nice, too. On the other hand, sausages taste really good too, and- *Kururu pokes him, to make him stop*

Jess: I meant lunch meat. And those Lunchables pizza meals I like so much.

Zoot: Ohhhh...those work, too! :D

Jess: Yep. :D Okay, for meat, we need... *checks list* "Bologna... ham... chicken... burger meat..."

Gomez: I just saw the burger meat ove there. I'll go get it.

Jess: Aww, thanks, sweetie! ^_^

Zoot: I KNEW we would need burger!

Jess: Hey, when we're done, how about we go get some ice cream? My treat.

Gomez: Ice cream? Sounds icy. And creamy. :D

Maddie: YES. I do anything related to ice cream! :D

Jess: Great! :D Next up, snacks and such.

Zoot: All right! Snacks! w00t!

Jess: Cookies! Cookies are a must-have.

Maddie: Yes! Totally!

Jess: *gets various cookie varieties, skipping over the mint/peanut butter kinds*

Maddie: Great! :D Now, what other snacks? Chips, maybe?

Jess: YES. Chips! Pizza Pringles and Cool Ranch Doritos! I think Im one of the only people keeping up the Cool Ranch Dorito sales.

Maddie: w00t! All right!

Zoot: Let's go, go, go! :D

Jess: Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiips!!!!!

Maddie: w00t! The chips! We gotta get the chips!

Jess: Yes! Chips!!!

Gomez: I got the chips!

Jess: Already? Wow, that was quick.

Mr. Small: So, now what?

Jess: Miscaleny stuff, like ketchup and cream of potato soup. Oh yeah, and pet food.

Maddie: Okay! :D Let's do it! :D

Jess: YAY!!!

[edit] Milk

[edit] Microwave Meals

[edit] Bread n' Eggs

[edit] On to the Ice Cream

Jess: Well, that was fun.

Maddie: Yep! I always love going grocery shopping.

Zoot: Now, about the ice cream...

Jess: Sure thing! Come on, let's load these bags in the trunk and head to Dairy Queen!

Maddie: Okay! *grabs one of the heavier bags, and sets it in the trunk*

Jess: Don't squash the bread. Mom hates squashed bread. ... On second thought, don't worry about the bread. :D

Zoot, Mr. Small, Kururu, and Me: Uh...

Jess: Nevermind.

[edit] after checkout

Jess: Well, that was fun. Now, for ice cream!

Maddie: W00t! Ice cream! And no The Cheat hair in sight.

Jess: Oh, there's the Dairy Queen, Gomez. Don't pass it up like you did that one time when we were talking about something and you passed up the Chinese restaurant, okay?

Gomez: Please don't remind me about that... *pulls into the Dairy Queen parking lot*

Maddie: All right! We're here! w00t!

Jess: Yay! Come on, everyone out if you want ice cream!

(We all get out of the car and head into the Dairy Queen.)

Gomez: Hey, look at that guy with the dual-colored hair. He looks familiar...

Jess: Yeah, he looks kinda like...

Maddie: Yeah, he does look familiar.

Zoot: It's as if I knew him!

Mr. Small: Great McGillucuty! You're right!

Kururu: Can it be?

(It's Dimentio, in his human form!)

Dimentio: *turns around* O_O; *thinking* Crap, why is she here?!

Jess: Yo, Ziggy Crapforbrains! Whatcha doin' here?

Dimentio: *turns all the way around, taking care to hide something behind him* W-what, can't a guy get some food?

Mr. Small: I couldn't help but notice that you have something behind your back. What is it?

Dimentio: *pulls out a combo meal* My lunch. Duh.

Jess: Why would you hide lunch behind your back?

Dimentio: Why would you sing "Rocketman" every time Mario is shot from a Launch Star? We all have our little oddities, you know. Geeeez! *leaves*

Jess: ... He's been up to something fishy lately...

Maddie: Yeah...

Zoot: Maybe it's his lunch.

Maddie: I'm not sure if you can get a fish sandwich at Dairy Queen...

Jess: Hmmm...

[edit] Later, after ice cream...

Jess: We're hoooome~!

  • Mike stuffs a box in his compartment*

Penny: Welcome back!

Orbulon: The house is in one piece! :D

Jess: That's great to hear. :D I notice someone's having fun with the satellite.

(Yotsuba is watching an episode of "Growing Up..." on Animal Planet.)

Yotsuba: It's a baby monkey!

Ana: He looks like a baby Numchucks! 8D

Jess: Aww, I always love Animal Planet. ^u^ Okay, who's gonna help unload the groceries and put 'em away?

Yotsuba: *raises hand* Me!

Mikey: Not me.

Maddie: I'll help! :D

Penny: I like organizing, so I'll help, too! :D

Jess: Great! :D Let's just get these first few bags on the table first...

Maddie: Okay! :D

Jess: *starts putting away canned goods* Oh! Hey, Mikey, they're showing Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea later on Cartoon Network. You wanna see it?

Mikey: Are there Wartortles in it?

Jess: I don't really remember...

Penny: Where does this bread go? Like, does it go in a bread box or somewhere?

Jess: No, we just leave it on the table.

Penny: Okay. :D *puts it on the table*

Jess: Great!

[edit] Squirty Tomfoolery


Jess: Well, I'm glad we got that don. Now we don't hafta do anything else all day... -u-

Mikey: Yeah! It's time to veg out!

Maddie: Yep.

-a few moments later-

Kururu: I'm bored.

Jess: I got an idea. *heads to bedroom, comes back with a box* Let's "get" Dimentio when he comes back. *Giggles*

Mikey: "Get" him?

Jess: Y'know, squirt guns. *opens the box, revealing an impressive water gun arsenal*

Kururu: I'm up for it.

Mr. Small: As am I.

Orbulon: I always did want to get him back for the damage he did in Diamond City...

Zoot: I don't know what we're talking about, but I'll do it.

Jess: Great! Now, let's go fill these babies up and wait 'till he arrives.

(Everyone grabs a water gun except for Mikey, since he has one built in already. XD)

Others: Right! >D

(they fill 'em up. Soon enough, Dimentio comes up the driveway.)

Kururu: *looking from window* He's coming!

Jess: Okay, let's get him!

(We all charge out of the house, firing our water guns at Dimentio!)

Dimentio: *soaked* What is the meaning of this?!!!?!

Jess: What, you don't like having fun? XD

Orbulon: Apparently not! *giggle*

Jess: *phony French accent* THERE'S BEEN A COUP! A COUP! A COUP D'ETAT! I RECLAIM MY POWER IN THIS HOUSEHOLD!!! *squirts Dimentio some more* Raah, die, die, die!

(Everyone cheers in my victory. Except for Dimentio, of course, who's all wet.)

Maddie: Jess is victor! The battle is over!

Dimentio: ... I'm never going to live this down...

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