Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x29

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[edit] Fight to the Finish

[edit] Bracket A Finals

Mikey: Now... Team Dream Magic... Team Ninja... prepare yourselves... for whoever beats who shall gain the oppritunity of defeating the Bracket B Victors... *hums that music that plays in between battles in Pokemon Stadium*

Kat: I'm ready!

Ana: Me too!

Dimentio: Bring it on, ninja brats!

NiGHTS: ... What he said! XD

Ana: You guys are going DOWN!

Kat: Yeah!

Mikey: Let the final brawl BEGIN!!!

(The players start in Final Destination. No floating platforms, no moving around, no distractions. It's just the jesters versus the ninjas!)

Jess: Come on, Kat and Ana... beat Dimentio!

Kat: Let's do this thing!

Ana: You guys don't stand a chance!

Dimentio: I could say the same about you! NiGHTS, care to do the honors?

NiGHTS: Sure thing! *Homing Attack!*

Ana: I got ya! PK Fire! *PK Fire*

NiGHTS: Auuuuuuuuggh! It buuuuuuuuurns!!!

Dimentio: Ah ha ha! They fell for the bait! *Aura Sphere!*

Kat: I got it! *Ice Shot!*

Dimentio: *Double Team!*

Kat: *Blizzard!*

Ana: PK Freeze! *PK Freeze!*

NiGHTS: *sees a Pokeball* Ooh! I got this! *Spin Dash to the Pokeball!* Got it!

Kat: Aw man!

(The Pokeball opens to reveal... Munchlax!)

NiGHTS: Munchlax...?

Dimentio: Aw, great.

Kat: The only thing worst than Wario for eating...

Ana: Hey! An Assist Trophy! *grabs it*

Munchlax: 8D *rushes over* Muuunch! *nom nom nom*

Dimentio: Hooray for the walking garbage disposal! w00t! And now... *Force Palm at Kat/Ice Climbers!*

Kat: No fair! *Squall Hammer!*

Ana: Yeah! PK Thunder! *PK Thunder!*

Dimentio: *Double Team!*

(As soon as Kat and Ana's attacks hit, Dimentio's Double Team counters them at full strength!)

NiGHTS: Haha, awesome. *Spin Dash!*

Ana: *thinks* *ding* *PK Magnet!*

Dimentio: That thing's not gonna hurt me if I don't touch it. You know that?

Ana: Maybe not you, but NiGHT's attacks are direct attacks!

NiGHTS: You mean me? *holding an Assist Trophy*

Dimentio: Yes! *w00t*

(The Assist Trophy summons... Shadow the Hedgehog!)

Kat and Ana: No!

Shadow: Chaos... Control!!!

(Shadow slows the movements of Kat/Ice Climbers and Ana/Lucas.)

Ana: I really kick their butts!

(Dimentio/Lucario and NiGHTS/Sonic take the opportunity to deal a lot of damage to Kat/Ice Climbers and Ana/Lucas.)

Kat: Oof!

Ana: Ow!

Dimentio: Ah ha ha! I could do this all day!

(Shadow leaves, stopping the Chaos Control.)

Dimentio: ... Oh crap.

Kat: It's our turn now! *grabs a Gooey Bomb and sticks it on NiGHTS/Sonic*

NiGHTS: Aah! *runs* Getitoffgetitoffgetitoffgetitoff--

Dimentio: Run into one of them, you idiot!

NiGHTS: --getitoffgetitoffgetitoffgetitoffgetitoff-- *runs into Dimentio, sticking it on him*

Dimentio: Oh crap. *asplode!* Gaaah! Oh, the pain!! *Wails*

Kat: That was great!

Ana: It helped us a lot!

Dimentio: Little BRATS!

(Smash Ball Appeareth!)

Dimentio: NiGHTS! Get it! It's the only chance we have---!

Kat: I got it! *Belay! To get her to the Smash Ball eaisier!*

Dimentio: Crap!

NiGHTS: I got it! *Spring Jump!* IgotitIgotitIgotit... *starts to fall* Don't got it. 8( *lands*

Kat: Lemme try it again! *Belay again!*


Dimentio: no... NO!!!

Kat: *Popo high-fives Nana, and the Iceburg comes out!*

(Dimentio/Lucario and NiGHTS/Sonic are frozen due to the sheer cold of the iceburg!)

Dimentio: C-c-cold... so very c-c-c-cooooollld...

Ana: Yes! That works so awesomely!

Kat: I'm coming for you two! *rushes up to the frozen duo, and starts attacking them*

(Sadly, this scene of smackdown was too awesome for Jess to be able to describe. You have to write the scene and Dimentio and NiGHTS shall be defeated in this scene.)

Kat and Ana: We did it! 8D *high-five*

Dimentio: I... I lost... to little bratty GIRLS! *Crying*

NiGHTS: Meh, I had fun. ^_^

[edit] Bracket B Finals

[edit] Final Battle

[edit] Wrap Up

Mikey: The champions are Katrina as Sheik and Anabelle as Lucario!

(Jess starts imitating a trumpet as the champion "ceremony" begins.)

Yotsuba: *holding two cardboard medals* Kat and Ana, I present you the Cardboard Medals of Team Smashin', for doing a good job of layin' the smack down. Here ya go! *holds them out to Kat and Ana*

Kat and Ana: Thank you!

Kat: We'd also like to say...

Ana: ...That everyone else also did a good job! :D

Narrator: And so the tournament comes to a beautiful close. Good thing, too. That copy of Brawl's a rental!

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