Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x28

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[edit] Climax Jump

[edit] Pre-Intro Scene

Mikey: Okay, everyone... it's time for.. the SEMIFINALS...

(The semifinals begin! First up, Team Dream Magic vs Team Zooty and Zoot!)

Mikey: Okay, for the semifinals, we're gonna do something a bit different. Before each match, the combatants will each pick a number from 1 to 4. *holds up a spinner* Whoever has their number selected by this spinner, their character's home stage will be where the brawl will take place. Ready, go!

Dimentio: Two. For no reason.

Maddie: Three!

Zoot: One!

NiGHTS: I guess I get four, then.

Mikey: Time for the magic spinner! *spins it* It's four! Green Hill Zone it is! Good luck out there, you guys.

[edit] Bracket A Semifinal Match 1: Dream Magic Vs. Zooty and Zoot

Announcer: READY...GO!

(With the musical prowess of Crush 40's Live and Learn in the background, Dimentio makes the first move.)

Dimentio: Take this! *Force Palm!*

Zoot: More like, you take this! *Luigi Missle!*

Dimentio: *hit!* Oof!

NiGHTS: I got 'im! *Homing Atack!*

Maddie: And I got you! *Dimensional Cape!*

NiGHTS: A-nope! *speeds off in the opposite direction* You're too slooow~!

Maddie: Grr! *grabs a crate and chucks it at NiGHTS/Sonic*

NiGHTS: Woop! *knocked off balance* Dah, crap. |(

Dimentio: *sees a Point Marker* Got it! *gets near the Point Marker* You want me? Come and get me!

Zoot: Okay! *throws a fireball at the Point Marker*

Dimentio: DANGIT. *run awaaay!* The stupid one saw through my plan?! How?!

NiGHTS: You were a little too obvious. XD

Maddie: Take this, you two! *Drill Rush!*

Dimentio: Woah! *takes the full brunt of the blow*

NiGHTS: Hey, looky what I found! *Assist Trophy!*

Zoot and Maddie: No!

Zoot: Who is it?

Maddie: I'm not sure!

(It's... Lyn!)

Lyn: I'll handle this... *loooooong pause... then STRIKE ZOOT/LUIGI!* Taste my blade!!!

Zoot: Owowowow! *close to KO*

Dimentio: Ah ha ha ha! That's what you get when you mess with us!

(Smash Ball appeareth!)

NiGHTS: I got it! *rushes after it*

Dimentio: No way! You got it last time! *gets close to the Smash Ball and uses Aura Sphere on it*

Maddie: Not if I get to it first! *makes a rush at it, but misses*

(Using Force Palm, Dimentio has broken the Smash Ball!)

Zoot and Me: NO!

NiGHTS: Yes! Go, go, go!

Dimentio: Watch my power!(or whatever Lucario says befre Aura Storm) *jumps into the air, aiming... AURA STORM AT ZOOT/LUIGI FULL POWERRRR!!!!*

Zoot: NOOOOO! *KO'D!*

Dimentio: *after Aura Storm, turns to Maddie* Ah ha ha... It's two against one now...

  • rumble rumble*

NiGHTS: Wh-what's going on?!

(Suddenly, the middle part of the stage crumbles and collapses!)

NiGHTS: Aahh, where'd the ground go?!??!??!??

Dimentio: Who cares?!! Get to safe ground! *ExtremeSpeed to left part*

NiGHTS: Right! *Homing Attack to right part, while hitting you in the process?*

Maddie: Oof! *Hovers up into the air, to try and find safe ground*

NiGHTS: Dimentio! Edge-guarding time!

Dimentio: Great idea!

(They both get to the edges of the gap and duck.)

Maddie: Aw, come on! *notices that I can't go any higher* Uh-oh... *starts to plummet*

NiGHTS: Here she comes!

(They both start using ground-based attacks to keep you from grabbing the edge. Edge-guarding at its finest! XD)

Maddie: Oof! *smack* I really want- *smack* To get onto an edge! *smack*

Dimentio/NiGHTS: HECK NO! *double strike!*

Maddie: NOOO!!!! *KO'D in a manner not unlike that kid from the first episode of Wolf's Rain*

Dimentio: YES! Yes! *high-fives NiGHTS* Dream Magic does it again! WOOOOOO!!!

NiGHTS: ... I think... you're going overboard...

Maddie: (Spiral Eyed) Oh well. I did my best.

Kat and Ana: It's our turn!

Kat: And we get to fight Orbulon and Gomez first!

Gomez: Already?

Mikey: Pick a number from one to four, everyone!

Gomez: Um... three.

Kat: Two!

Orbulon: One!

Ana: That leaves me with four!

Mikey: Okay! *spins spinner, it's not a very good spin* Um... that was lame.

Jess: Spinner stuck? Try shaking it.

Mikey: Oh, right. *shakes it* Now! Here we go! *spin* It's a four!

Ana: All right! New Pork City, here we come!

[edit] Bracket A Semifinal Match 2: Team Ninja vs. ---

(The brawl has begun!)

Gomez: Geez! This place is so big!!!

Orbulon: If Jigglypuff was here, her Final Smash wouldn't stand a chance!

Kat: *as the Ice Climbers, controling Popo* I've always wanted a twin that would do as I say!

Ana: *as Lucas* Let's do this thing! PK Freeze!

Gomez: *on the other freakin' side of the stage* ... You need to work on your aim.

Ana: Way to be a JERK! *Runs up to him and uses PK Fire*

Gomez: Waaaah! *runs away* Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry!!!

Kat: That's my sister for you. Get her angry and she's bound to erupt.

Orbulon: And here's some bacon! *Chef!*

Kat: Hey! Cheap shot!

Jess: I like bacon. ^_^

Gomez: Yeah... *jump!* PK Thunder!!! *launch!* Kyaaaah!!! *rams right into Ana/Lucas*

Ana: Oof! Using a move I have, eh? PK Thunder! *launches it at Gomez/Ness*

Gomez: Aaahhh!!! *shield!*

Kat: I'll help you, sis! *Squall Hammer!*

Gomez: Eeep! *runs away* Orbulon, heeellllllp!!!

Orbulon: Okay, okay! Hang on! *Judge on Kat, though he only gets a 1* Aw man!

Dimentio: Aw, man. That sucked.

Gomez: YOU'RE NOT HELPING THINGS!!!! Whoa, I sounded just like Jess... O_O

Ana: You let your guard down! PK Freeze!

Gomez: Waugh!!! *frozen* H... help...

Orbulon: *starts using that air-puff-thingy on the ice to try and break it*

Gomez: Ow. Ow. Ow. OWWW. *free!* Yay!

(Smash Ball Appeareth!)

Gomez: Look! It's that thing!

Orbulon and Ana: I got it! *Makes a run for the Smash Ball*

Ana: My time to make a dash for it! *does the same as Orbulon*

Gomez: Oh no, you don't! PK Flash!

Ana: *dodges it*! *PK Thunder at Smash Ball!*

Gomez: ._.; Oh no, we're doomed.

Ana: *punches the Smash Ball, thus breaking it* PK STARSTOOORM!!!

Gomez: Waugh!!! *jump jump dash jump HIT* Aaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! *KO'd!*

Orbulon: Gomez! No! *Hit by, one causing major damage*

Kat: Hey, Orbulon!

Orbulon: What?

Kat: CATCH! *Throws a Smart Bomb at him*

Orbulon: *caught in the explosion* Owowowowowowow!!!! *KO'D!*

Mikey: And the winner is, in a truly explosive ending, Team Ninja!

Gomez: *thoroughly wired due to adrenaline rush* Whooooaaa! Thawazawesome!!! LET'S GO AGAIN!

Jess: Eh, no.

[edit] Bracket B Semifinal Match 1

[edit] Bracket B Semifinal Match 2

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