Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x17

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[edit] Script

[edit] A Hollow Victory

Morbo: And with the polls now closed in every time zone worldwide, from Tomorrowland to the Republic of Yesterday, we are able to declare a winner. Chris Travers, who leapt backwards in time and ahead in the polls, has defeated Richard Nixon.

[The crowd applauds. Balloons and confetti rain down.]

Leela: He did it! He did it!

Senator Ravers: Yes!

Leela: Congratulations, Mr. President. [She shakes Travers' hand.]

Chris Travers: It's all thanks to you, Leela. You stood by me and exposed my private medical records, even after I begged you not to.

Leela: Aw, thanks. Now, get up to that podium and change the world.

[Travers walks up to the podium.]

Amy: Too bad your pal Nixon lost, Bender. You must be pretty glorked off.

Bender: Nope. I don't give a bag of butts who won the election. Nothing's going to change.

Leela: What? How can you say that?

Bender: Watch and learn.

Chris Travers: My fellow Earthicans, I am honored and humbled to stand before you tonight as your next president. Together, we will turn the page and begin a new chapter in our proud history. And I can keep my promise of getting a puppy for My little girl, Maka. (They laugh as. Starts coughing a little) Oh, my... does anyone have a Trecola? (We get chuckles from his peers as he coughs up black ink) Wha-What is this stuff? What's Happening? (He's frothing in the mouth with fear as Fangire Glass Makeup appears on his Face. Aizen appears from the background with Maka A. and Soul still frozen.)

Aizen: Well, He certainly did change the future, your father. (activates a Zodiarts Switch with a hidden Gaia Memory inside.)

FX: Hollow

(The Switch attaches to Travers' Back, who screams in pain with his Hollow Mask Complete, He Becomes the Hollow ED, or the "Fangire Dopant" if you want to be more specific.)

Maka T: Daddy!

Patty T: Pops, No!

Hikari: What did you do to him?

Aizen: I'm keeping him here in the present day, what do you think?

Takeru: What the hell does that even mean?

Aizen: You'll find out Soon enough...

[edit] Hikari's Fight


Hikari: I'm sorry, Miss Travers... We have to go all out?

Maka T: Daddy's gonna survive this right?

Hikari: We're just gonna have to wait and see...LETS ROLL! SOUL RESONANCE! (Hikari uses the Corrextintion Modes of her Twin Death Weapons. As Bender speaks, her Muscles become well toned, like she spent some time at a gym.)

Bender: You see, since Nixon wasn't elected, the robot uprising didn't happen and Travers never got sent back from the future. It's Politics 101!


(Hikari pulls the Shovel and claims Travers' Soul, The Scene Distorts and returns to normal a second before Travers is Destroied. His face and name disappear from his campaign posters as he explodes into Glass, Slime and One of every Core Medal from Kamen Rider OOO. Morbo Appears on the screen.)

[edit] A Narrow Landslide

Morbo: And the votes are in. Richard Nixon, running unopposed, has been reelected by a narrow landslide.

Hermes: Say what?

[On the screen, live television coverage of Nixon speaking is being broadcasted.]

Nixon: My fellow Earthicans, I am honored and humbled to gloat before you tonight as your next president.

[Cut to: The Planet Express conference room. The shift in locations has happened subtly.]

Fry: Wow, it really doesn't matter who you vote for.

Leela: At least we tried to make a difference by supporting Senator...Senator... What was his name again?

Fry: I don't remember!

Bender: Something about going back to the past to freeze people...

Hermes: How could you go back in time to Freeze anything? We never even left this building.

[The scene zooms out to show that the rest of the Planet Express crew are sitting on their chairs at the conference room.]

Farnsworth: What?!

[Nixon continues to talk as the Planet Express crew watch his speech.]

Nixon: Nixon always wins! A-woo!

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