Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x02

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

[edit] That was Paradise!

Jess: We're Home!

Dimentio: Dag Fraggit!!

Maddie: And we brought an Adorable little friend!

Mr. Small: Hello there, let's give this ol' cowboy thing a whirl, shall we?

NiGHTS: It's Reala! ... if he Dualized with Abraham Lincoln... and, um, shrunk...

Maddie: No, NiGHTS. This is Mr. Small. He stowed away without me knowing it due to his size.

NiGHTS: *Sweatdrop* My bad.

Maddie: By the way, Dimentio. If you attempt to hurt him, you're going to be in trouble...

Dimentio: How could I hurt this cute lil fella?

Jet: O_O; Well that came out of left feild, are you sick or something?

Dimentio: No, I'm thinking of ways to harm the midget. Which sounds better, glowstick/Mountain Dew cocktail or Santa Gone Mad?

Erin: *Sweatdrop* There's the Dimentio we love to hate.

Toboe: =| Dimentio...

Dimentio: ... What?

Spike: NiGHTS, how 'bout you do the honors? That alright?

NiGHTS: *slaps Dimentio* I think that answers your question.

Dimentio: >_O Et tu, Nightmaren?

Faye: Right...

Erin: Wait, Another newcomer... And it's a freakin' Midget.

Maddie: A Cute freakin' Midget

Erin: *Pukes on Jess and Maddie's Shoes*

Jess: Ew! Right on my good shoes! D:

Penny: Eww!

Kat and Ana: Gross!

Mr. Small: *pulls hat over head to hide eyes*

Zoot: I'm gonna puke my pants!

Orbulon: How revolting!

Kururu: *glasses break*

Mike: *pulls paper towel out of hammerspace compartment*

Jess: You really have to stop that, Dimentio.

Dimentio: I can't help it. ;_;

Maddie: I think you only did it due to my hug...

Dimentio: Eh, maybe.

Mr. Small *jumps out of Maddie's grasp and whacks Dimentio with his hat*

Dimentio: Augh! *counter-attacks*

Mikey: Five bucks on the little man.

Gomez: You're on.

Mr. Small: *boots Dimentio on the head*

Dimentio: *magibast*

Mr. Small: *Takes off shoes and hurls them at Dimentio's eyes*

Jess: This is getting very violent.

[edit] Hooligan?!

(Mikey and Gomez have opened some sort of betting booth.)

Maddie: Yeah. Please stop fighting you two...

Dimentio: He started it!

Mr. Small: You were the hooligan that had to say the biting remark in the first place!

Dimentio: Hooligan?! *fight starts up again*

Mr. Small: Yipe!

Dimentio: C'mere, you little freak!

Mr. Small: No. I don't think I will.

Dimentio: :X

Mr. Small: *giggling*

We should probably get them to stop fighting like this...

Jess: Yeah. Hey, Dimentio! If you don't settle down, I'm gonna take away all your Bowie CDs!

Dimentio: O_O;;; YesmaamsorrymaamIwontfightanymoreIpromise.

Jess: Good boy. :D

Maddie: *Phew* I'm sure that Mr. Small would already calm down. Hopefully...

Jess: That's good.

Maddie: Yep.

Mr. Small: I apologize for my actions back there...

Dimentio: Whoopie.

Maddie: Dimentio...

Dimentio: What?

Maddie: What do you think?

Dimentio: That I'm so handsome it hurts? Yes, I think that all the time. XD

Jess: *rolls her eyes*

[edit] Attempted Challenge

Mr. Small: I bet I could do anything better than the jester...

Dimentio: Fat chance, half-pint. *waves his finger around his head*

Mr. Small: *takes hat off and stands on the top of it to get a slightly higher view* Anything YOU can do, I can do better!

Dimentio: *ignorming him*

NiGHTS: ... Is he always like this?

Jess: No. Sometimes he's even more annoying.

NiGHTS: o_O;

Mr. Small: Don't you get it!?!? I'm challenging you!

Dimentio: You're the one who doesn't get it. I only take challnges that I feel are worth my time.

Mr. Small: =|


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