The Amasing Race/Leg 1-3

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

[edit] End of Lap 1

“Li-Yen and Wonrei, you’re the last team to arrive, I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve been eliminated from the race….” I said.

Li-Yen/Wonrei – Last Place – 3:05A.M

“No…I’m so shocked that we got beat by those two, I’m just so mad right now. I cannot believe that we got eliminated in the first leg. But, South Korea was nice and I’ll cherish this moment for the rest of our lives…”

"It Wont Be Long until you stop cherrishing the moment" The Two Vanish


{Game Over, AC Wins}

ANEX: That's Entertainment, Folks!

XANA: Making Ac An Armor, You're A Blacksmith and a Comedian

ANEX: When 14 Teams Get Deleted, The winner Gets Humanised and all powers Uploaded into The Armor

[edit] End of Lap 2

“Go to the Pit Stop in the entrance of This Resort, warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated. See, we could have a chance its non-elimination!” Mr. Goldo said, trying to cheer Danny up. They ran to the Pit Stop.

“Mr. Goldo and Danny, you’re the last team to arrive….” I said.

“And?” Danny asked.

“I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve been eliminated from the race…” I said.


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