The 4th of July,Quincy Come Home

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

[edit] The 4th Of July

It was the 4th of July. Jason and Marcus walked into camp carrying some huge boxes.

“What’s in the boxes?” asked Eddy.

“Wax?” guessed Ed.

“Nope!” said Jason. “The Fourth of July is tonight, and we’re going down to the park to set off these fireworks.”

“First of all,” said Edd, “the park has their own fireworks, and second, why are you bringing them to camp?”

“We have to test these somewhere,” grinned Jason.

“We plan on setting them off in the pool!” explained Marcus.

“The pool?” exclaimed Eddy. “You’ll kill everyone! Wait, everyone includes Kevin...DO IT!”

“Isn’t there a little wax in the box?” Ed asked again.

“Well,” said Marcus, “we’d better stash these things where no one would look...”

“The woods!” cried Jason.

The two of them snuck down the hall to the main door when Charlie Brown stepped in front of them. “Hold on! I’m the hall monitor and you have to tell me where you’re going.”

“We have to go to the woods,” said Jason. “We’ll be right back.”

“Sorry, but that’s against the rules.”

“Come on!” complained Marcus. “The counselors just tricked you into doing this so they don’t have to work!”

“Calvin already tried that on me...and it worked. Go ahead.”

Jason and Marcus calmly left. “What a blockhead.”

Meanwhile, Calvin and Hobbes were hiking through the same woods, singing an anthem to the camp they had written.

(To the tune of the Camp Kidney Anthem)

Calvin: By a busy bustling campus

Hobbes: And the Cul-de-sac

Both: Stands our good ol’ only daycamp

Which has decent snacks

Calvin: Not the cleanest

Hobbes: Not the smartest

Both: Nor the best are we

(Ed jumps out of nowhere)

Ed: But...

Calvin and Hobbes: Proud to be the only daycamp

All: around Peach Creaky

Gives us neglectful cons-el-ors

Pool toys that are old,

Crazy Kankers hiding somewhere

Showers full of mold

Pre-packed lunches, scamming Ed-boys

And plenty of geeks...

The spirit of our good ole' daycamp right here by Peach-


All: creak...

VECTOR SB: Your Bus A Splode

“Ah, the sounds of nature and obnoxious anthems!” breathed Calvin, as they came to a clearing.

Hobbes saw two figures by a tree. “Hey, is that Jason and Marcus?”

“There!” said Jason, stashing the fireworks. “We’ll grab them later when we’re heading to the pool.”

Once they had left, Calvin and Hobbes scampered out. “Wow,” said Hobbes, “look at those fireworks!”

Calvin dove into the pile. “Awesome! Let’s go blow up Susie!”

“Uncle Sam wouldn’t want that on the Fourth of July.”

“My Uncle’s name is Max.”

Hobbes rolled his eyes. “No, the patriotic image of America!”

“You’ve been watching too many wartime cartoons. I’m taking one little rocket back to camp.”

Speaking of Uncle Sam, Eddy was dressed as him, patrolling the hallways at camp. “Kids of camp!” he called. “Get ready for a special war reenactment!”

“I hope you realize it would be hard to reenact a war with only three of us,” Edd pointed out.

“We just play the heroic Americans,” explained Eddy. He smiled slyly. “Everyone else is an enemy.”


“Just grab a weapon. We attack by sea today at the pool!”

“Oh dear...” sighed Edd.

Later, everyone was playing baseball outside. Charlie Brown was about to pitch the ball when...

“WAIT!” shouted Lucy.

Charlie Brown stumbled in confusion, nearly tripping over himself. “What is it?”

“We can’t play baseball without playing the ‘Star Spangled Banner,’ can we?” cried Lucy. “How do you expect us to play baseball without playing the ‘Star Spangled Banner?’”

Charlie Brown rolled his eyes. “Fine. How do we...?”

Snoopy quickly set up a record player that blared the anthem. “Okay,” Charlie Brown said when that was all over. “Now let’s play.”

Charlie Brown was about to pitch again when...

“WAIT!” shouted Lucy.

“Now what!”

“We can’t play baseball without saying the Pledge, can we? How do you expect us yo play baseball without saying the Pledge?”

Everyone said the pledge. Charlie Brown was about to again when...


“WHAT NOW?” yelled Charlie Brown.

“How come you always get to pitch and not us?” complained Lucy. “How come, Charlie Brown?”


“That boy has no patriotism,” said Lucy, watching Charlie Brown run away screaming.

Meanwhile, Calvin hid in the bathroom with Hobbes. “Light the fuse!” Hobbes whispered excitedly. “Light the fuse!”

“Oh boy! This is gonna be great!” The firework went off, flying everywhere. It hit a wall and exploded.

“That was disappointing,” said Hobbes.

Suddenly, the rocket was up again, and flew into the hall. “How did it do that!” cried Calvin.

The rocket passed Jason and Marcus. “Hey,” said Marcus, “someone found our special firework!”

“It must be Calvin!” guessed Jason.

Calvin and Hobbes ran over. “What exactly did that do?”

Marcus looked warily at the rocket’s trail. “Well, it sort of keeps going and going.”

“And then?”

“That’s it,” said Jason.

“So there’s no way to stop it!” cried Hobbes.

Marcus shrugged innocently. “Unless someone gets a bright idea.”

Suddenly, the rocket came down and snagged Calvin’s shirt, flying away with him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

The guys followed the rocket outside. “I think we should all take a last look at Calvin...” said Jason as the rocket flew into the air.

“Dang,” said Hobbes. Suddenly, there was a small explosion. Calvin fell to the ground with a splat. Hobbes turned to Jason. “Hey, you said he’d be dead!”

“We merely implied it,” said Jason.

“You said the rocket wouldn’t stop!” hissed Calvin.

“Implied,” repeated Marcus.

“No, you flat out said it.”

“Our mistake.”

Near the end of the day, everyone was at the pool. A huge old-fashioned ship was suspended over it from the ceiling.

“I wonder why the ship is there,” said Franklin.

“Well, we’re not the only people who use this pool,” reminded Linus. “I assume someone else is doing something with it.”

Sally hugged Linus’s arm. “Maybe they want us to have a romantic cruise!”

“Good grief.”

High in the air, the Eds peeked out of the ship. “Sailing for adventure on the big blue wet thing!” yelled Ed happily.

Eddy grinned. “Alright, boys, we start our reenactment in a few seconds!”

“I certainly hope the kids enjoy it,” Edd said nervously.

Down below, Linus was frantically swimming away from Sally. “Come on, my sweet baboo!” called Sally. “We can just pretend we’re sailing by a beautiful sunset!”


“Now!” cried Eddy. The Eds released the boat, landing it with a huge splash in the pool (and on top of Linus). The Eds stood on board, wearing patriotic clothing.

“Ah, Columbia!” breathed Edd, standing dramatically on the mast as dramatic Orchestia music swelled, complete with chorus. “Gem of the ocean!”

Eddy and Edd: They banners make tyranny tremble

When borne by the red white and blue


Eddy and Edd: When borne by the red white and blue


Eddy and Edd: When borne by the red white and blue


Eddy, Edd and Chorus: They banners make tyranny tremble

When borne by the red white and blue


The music faded. Eddy whipped out a huge mallet. “Now let’s kill us some foreigners!”

Grabbing various cartoon weapons, Ed and Eddy jumped off of the ship and attacked the kids.

“Oh dear,” said Edd. “Eddy, they did volunteer, right?”

“What are you talking about?” called Eddy, bashing Schroder on the head.

“So you’re going to assault them and then make them pay?” cried Edd.

“It’s an honor.”

Jason and Marcus sprang out of the pool. “This looks like a job for patriotism!” shouted Jason.

“Mostly fireworks,” admitted Marcus. Jason and Marcus startedfiring fireworks at the Eds.

“Retreat!” The Eds scrambled back onto the ship. “You can’t stop America!” yelled Eddy. A rocket blew up his uniform.

“America needs to fall into the Gap,” said Ed.

Edd backed up in fear. “This is not the time, Ed. I suggest we plea for our lives.”

“Ed!” called Eddy as more rockets were fired. “Get the cannons!”

Edd looked up. “We have cannons?”

“Cannonball!” Ed dove into the pool, sending water nine feet in the air. When everyone returned to the surface, the ship was gone.

“How did those dorks escape?” wondered Kevin.

“They didn’t,” said Marcus. “They’re right behind you.” Everyone turned around to see that the ship had only moved a few feet.

Rolf angrily climbed onboard the ship. “It is not Rolf’s fault he is foreign! Attack the Ed-boys!”

Eddy pulled out his cartoon mallet in self-defense. “Now what? Think, sockhead!”

“It wasn’t my idea to do this!” cried Edd.

“We need mermaids!” suggested Ed.

In desperation, Edd jumped off of the ship and grabbed several fireworks.

“Hey!” shouted Jason.

“My apologies!” Edd jumped back on the ship, where the others had climbed aboard and were fighting Ed and Eddy. “Hurry!” cried Edd. “Knock them off!”

Under the ship, Calvin and Hobbes swam around and found a hatch. They quickly climbed in. “Awesome!” said Calvin. “These guys really went out of their way to make a fully functional historical ship!”

Hobbes opened a chest. “And oddly well-stocked with alcohol. I’m not going to ask.”

Calvin saw a door to the ship’s deck. “On my signal, we attack!”

Meanwhile, the Eds had managed to throw all the kids overboard. Edd had covered the ship in fireworks and lit a fuse. “I certainly hope this works...”

The ship blasted off, shattering the huge glass windows and disappeared into the sky as “You Can Fly” played.

“They took our fireworks!” complained Marcus.

“And look at Quincy!” said Jason, holding up his blank-looking iguana. “He’s heartbroken.”

Flying free in the sky, the Eds cheered. “We’re alive!” sighed Eddy in relief, happily spinning the ship’s wheel.

Edd leaned over the edge. “And just look at that view!”

Calvin and Hobbes, meanwhile, were still hiding. “When’s the signal?” asked Hobbes.

“The what?”

“The signal! The thing you said you’d give!”

“Oh,” said Calvin. “That. Okay, now, I guess.” Calvin and Hobbes jumped out. “Prepare to duel!”

“Too late,” said Eddy. “We’re escaping! I’m king of the world!”

Ed danced by. “I’m in my happy place, Eddy!”

“But how will we get down?” asked Hobbes.

There was a long silence.

“I thought just as much,” said Edd.

“Jason and Marcus said these things were special...” remembered Calvin. “We’ll be up here for a while.”

That night, Jason and Marcus sadly sat at the park. “I can’t believe we lost the fireworks,” said Jason.

“At least these ones are nice,” said Marcus, watching the normal fireworks.


Suddenly, a new ship sailed in. “Hey, what’s that?” asked Marcus.

The Eds’ ship flew across the night sky. Illuminated by the fireworks, it was a beautiful sight. However, onboard, it was different.

“Steer! STEER!” yelled Edd. “We’re getting too close to the other fireworks! This could cause a chain reaction! An explosion!”

Calvin and Hobbes spun the wheel. “We’re trying!”

“Abandon ship!” yelled Eddy. They all jumped off the ship just as it exploded in an array of colors. Everyone watching cheered. Jason and Marcus stood and saluted, happy to see their fireworks.

Jason and Marcus: They banners make tyranny tremble

When borne by the red white and blue!

Ed landed next to them. “BLUE!”

[edit] Quincy Come Home

It was yet another day at camp. The Kankers had once again cornered the Eds. Eddy tried the door at the end of the hall. “It’s locked!”

Edd backed up. “Curses, it looks like this is it!”

“Relish!” smiled Ed.

Suddenly Jason and Marcus, who managed to climb up onto the wall, dropped Quincy on Marie’s head.

“AAAAHHHH!” squealed the Kanker. “Get it off!” The sisters scrambled around, screaming and bumping into each other. Quincy fell off as they ran away.

“Works every time!” grinned Jason.

“We better not have to pay you for this,” grumbled Eddy.

Marcus held up the iguana. “If anything, you should pay Quincy!”

Agreeing, Ed spat a bug out of his mouth, which Quincy promptly ate.

“Why was that in your mouth?” asked Edd.

Meanwhile, the Kankers hid in the main room’s closet. “That’s the fourth time this week we’ve been stopped by those nerds!” said Lee. “We oughta get rid of them right now!”

“But it’s usually that stupid iguana thing,” shrugged May.

“Yeah,” agreed Marie. “We’d better start with him!” The Kankers laughed.

Outside of the closet, Jason and Marcus were reading comics with Quincy. Marcus decided that they should also plan out Kanker defense strategies. “What’s our plan for the next Kanker ambush?”

“Well, we’ve done the vent thing, and we’ve piloted him on a toy plane before...” As Jason talked, the Kankers hid behind the corner and made a grab for Quincy, who scurried a few inches aside. He saw a cricket hop by in the hall and crawled after it.

“There he goes!” The Kankers ran after Quincy through the hall.

Marcus watched the Knakers, unaware that they were after the lizard. “They must be after the Eds again.”

Jason reached for his iguana. “I’ll get Quincy...Quincy? Quincy’s gone!”

Jason and Marcus ran all around the room, looking for things and putting “Lost Pet” signs up. Within a few seconds, the room had been turned upside-down and wallpapered with posters.

“QUINCY!” they both yelled at the top of their lungs.

“Is he lost or something?” asked Johnny.

“No,” Jason said sarcastically, “we’re putting up posters for no reason. YES, HE’S LOST!”

“I’ll bet Plank knows where he is! He sees things!” The three boys and board of wood ran into the hall. “Plank says Quincy went in the girl’s bathroom!” Johnny told them.

“Hoo boy,” sighed Jason. He and Marcus snuck inside, only to be assaulted by Sarah.

“STAY OUT!” yelled the girl.

“We’ll never get Quincy back now!” Jason cried in anguish.

“Plank says he fooled you!” said Johnny. “He doesn’t really know where Quincy is.”

“Grab an axe...” Marcus said in a low voice.


The Kankers, meanwhile, hid in a storage room. Lee paced around. “Okay, that stupid lizard couldn’t have gotten very far. He’s not bright. He’s a moron!”

“Like May!” said Marie.


Marie turned to Lee. “What do we do when we catch him, anyway?”

Lee smiled. “We can do anything! Squish him, make him cross traffic, lots of stuff!”

A Mario book (which served as a portal to the Nintendo world) next to them glowed. Out warped Gannondorf. “You three! Tell me where I can find the iguana known as...‘Quincy.’”

“What’s your beef with him?” asked Lee.

“The two boys once dressed him as me to celebrate the Legend of Zelda. Rather than have my image tarnished, I’ll simply destroy him and be on my merry way.”

May jumped up. “Hey, we’re after him, too!”

“Listen, buddy,” said Marie, “we’re gonna get the iguana ourselves! No one else!”

Gannodorf raised his fist. “I will not be disrespected by such insignificant girls like you!”

Quincy walked by at this moment. “GET IT!” chorused the Kankers and Gannondorf. They ran after Quincy, who made a sharp turn by a wall. The others crashed as he walked away.

“I don’t have time for this,” groaned Gannondorf, who promptly left.

“Maybe he’s right, guys,” said May.

Lee shook her head. “No way! If we’re ever gonna get the Eds again, Quincy’s gotta go!”

At one of the building’s many gyms, everyone was playing kickball.

“I shouldn’t be here!” sighed Jason. “I should be out looking for Quincy.”

“This reminds me of the time when Hobbes got lost in the woods,” said Calvin.

Hobbes glared at him. “Hey, I thought I told you not to mention that!”

“YOU wanted to be the leader, but then you got lost!” laughed Calvin. “Irony kills me!”

“Something else is about to kill you...”

“Hey! Dork!” called Kevin. “You’re up!”

“Which one of us?” asked Calvin, Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jason, and Marcus.

“The dork with glasses,” replied Kevin impatiently.

Jason sighed and walked up to the plate.

“Not like he’s gonna get anywhere...” Kevin grumbled to himself. He rolled the ball. As Jason prepared to kick it, he saw Quincy at the edge of the gym, still chasing the cricket.

“QUINCY!” Jason ran for the iguana, accidently kicking the ball. It bounced around madly, rocketing off the walls.

Kevin was impressed. “Wow, the dork did something right for a change.”

Jason headed for Quincy.

“You idiot!” yelled Kevin. “Run around the bases!”

“I can’t! Quincy!”

Moe ran over to Jason. “He said run around the bases!” The bully kicked Jason, who bounced off of each base, finally landing on home plate.

“Cool,” said Kevin.

“It’s a talent,” nodded Moe.

The Kankers also ran for Quincy, but were hit by the still bouncing ball. Everyone cheered and formed a mob around Jason. He, Calvin, Hobbes, and Marcus couldn’t manage to get through to save Quincy.

In Darkland, Gannondorf was playing cards with Bowser. “I win!” cheered the Koopa.

Gannondorf punched him a few times. “Me seeing you painfully limp away after getting a beating from me is enough of a victory. I wish I could have done the same for that blasted iguana, Quincy.”


“Oh, I was trying to crush him earlier today, but he got away. I decided he wasn’t worth it and came here to inflict pain on you.” Gannondorf left.

The second he was gone, Bowser bellowed, “KIDS!”

The Koopalings piled in. “What is it, pop?” asked Jr.

“Gannondorf actually couldn’t do something that we can!” Bowser said excitedly. “We’re going to that summer camp and kill Quincy!”

“But don’t we reptiles have a code against killing other cold-blooded creatures?” Ludwig pointed out.

“Codes don’t matter when you’re trying to one-up a rival!” grinned Bowser. “Grab your weapons!”

Gannondorf stood listening outside of the room. “He really should have waited until I actually left his house. Ah, well. Back to camp, I suppose.”

At camp, Jason and Marcus had gathered everyone in the main room. “Attention, kids!” announced Jason. “A poor iguana is lost in this building! Everyone has to help us find him!”

“What’s in it for us?” called Eddy.

“The satisfaction in knowing that a ten year old’s heart is happy.”

Everyone groaned and started to leave when Marcus stopped him. “Wait! Don’t you people have morals? Feelings? Jason’s done a lot for all of you guys!”

Peppermint Patty rolled her eyes. “Like randomly jumping out at people and waving a fake lightsaber at us? Or bothering us with that stupid iguana? It’s a relief it’s gone!”

“But, sir, what if your pet got lost?” asked Marcie.

“I don’t have a pet!”

“I agree with Marcie,” said Linus. “Quincy possessed an innocence that the world now lacks.”

“‘Innocence?’” scoffed Lucy. “He was dumb as a post!”

“So is Ed, but we keep him around,” Linus pointed out.

“I like toucans,” said Ed, for no real reason.

“Let’s find an iguana!” cheered Calvin. Everyone ran out into the halls to search.

Eddy relaxed on a couch in the lounge. Edd walked by. “Eddy, we really should be looking for Quincy!”

“Hey, if he passes us, we’ll see him.” As Eddy said this, Quincy scurried by behind him, followed by the Kankers, the Koopas, and Gannondorf.

Elsewhere, Jason and Marcus had put something on the ground.

“What’s that?” asked Calvin.

“Iguana nip,” replied Jason.

“I didn’t know they made that,” said Hobbes.

“They don’t,” explained Marcus. “It’s just something we made out of bugs and such.”

Ed jumped on it. “Yum! Food for Ed!”

Johnny excitedly ran over. “Guys! Guys! Plank says that Quincy’s in the girls’ bathroom!”

Jason rolled his eyes and walked away. “Well, tell Plank to find some new jokes.” As they left, Quincy crawled out of the girls’ bathroom and around the corner.

Eventually, Charlie Brown stopped looking. “Sorry, Jason, but I have to give up. I hope you find him.” The others agreed and left.

Soon, everyone was playing dodgeball in a different, bigger gym.

“I’ve gotta keep my eyes open!” said Jason on the field.

“Yeah,” agreed Marcus, “Quincy must be here somewhere!”

They saw Quincy in the distance. “There he is!” Jason and Marcus ran for him, only to be pelted with balls by the Kankers.

“Dang,” said Marcus, as Quincy ran away again.

Later, they sadly walked back to the main room. “I guess we’re on our own...” sighed Jason.

“Hey, let’s take a rest,” said Marcus. “In five minutes, we’ll start looking again.”


(To the tune of “My Best Friend Plank”)

Unseen Singer: I'm never bored when I'm with you

We're pals, we're buddies through and through I wish I knew what to do when you

Just go missing

Our friendship even rocks the world

It’s fun when we freak out some girls

You don’t mind when you get hurled

At their heads now

It's never hard to talk to you

You listen with silent staring

I know I’ll find you pretty soon

And then we can have fun scaring

My iguana

My iguana

My iguana

Sitting there so silently

What could you be thinking

Sneaking out of your small cage

Each year it seems like it’s shrinking

I dress you up in funny clothes

One time you were a wizard

The lone iguana will return

More adventures for this lizard

My iguana

My iguana

My iguana

Ooo, Quince

I miss you, I miss you

Ooo, Quince

I miss you

We’ll take a calm walk down the block

Of course, I’ll be the one to talk

I’ll my sister a big shock

Because she’s a fun one to stalk

My iguana

My iguana

My iguana

You're my iguana

“I’ll give you some advice for that,” Lucy called from her psychiatrist booth.


“Get over it. Ten cents, please.”

Jason glared at her. “Ooh, you picked the wrong guy to mess with...”

Suddenly, they heard a loud poof outside. They went into the hall to find that it was coated in flour.

Calvin, also coated in flour, ran over. “Great news! Me and Hobbes figured out a way to find Quincy! We coated the entire hallway with flour! That way, we’ll see his tracks!”

“Oh, real handy,” Marcus said sarcastically. “ANYONE can leave footprints in that!”

All of them went back in the room and started arguing at once, which sounded like this:

Calvin: Hey, we worked hard!

Lucy: Pay up!

Jason: Quincy’s not about to just walk by here!

Suddenly, they glanced in the hall to see iguana tracks leading to the main entrance. There sat Quincy.

“See?” Calvin smiled proudly. “Told you it would work.”

Marcus saw three familiar people sneaking up on the iguana. “Oh no! It’s the Kanker Sisters!”

Jason, Marcus, Calvin, and Hobbes ran for him. “We’ll save you, Quincy!”

The Kankers saw the boys coming and pushed a janitor cart at them.

“Look out!” cried Hobbes. “Janitorial supplies!” They were hit by the cart and rolled down the hall, out the other door, and into the distance.

“You still owe me!” Lucy called after them.

“Try to steer!” Hobbes said as they rolled outside. They managed to turn the cart around and headed for the iguana was...only to roll right by Quincy.

“We missed,” Calvin said calmly.

“WE KNOW!” yelled Jason, Marcus, and Hobbes

By this time, they were nearing the stadium. They hit a bump and flew up onto the building, getting their shirts stuck on the edges of its’ tallest points.

“I think we lost, Jason,” said Marcus.

“NEVER!” Jason slipped out of his shirt and fell to the ground with a splat. Undaunted, he jumped up and ran for his friend. “I’m coming, Quincy!”

Calvin watched him in silence. Finally, he said, “Now, not only is he a kid whose lost his pet, but he’s a shirtless kid whose lost his pet.”

Quincy was sitting innocently when the Kankers suddenly jumped for him. He moved to the right, causing them to hit the pavement. The Koopas sprang out next and all grabbed him, but he slipped out of each of their claws. Gannondorf prepared to stomp on him, but he once again moved over slightly, resulting in Gannondorf’s foot burying itself in the sidewalk and getting stuck. Finally, the Kankers managed to slip the lizard into a cage.

“Finally!” cheered Lee. “Let’s get out of here, girls!” The Kankers ran off, laughing.

“How did we lose to an iguana?” gasped Bowser.

Gannondorf sighed and kicked the Koopa into the distance. He turned to the Koopalings. “You guys want to play cards?”


As they left, Jason ran over. “Quincy? Quincy? I’m too late...” He sadly walked away.

Everyone was at the pool. Jason quietly walked along the edge, thinking about Quincy. He heard the Kankers laughing in a storage room.

“I wish we were there to see his face when we got that iguana!” cackled Marie.

“At least we nailed him with that cart!” said Lee.

Jason angrily burst in. “YOU! You guys were the ones who took Quincy!”

“Proud of it,” said Lee.

Jason stared at them for a few seconds in an awkward pause. “Well...give him back!”

“Who’s gonna make us?” Lee said with an evil look. Marie and May closed the doors, trapping Jason with them.

“Hoo boy,” said Jason, “I didn’t plan this all out...”

May grabbed something on the floor. “Now we can finally test out these rusty chains!”

“I’m not into that stuff!” cried Jason.

“But we are,” smiled Lee.

Suddenly, the doors burst open. Calvin, Marcus, Ed, Edd, and Eddy splatted the Kankers with water balloons. Marcus was holding Quincy.

“Quincy!” Jason hugged his iguana.

“We found him in a box in the girls’ locker room!” said Marcus.

“We figured the Kankers took him,” added Calvin.

Lee stood up. “ forgot about us. GET THE IGUANA!” The Kankers charged at Jason, who stepped out of the way. They landed in the pool.

“Man,” said May, “this is the fifth time this week we’ve been stopped by those nerds!”

Snoopy suddenly shoved a janitor cart into the pool, landing it on the Kankers.

“What was that for!” yelled Marie. Snoopy simply shrugged and left.

Jason hugged his iguana again and headed off. “Come on, Quincy! We’ve got some girls to scare!”

“I wonder why people aren’t afraid of me like that,” said Hobbes

“Can I have another cricket?” asked Ed.

Ed sighed. “Please end the episode before someone else has a bad one-liner.”

Lucy ran by. “You still owe me!”

“Never mind.”

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