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From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki


[edit] Rolling Girl

[edit] The Road Trip Begins

Jess: ... *idea* Hey, I just got a brilliant idea!

Dimentio: You decided to not be such an evil woman? Good for you! *smack!* ... oww...

Maddie: *while scooping up Kururu to put in backpack* What? What's the idea?

Jess: Let's all go on a ROAD TRIP!!!! Down ROUTE 66!!!

Mikey: Yay! *w00t* That almost makes me forget that I lost all my money last night! ... Almost. :(

Maddie: *w00t* Let's go!

Zoot: Do it! Do it! Do it!

Mr. Small: As long as I get a seat by a door. I don't want to cause anything bad to happen...

Jess: Don't worry, Mr Small. I'll make sure you get a window seat. :D

Yotsuba: Yay~! Road trip! Road trip!

Jess: But we can't go anywhere in this rinky-dink thing. *kicks Mom's Lumina* No, a road trip this epic is only truly enjoyable in... an RV!!! Gomez, go rent an RV.

Gomez: Wh-why me?!

Jess: Because you're the only one here with a driver's license. Pwease? 83

[edit] The Big Rolling Turd

Gomez: ^//////^ Of course, sweetheart. *leaves, comes back later with an RV from Irv's RVs*

Jess: Sweet! *Thumbs Up*

Maddie: *w00t* We're going to get our kicks on Route 66! 8D

Gomez: *comes out of the RV* Hey, guys, I met someone at the RV lot and she wanted to come along.

(Shooting Star comes out of the RV.)

Shooting Star: Hey! What's up?

Zoot: Shooting Star! Long time no see! At least, that's what Kikit said after I fell asleep during the tornado...

Mr. Small: What is this "tornado" he speaks of?

Shooting Star: *to Mr Small* You don't know what a tornado is? Well, when hot air and cold air collide, the different temperatures of air start to churn at uncontrollable speeds until they begin to suck everything inside. That, my friend, is a tornado. If you have the same thing happen over water, it becomes a hurricane. :D

Jess: I'm... pretty sure he knows what a tornado is...

Mr. Small: ....


Zoot: *From on top of the roof* But I wanna flip out like a ninja!

Maddie: That's only a song!

Jess: Okay, let's get this trip on the road!

Gomez: We should name the RV to make it official. :)

Mikey: How about the Big Turd? *Laughter*

Dimentio: No, the Big Rolling Turd! *rofl*

Jess: -_-;

Mikey/Dimentio: *Singing* Big ol' steamin' load comin' down the road! Big Ol' Rolling Turd comin' through!

You guys, knock it off.

Dimentio: Hey, he started it. I'm just adding on. :D

Jess: Yeah, and I'm ending it. Now get in the Turd.

Maddie: Right! Zoot, come down!

Zoot: Okay! *jumps off roof, and lands on me, Mr. Small, and Kururu*

Maddie: Ow...

  • Jess can be seen Laughing*

Shooting Star: Everybody in the Turd!

(We all pile into the Big Rolling Turd as Gomez gets the Turd rolling.)

Yotsuba: Road trip! Road trip! Wheeee~!

NiGHTS: *sitting in a seat* This turd's quite comfy. ^u^

Mr. Small: *to self* Relax, Mr. Small. It's just a little road trip...

[edit] Free Steak

Shooting Star: Woooo! I'm gonna eat 72 ounces of PRIME TEXAS SIRLOIN!!!!

Jess: We have to get on the road first. Lessee, it goes from Chicago Los Angeles... we're closer to Chicago, so we shoud start there.

Maddie: *w00t* Let's go! :D

Zoot: Mr. Small, you should try to eat that steak, as well.

Mr. Small: Great McGillicotty! What an excellent idea!

Jess: The steak's free if you can eat all 72 ounces of it in 60 minutes. ;)

Shooting Star: Yep, and I'm gonna get me a free steak! :D

Dimentio: A woman in competitive eating... times sure have changed.

Shooting Star: Watch it, loud mouth! I know karate!

Dimentio: Never met him. X)

Mr. Small: I shall devour that steak in less than the time!

Ana: Are you crazy? That's steaks probably bigger than you!

Shooting Star: Aw yeah! Me and the little man, we're gonna get FREE STEAK! FREE STEAK! FREE STEAK! FREE STEAK!

Jess: Hey, this RV has a TV! *searches for the remote*

Mr. Small: Yay for free stake! Just the thought makes my stomach hurt...

Maddie: Uh-oh...

Shooting Star: Oh man, you okay?

Jess: Oh no... barf bag, NOW!

Mike: *grabs one as fast as possible*

Penny: Too late!

Mr. Small: *out the window* :barf:

Jess: Good thing it was out the window...

Maddie: Yeah...

Zoot: I wonder what the other drivers will think...

Jess: We'll worry about that one later. ... Whoa, deja vu. *continues search for the RV's TV remote*

[edit] Pit Stop

Gomez: I'm gonna stop at the Shell station and fill this thing up. Anyone willing to go inside and get snacks?

Jess: Me!!! *raises hand*

Maddie: Me too! :D

Mr. Small: Anything that will relive me of this RV.

Jess: Yay! We'll go get snackies while you fill 'er up, Gomez.

Gomez: Okay. :D I'll just fill up the, um, Turd...

Zoot: *rofl* Turd...

Kururu: *waking up* Where am I?

Mikey: You're in an RV.

Dimentio: The Big Rolling Turd. *Laughing*

Kururu: I see. *rubs head* Why do I feel like I was hit by Poison Sting?

Kat: Ask Dorky McBowienut.

[edit] Picking out Snacks

(Meanwhile, in the Shell station...)

Jess: Hmm, what kind of snacks should we get...

Shooting Star(in human form): Chips! Everyone likes chips. Ooh, and beef jerky! Can't go wrong with beef jerky!

Jess: True dat, sistah!

Shooting Star: I'm not your sister. =|

Jess: I know.

Mr. Small: Let's see: Sprite, Sierra Mist, 7-Up, Ginger Ale...

Maddie: What's with all the white soda?

Mr. Small: It stops my stomach from hurting.

Maddie: Good job on choosing that.

Jess: Yeah, Sprite helped me after I had those bad dumplings. :(

Shooting Star: Bad dumplings...? When was this?

Mr. Small: Yes, when was this?

Jess: A while back. Which reminds me, don't get the buffet at KFC.

Mr. Small: Will do.

[edit] Nice Turd

(We pay for the snacks/drinks/whatever/Gonzo and get back to the Big Rolling Turd.)

Kururu: Nice Turd.

Maddie: You're actually going to call it that?

Kururu: Why not?

Jess: *giggles a bit* Everybody in the Turd! We're hittin' the road!

(Everyone once again boards the Big Rolling Turd and Gomez drives off. And yes, he did pay for the gas.)

Maddie: *w00t* Road trip! Gonna take a free ride! Life is a highway! Take it easy!

Shooting Star: Road trips are the best.

Mikey: I'll drink to that.

(They clink Ale-8 bottles together.)

[edit] Alice of Human Sacrifice

[edit] Gotta Go

Zoot: Maddie, I gotta go potty...

Maddie: We were just at the gas station!

Zoot: I didn't have to go then.

Maddie: Well, just try not to think about it, okay?

Zoot: But all I can think of is running water, and rain, and Niagra Falls.

Penny: Now I have to go too!

Jess: Don't RVs come with bathrooms?

Gomez: This one does.

Zoot: *runs to it*

Penny: Haven't you heard of "ladies first"?

Jess: *Giggling*

Penny: Come on Zoot! *to self* He better not be doing #2, or he'll be in there for hours!

Jess: Maybe there's no toilet paper in there. 8(

Penny: Then he'll be stuck in there forever! *Noes!*

Shooting Star: There was toilet paper in there when I was in there.

Jess: Why were you in there?

Shooting Star: *dark look* I have my reasons...

Penny: Well, that's a relief. I guess...

[edit] Life is a Highway

Jess: Time to sing the road trip song! *puts in the soundtrack for Cars and turns to Life Is a Highway*

Maddie: *w00t* Song time! :D

(One of the Turd's Trailers begins to Transform into a Pop Idol Stage and Jess comes up )

Jess: Mike, gimme a mike!

Mike: *tosses a mike to you*

Orbulon: Rockin'!

Jess: Oh yeah! (Jess Starts to Sing in the Rolling Turd's Stage Trailer)

Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here an' the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where brave are free an' lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
Ta' break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today, yeahea...


Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long
Through all these cities an' all these towns
It's in my blood an' it's all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road an' these are the hands
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Knock me down, an' back up again
You're in my blood
I'm not a lonely man
There's no load I can't hold
Road so rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors
Life is a highway
Well, I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long (all night long)
(Ah, Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, yeah!)
Life is a highway
Well, I wanna ride it all night long
(Hmmmmm, yeah!)
If you're going my way (you're goin' my way)
I wanna drive it all night long (all night long)
There was a distance between you an' I (between you and I)
A misunderstanding once
But now we look it in the eye
Ooooohh, yeah!
(Mmmm, yeah
Ah, hm, hm, hm, hm)
There ain't no load that I can't hold
A road so rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Tell 'em we're survivors
Life is a highway
Well, I wanna ride it all night long (all night long, yeah)
If you're goin' my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long
(Ah, gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme, yeah!)
Life is a highway (life is a highway)
I wanna ride it all night long
(Ooooo, yeah)
You're going my way (you're goin' my way)
I wanna drive it all night long (all night long, yeah)
Ah gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, yeah!)
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long (yeah, I wanna drive it all night long, baby)
If you're goin' my way (you're goin' my way)
I wanna drive it all night long (all night long)

Mikey: You really know how to rock on, Jess!

Dimentio: Meh, it was okay. David Bowie could sing that 256 times better than you ever could, though.

Jess: Yeah, and Bowie can also walk on water. *rolls her eyes*

Zoot: *from bathroom* He can!?!?!?

Mr. Small: Sarcasm is a foreign language to you.

Maddie: *Clapping* That was great! :D

Jess: Thank you, thank you! I'm here 'till cookie-time!

Gomez: Hey, it's getting kinda dark... think we should stop for the night?

Jess: Yeah, this campground looks like a good spot to stop. Looks eerie in the dark... good spot for my first road trip event plan... *Evil Plan hand-rubbing*

Zoot: *comes out of the bathroom*

Mr. Small: What exactly is this "plan"?

Jess: *eyes get all creep-looking* You'll find out soon enough...

[edit] Fun Road Trip Event #1

(Later, we are all having supper around a campfire, since eating "alfresco" is better than eating in that cramped RV. Plus, would you really wanna eat in a vehicle called the Big Rolling Turd?!)

Jess: *done eating* Okay, everybody... Fun Road Trip Event #1: Scary Campfire Story Telling Contest---! *a creepy wind blows* ... I totally did not plan that. XD

Dimentio: YES! I rule at scary stories! Prepare to have the pants scared right off of you, fraidy-cats!!!

Mikey: *knows very well he is pant-less* You'll have a hard time scaring the pants offa me, Minty Fresh.

Dimentio: SHUT IT.

Zoot: Yay! Scary story time! *takes a flashlight and flashes it in his face*

Mr. Small: You're going to go blind that way.

Maddie: And then you'll crash into a garbage can. XD

Mr. Small: What?

Maddie: Nothing.

[edit] Read it on Snopes

Dimentio: I call first round!

Jess: You seem confident.

Dimentio: Of course. In my creative writing course back in high school, I was voted by my classmates as "a better horror/suspense writer than Steven King himself"!

Jess: Alright, let's hear it.

Dimentio: *takes the flashlight from Zoot and does the classic "flash-it-under-your-chin-to-look-all-spooky" bit* My story begins in a hotel near an airport. One night, a young woman who was scheduled to catch a flight the next morning stayed at the hotel. She was shown to her room where she unpacked. Soon after, she fell asleep.

Jess: This story sounds awfully familiar...

Dimentio: That night, she had a very unsettling nightmare. She dreamed she was in a room of the hotel. The disturbing part... the room was filled with corpses. Fresh. Corpses. A nurse beside the door told the young woman, "Room for one more, hon." She woke up screaming.

Jess: Hang on, I've read this before...

Dimentio: The next morning, the woman left for the airport. She had overslept a bit, so the plane was nearly filled by the time she arrived. As she was about to board, the flight attendant told her, "Room for one more, hon." She looked... exactly like the nurse from the woman's dream. The woman screamed and ran, the memory of her nightmare still fresh in her mind. Five minutes later, shortly after the plane's takeoff, the engine died and the plane crashed. No survivors. The end.

Jess: *yawn* Read it on Snopes.

Dimentio: ... KILLJOY!!! :X

Zoot: Ooh! Ooh! I've got a good one! 8D

Jess: Hopefully it's better than Ziggy Crapforbrains' story.

Dimentio: I resent that. X(

[edit] Murderer

Zoot: *takes flashlight, and shines it in his eyes...again* There was something around here that a repeat murderer attacked in this very same spot.

Kururu: I'll belive that when I see it.

Zoot: First, it was Kururu...

Kururu: *gulp*

Zoot: Then, Mr. Small was the next victim...

Mr. Small: Great McGillicotty! *fear*

Zoot: Then Kat and Ana...

Kat and Ana: *tears*

Zoot: Pretty soon, Dimentio, Yotsuba, Mikey, Shooting Star, Mike, Jess, Penny, Maddie, Orbulon, and NiGHTS were killed as well...

Orbulon: This is getty pretty scary.

Zoot: Pretty soon, the murderer was revealed after he was killed...

Others: *Phew*

Zoot: Then Cheza died in Kiba's Arms... (a strike of Shock comes down Kiba's spine) Who then followed months later.

Tsume: But who's the murderer?

Zoot: ...I'm the murderer.

Others: *anime-style faint*

Dimentio: YOU STUPID---!

Jess: Calm yourself, Dimentio. ...all of a sudden, I feel chilly for some reason... *shifts foot, revealing an Orbulon sticker, which increases her Ice Ability*

Mikey: How 'bout you go next, Jess? I know you know some good ones!

Jess: Naw, that's okay. I like to save the best for last. *creepy eyes again* How about you go next instead, Shooting Star?

Shooting Star: Okay! I remember this one from kindergarten that had me sleepin' in my parents' room for weeks! *takes the flashlight from Zoot*

(That Orbulon sticker was a Brawl reference~! XD)

Maddie: Ooh! Let's hear it! :D *notices puddle under Mr. Small* Mr Small, you didn't...

[edit] Taily-po

Shooting Star: Heeheehee... alright, kiddies... this one is called... "Taily-po".

"Taily-po"... once the crown jewel of my scary stories to tell... it's come back for vengance now that I've moved on to bigger and better things!!!

Shooting Star: *flashlight trick* Once, over a hundred years ago, there was an old man who owned three dogs, named Dominico, Jericho and Calico. One night, the old man was out hunting for some supper with his three dogs. By the end of the day, all they had found was a scrawny rabbit. The old man and his dogs went home, grateful that they would at least have something to eat.

Dimentio: Seems kinda light for a scary story.

NiGHTS: Shh! She's building suspense!

Shooting Star: That night, back in the old man's two-room cabin, he was cooking the rabbit in a stew when there was a loud scratching noise at the wall. Scritch, scratch, scritch.

Gomez: Sound effects... wow, she's good.

(Ah, gotcha. By the way, that Brawl reference was supposed to be the fact that adding an Orbulon sticker to the bottom of a character's trophy increases their freeze attack.)

Maddie: Ooh, this is getting good. We might need to be getting Mr. Small a diaper here.

Shooting Star: The old man looked around... and suddenly, a little black animal ran into his house! He couldn't tell what it was, but whatever it was had black fur and a long, bushy tail and was probably a horrible pest. He chased the animal around his house with his wood axe, finally managing to cut off its tail before it wriggled out through a hole in the wall. The old man looked at the tail... then threw it into the stew and ate it.

Mikey: He ate it?! EWWWWW!!!

Orbulon: I think I'm going to be sick.

Shooting Star: Later that night, as the old man tried to fall asleep, he heard that scratching noise again. Scritch, scratch, scritch. Scared, the old man sent his dogs out after whatever was making that noise. "Dominico! Jericho! Calico! Get that thing!" They chased it far away... but only two of the dogs came back.

Cheza: *shivers*

Shooting Star: After the dogs had come back, the old man heard a scratchy voice... "Taily-po... taily-po... I want my taily-po..."

Kat and Ana: *grasp onto each other*

Shooting Star: The old man drifted into an uneasy sleep, but was soon awoken by the same scratching noise... Scritch, scratch, scritch. So he called for his two remaining dogs to chase it away. "Dominico! Jericho! Get that thing!" The dogs chased it far away, farther than before... but only Jericho came back.

Mikey: *Withdraw*

Jess: It's getting to the scary part, I think I need another hotdog...

Gomez: No more hotdogs!

Mr. Small: *fear*

Shooting Star: Then the same scratchy voice could be heard... "Taily-po... Taily-po... I'm gonna get my taily-po..." So the man prepares himself for when that scratching noise comes back. Sure enough, he heard the scratching again. Scritch, scratch, scritch. So, despite fearing he'll lose the only companion he has left, he sends Jericho to chase it away. "Jericho! Get that thing!" Jericho charges out of the house, chasing the whatever-it-is far, far away... but he never came back.

Yotsuba: *holding on to Kat and Ana, crying*

Mr. Small: *pulls hat over his head* Mr. Nosy, why can't you be here!?!?

Shooting Star: The old man was pretty much scared to the point where he had soiled himself by now. He listened for the scratching noise... but it never came. Instead, a shadow creeped into his two-room cabin, moving closer to the foot of his bed. It jumped onto his quilt... it was the exact same creature that he had chopped the tail off and ate!!! Its mouth didn't move, but it spoke in that scratchy voice... "Taily-po... Taily-po... I'VE COME FOR MY TAILY-PO!!!"

Everyone except Shooting Star, Dimentio and the Wolves: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

(cue a shot of the Turd in the middle of nowhere as we hear Toboe Howling in Fear, Causing Crows to fly out into the night sky)

Shooting Star: The next morning, all that was left of the two-room cabin was the chimney and fireplace. The old man was nowhere to be found. And so it has remained for centuries, and if you go to thesite where this happened on a moonless night, you can here a scratchy voice speak... "Taily-po... Taily-po... I finally got my taily-po..." The end.

Jess: *fear* ermergerdthatgetsmeeverytime.

Dimentio: Don't take this the wrong way, but I did get a chill down my spine near the end.

Zoot: *shivering* I'

Shooting Star: *Takes a bow* Thank you, thank you! The Queen of Scary Stories shows her gratitude!

Jess: Soon to be the former queen of scary stories, once I tell mine. Okay, who's up next?

[edit] Tomatoes

Maddie: Ooh! I've got one that'll scare you socks off!

Jess: *not wearing any socks* Go ahead.

Maddie: Okay! Mr. Small, sorry if I offend you, but I have to tell this. *grabs flashlight from Shooting Star and puts it under face* Once upon a time, in a town called Dillydale, two new people moved in. They were Little Miss Comedy and Mr. Straight Man. They moved into a pretty little house with a fountain in the front. It had been occupied by another Mr. Man named Mr. Spooky, but he went to live with his sister, Little Miss Scary.

Mr. Small: Why should I be offened? This isn't scary at all.

Dimentio: *sarcasm* Oh my goodness. This is so frightening.

Now, Little Miss Comedy kept a vegetable garden right next to the fountain. She planted her favorite veggies: lettuce, tomatoes, and baby carrots. So, one day, she invited four of her friends to come over for lunch. She invited Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Noisy over for salad.

Kururu: *snore*

Yotsuba: *asleep*

NiGHTS: *playing with some sort of Ideya hackeysack*

Maddie: Oh come on! It gets better! *makes flashlight brighter*

"Thanks for inviting us over!" Little Miss Sunshine said.
"Yeah, this place looks much better than when Mr. Spooky lived here!" Little Miss Chatterbox.
"What did it used to look like?" Little Miss Comedy asked.
"Well, Mr. Spooky had tons of pets." Mr. Noisy said. "Hamsters, turtles, tropical fish, you name it, he had it!"
"But, when his pets would die, he would make little graves for his pets." Mr. Quiet added.
"His mom called him one day, and told him to get rid of the headstones before he left." Little Miss Sunshine said.
"Where exactly was this gravesight?" Little Miss Comedy asked, as she brought out the salads.
"I think a fountain's in its place now." Mr. Quiet said, as the other guests agreed with him.

NiGHTS: *still playing hackeysack* Aw, dang! I dropped it. :(

"It's silly when you think of it." Little Miss Chatterbox said, as she took a bite of salad. "Wow! Where did you get these vegetables? They're great!"
"I grew them." Little Miss Comedy said, but then looked at her bite of lettuce. It was rippling, very simular to the looks of a fin from a tropical fish...
"Well, it's amazing!" Mr. Noisy said, and took a bite of carrot, which seemed to let out a little scream...
Little Miss Comedy tried not to think about it, and drenched the lettuce in dressing, to try and mask the fact to her it tasted a little fishy...

Jess: *hmm* This story seems very fishy.

Pretty soon, Little Miss Comedy looked out the window, and noticed something in the backyard. It looked like a bird, but it also looked like a ghost. It was saying something:
"I dare you to taste the tomatoes..."

Jess: *fear* Tomaaaaatoooooooes---!

"M-maybe we should skip ahead to dessert..." Little Miss Comedy said.
"Why?" Little Miss Sunshine asked, as she picked up a piece of lettuce, which was slightly patterned like a turtle shell.
"N-no reason..." Little Miss Comedy trembled. "It just seems that the tomatoes don't look too ripe. They look a little green." Little Miss Comedy was the only green one looking a little green.

Dimentio: *singing* It's not easy bein' green... *slap!* Ow!

"These tomatoes look fine to me." Little Miss Chatterbox said.
"I think they look sorta cute." Little Miss Sunshine beamed.
"Why are you so worried?" Mr. Noisy asked, as he stuck his fork into one of them. Juice spurted out of it, but it looked more like blood...

Jess: Eeeeee! *clings to Dimentio for comfort*

Dimentio: Quit touchin' me! *tries to push Jess off of him*

"I think I'm going to be sick." Little Miss Comedy muttered.
"You just need more vegetables." Mr. Noisy said, and popped the tomato in his mouth. As soon as he swallowed it, a glazed look appeared in his eyes, and they started to turn purple. His mouth opened, and a spirit came out. His spirit. His now lifeless body slumped on the floor.
"" Mr. Noisy's spirit said.

Jess: WAAAAUUUGH!!! *clings to Orbulon now*

Orbulon: I'm scared. *clings onto Jess*

Pretty soon, the parrot ghost flew through the wall, and into Mr. Noisy's body. It sprung to life, but with an evil glare.
"I warned you!" Mr. Parrot-Noisy said. "Now you will pay the price!"

Jess: *shudder shudder* Th-this is scarier than I thought... *grabbed by a disembodied hand* AAAAAUUGGHHH!!! THEPARROTSGOTMEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!

Dimentio: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! You're such a wimp!

Jess: Rrrrr... I'll... I'LL KILL YOU!!! *punches Dimentio*

"LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Little Miss Sunshine screamed. As soon as she did, Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Comedy, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Noisy's ghost ran (or floated in Mr. Noisy's case) as fast as they could to the front exit, but Mr. Noisy-Parrot was in front of them waiting. He had the door's key on his neck like a necklace, and the door was locked.
"You thought I'd back down that eaisily?" Mr. Noisy-Parrot menancingly asked through Mr. Noisy's bullhorn.
"That's my bullhorn..." Mr. Noisy muttered.
"You're not getting it back!" Mr. Noisy-Parrot said, then took the front hall's rug, and pulled it, bringing the others down, and then wrapped them in the rug, and started heading to the cellar...

Mr. Small: Now, I'm freaking out! *fear*

Dimentio: This is actually quite a mild story. =|

Jess: S-s-says you!!!

Mr. Noisy-Parrot then threw the rug down the stairs of the cellar, and locked the door. The rug landed on the floor with a thump, and unwraveled.
"Ow, my head..." Mr. Quiet mumbled so quietly that nothing could even hear him.
"We're stuck here!" Mr. Noisy said.
"But aren't you a ghost?" Little Miss Sunshine asked. "Can't you go through walls?"
"I can't even float without almost tripping!" Mr. Noisy said. As soon as he said that, a rustling was heard, and a box slowly opened. In it was another ghost. Mr. Happy's ghost!

Shooting Star: *tilts head* The heck?

"Mr. Happy!" Little Miss Sunshine was very surprised. No Mr. Happy sorta meant no Mr. Men, since he was the mascot. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I sorta took a tomato from Miss Comedy's garden." Mr. Happy admitted. "I didn't notices that ghostly turtle until it was too late."
"Its the tomatoes!" Little Miss Comedy said. "But, what do they have against tomatoes?"
"Why don't you ask us youself?" It was Mr. Noisy-Parrot! He was spying on the whole thing! "Now that you know our weakness, we can't let you tell anyone. And just to make sure: PETS OF THE DEAD, COME TO ME!!!"

Jess: *clings to Orbulon tighter*

As soon as he said that, Mr. Happy-Turtle joined him, and also a ghost of a fish, a hamster, and a ferret.
"Attack at will." Mr. Noisy-Parrot said.
"Not so fast!" A voice said from upstairs. It belonged to a Mr. Man with red skin, a gold nose, and red hair-like appendages that stood straight up. It was Mr. Spooky!
"M-master!" Mr. Noisy-Parrot said in shock.
"You are going to pay for the damages!" Mr. Spooky said, and plummeted headfirst down the stairs into Mr. Noisy-Parrot, knocking the parrot ghost out, and knocking the body at Mr. Noisy's ghost, briging him back into it. He then punched Mr. Happy-Turtle, bringing the turtle's ghost out, and Mr. Happy's ghost in. The ghostly pets ran in fright.
"Thanks for saving us." Little Miss Comedy said, as they all walked up the stairs.
"No problem." Mr. Spooky said. "Just don't grow any more vegetables, okay?"
"Will do." Little Miss Comedy said.
"I'll be on my way, then." Mr. Spooky said. He then left the house, and the others turned around to bid him goodbye. But, they looked a little too soon, and they could notice a ghostly fish tail on him...
  • small pause*

Maddie: So, that's my story. Oh, and by the way...*fishes in backpack, then pulls out a tomato* Anyone want a tomato? *Laughs maniacally, turns off flashlight, making the campground almost completely pitch black*

Jess: *clinging to Orbulon very tightly* S-scary...

Dimentio: I've heard worse. *slap!* QUIT THAT!

[edit] this reeeeaaaaaly ugly guy.

Jess: Okay, who wants to go next?

Mikey: Me! Me!

Jess: Fine. :D

Mikey: *takes flashlight* Okay, once upon a time, there was this reeeeaaaaaly ugly guy. I mean, he was sooooo ugly that his face melted people's eyes out. And that's scary. The people of the town he lived in drove him out because he was so ugly, but he vowed to get revenge. He's still out there, looking for revenge. He's right over there. *points at Dimentio* The end. :D

Dimentio: You little... I'LL KILL... I'LL KILL YOU!!!

Maddie: *rofl* That's a good one! Oh, and here Dimentio. *Tomato to the Face*

Dimentio: -_-;

Jess: Well, if no one else wants to tell a story... should I go ahead and tell mine?

Maddie: Go ahead! :D

Jess: Okay... mweeheehee... *creepy eyes again*

Dimentio: *thinking* I just hope it's not...

Jess: Everyone... not only is the story I have to tell true... but this story... *holds up two fingers* ... is a two-parter.

(The campfire's flame suddenly grows a few inches and turns a slightly pink color. Spooky!)

NiGHTS: Nice effects. O_O

Jess: What is... the Tails Doll...???

Dimentio: Dang it, Jess! Not the freakin' Tails Doll again!!! *slap!*

Jess: A fine question. On the surface, one would call him a hidden character from the obscure Sonic the Hedgehog title, "Sonic R." That answer is a bit oversimplified, however, and much like calling Keroro "that frog." To be honest, we don't fully understand what the Tails Doll is, but we do know... The Tails Doll is not of this world.

Dimentio: Neither am I.

Jess: It is the antithesis of life.

Shooting Star: Eesh...

Jess: It has an unsatiable taste for souls, and yours will do nicely.

Yotsuba: S-scary!

Jess: It is everything and nothing. It is the future, it is the Omega. It is slightly orange and somewhat fuzzy.

Orbulon: Freaky!

Kat and Ana: *latch onto each other*

[edit] Tails Doll

(The following story is © Mark Garabedian.)

“Living in the City,” thought Patty as she connected the Sega Saturn to the school auditorium’s projection system, “you know you have to survive.”

Life had never been good for Patty. At a young age she had been left an orphan, but that was actually the best thing that ever happened to her. You see, her alcoholic father possessed a frighteningly sadistic streak that often resulted in swollen bruises across Patty’s frail, young body. She wasn’t the only one to incur his sudden and relentless rage, however. Her drug-addicted Mother garnered her fair share of beatings too, though that did little to comfort Patty. Her mother secretly blamed the girl for her father’s alcoholism, and took every opportunity to vent her twisted aggression by pinching her and pulling her hair. There was no shelter from her pain.

Thus, Patty shed no tears when her parents were discovered mutilated in their bedroom one evening. Even the cops that showed up at the grisly scene were unnerved. Why, a rookie could have sworn the poor wretch was smiling. The little girl stood in a congealing puddle of blood, clutching her plush fox, grinning like a Cheshire cat. A killer was never found. An hour later, neither was the little girl’s plush fox.

Dimentio: *thinking* Switching settings randomly... this one's actually pretty good... must... not... crack...!

Maddie: *shivers* That's really scary!

NiGHTS: You think this one's bad, you should hear the one about Sally the Obsessed Sonic Fan! *shudder shudder*

She could hear the other student’s piling into the auditorium, jabbering on expectantly, debating what kind of public service announcement they were going to be forced to watch this time. Patty reached into her pack and pulled out a sticky, scratched jewel-case and delicately removed the lustrous disc from within. “You have to keep the dream alive.”

Her time at the orphanage was quite uneventful and Patty was thankful for that. While not “good,” per se, it was at the very least quiet. Quiet was always better then a savage beating. High school on the other hand, was the beginning of a new nightmare. The kids teased and tormented her mercilessly. She simply didn’t fit in, and the other students were willing to remind her of that fact every chance they got. Cheerleaders threw paint on her. Jocks humiliated her. Nerds talked down to her. It was almost as if there were only two cliques at Belmont High – one consisted of Patty, and the other of everyone else.

In situations such as these, some kids turn to extreme methods of coping with their grief. Some become extroverts. Others turn to the mind-obliterating contentment drugs. An extreme few even cut themselves to feel the passion of pain. Patty’s escape was much worse.

She played a certain video game.

And in an unfathomable way, it played her in return.

Dimentio: *thinking* Is it just me, or are all the shadows becoming taller....???

She placed the disc in the antique system and pressed the power button. There was no turning back. Sounds of confusion reverberated throughout the auditorium, underscored by the song Supersonic racing.” It wouldn’t be long now.

They hit her! They actually hit her! Patty could stand being mocked and humiliated, but this was too much. When the girls on the volleyball team actually smacked her after an exceptionally bad match, Patty could take no more. That night, while playing “Sonic R,” racing around Radiant Emerald, he spoke to her, as he often did in times like these. There was no voice measurable by man, but his bobbing, inscrutable eyes articulated things that mere words could not express. Dreadful things. Horrifying things. Exactly the things that Patty wished to hear. Together, they hatched a silent plan. A plan that would make everything right again.

It was all over in a matter of minutes. Patty left the AV booth and entered the auditorium. The rank air reeked of iron and sweat. There, in the center of the carnage, hovering mere feet above the ground, was plush fox with uncannily vacant eyes.

Patty smiled.

The end.

(Dimentio is clinging to Orbulon in fright.)

Dimentio: N-no more!!! No mooooore!!!

Yotsuba: That was scary!!!

Shooting Star: You said it, kid!

Mikey: Ditto! And not a pink blob, either.

Gomez: Who thinks Jess's story was the scariest? *raises hand*

Others: *raises hand*

Mr. Small: *in another puddle of you know what, but only larger* That was scary!

Zoot: *points to puddle* Some of that was me.

(Soon, there are as many hands raised as there are people in our group... but that should be impossible as I am not raising my hand to vote my story the scariest!)

Jess: Huh...????

Tails Doll: *raising hand* That was freakin' TERRIFYING, man.




(We all run back to the Big Rolling Turd in fright. Gomez drives us away as fast as possible.)

Tails Doll: Silly mortals. I only wanted a marshmallow. *eats one of the marshmallows we left behind*

[edit] More Dimentio Abuse

Maddie: *crazily* Ahahahahaha! Why bother! Everything going mad! *Singing* 99 red balloons, floating in the summer sky~! *Crazy*

Jess: ... The heck?!

Dimentio: It's possessing her!!! Aaaah!!!

Maddie: *normally* No, I'm fine. I just felt like doing that. ^_^

Jess: *phew* That's good. *to Dimentio* Doofus. If it had posessed her, she'd be singing one of the songs from Sonic R. *smacks him*

Dimentio: Waaahh... endless abuse... D|

Kururu: Great! More Dimentio abuse! *takes a picture of the abuse, then kicks Dimentio's shin just for the heck of it*

Dimentio: I WILL KILL YOU!!!

Gomez: *looks back from driving* Hey! No homicide in the Turd!

Dimentio: *to Gomez* You have no power over me! =P

Jess: Yeah, but I do. *slaps Dimentio again*

Kururu: And that abuse goes on! *takes another picture, but refrains from harming Dimentio*

[edit] AC Presents


[edit] In the Morning

[edit] Prank

(The next morning, Mikey has squirted shaving cream into Dimentio's open hand and is holding a feather duster...)

Mikey: *stifles giggle* This is gonna be awesome...

  • Mr. Small comes in, wearing purple pajamas that are too big for him, and holding his hat as if it was a stuffed animal*

Mr. Small: *groggily, with a Yawn* W-what's going on?

Mikey: Wait and see. :D *starts lightly running the feather duster across Dimentio's face*

Dimentio: Nng... *tries to brush the duster away with his non-cream'd hand*

Mikey: :( *keeps at it*

Dimentio: ... *slaps his face with the cream'd hand*

Mikey: YES! *runs off*

Dimentio: MIKEEEYY!!!!!!

Mr. Small: ...*Laughs*

Dimentio: YOU LITTLE-- I'LL KILL YOU!!! *insert crazy chase scene here XD*

[edit] We're makin' Waffles

Jess: Well, looks like someone's up already. :D

Maddie: Yep. :D

Mr. Small: Can't catch me! *runs*

Dimentio: *runs right past Mr Small and guns for Mikey* TURTLE SOUP SOUNDS IKE GREAT BREAKFAST FOOD!!!

Mikey: Oh craaaaaaaaap!!! *jumps into Toph's arms* Save me, blind girl!

Toph: Hey, you brought this on yourself.

Orbulon: *slinking along, very tired* Coffee. Must have coffee.

Maddie: Orbulon, you and I both know that you're not supposed to have caffiene.

Jess: Breakfast'll wake you up. Who wants chocolate chip pancakes?

Yotsuba: Me! Me! I do!

Toph: Sounds good to me.

Kat and Ana: *leap down from the celing* We heard pancakes! So...

Kat: Let's get eating! *to Ana* We were supposed to say that at the same time.

Jess: I haven't even started them yet. 8| *opens a pancake mix box and pours it into a bowl* Now I've started. :D *gets to work on those pancakes!*

Dimentio: *Yawn* Last night was fun...

Toph: Why's that, Tutti Frutti?

Jess: *Laughs* Tutti Frutti... XD

Zoot: *rubbing head* What happened last night?

Maddie: You thought you could stay up all night, then fell asleep and recited the lyrics to Suffragette City in your sleep.

Zoot: Was that me? I thought Dimentio or Orbulon put one of their Bowie CDs into Mike in the middle of the night.

Dimentio: Musta been Orbulon. I was busy with something else~

(Chuckie walks into the kitchen, groggy and looking very unrested.)

You didn't...

Dimentio: Let's just say Mr Quackers has made a comeback and leave it at that. XD

Kat and Ana: *stare at Dimentio, katanas in hand, preparing to attack*

Dimentio: *evil smile*

(Soon, everyone's awake[sorta] and I'm serving the pancakes.)

Kat: *to Dimentio* I'm probably going to destroy you after breakfast.

Ana: *to Dimentio* And if she doesn't I will.

Jess: Hey! No desroying anyone in my house! Mom'll kill me if blood stains get on the wall. :|

Toph: Ah, nuts.

Kat and Ana: Okay...

Jess: :D


[edit] Let's go outside

Jess: What a great day! It's so beautiful outside!

(Jess isnt even outside. I'm just looking out the storm door. Maddie is on the couch reading a book and Toph's in the one-person seat, sitting longways and how Mom always tells me not to sit on that thing like.)

Toph: Well, go outside, then!


Toph: Hey, it's just common sense...

Jess: Well, common sense would tell you not to sit on Mom's chair like that!

Toph: *leans back, getting comfortable* Not my problem.

Jess: DX *thinking* This girl is... impossible!!

Maddie: Well, why not take this fun outside? I mean, I bet I could read this outside.

Jess: Come to think of it, Mom's flowers need to be watered... Okay. Let's go outside!

(Mostly everyone who wasn't already outside goes outside.)

Jess: Hey, could someone help me get the hose? Or at least help me convince Mikey to partake in some plant care?

Kururu: I'll find Mikey. Maybe attack him to convince him to work. ^_^

Maddie: Do that, and I'll use the Kero Ball against you.

Mikey: *comes around the house* Someone mention me?

Kururu: *acting innocent* Jess needed your help with something.

Mikey: *sigh* Lemme guess... you want me on plant duty.

Jess: Yep! :D

Kururu: So, will you do it, or will the electrical button of the Kero Ball make you do it?

Mikey: I choose option "c".

Jess: What's option "c"?

Mikey: Go back to the back yard and finish working on that project me and Dimentio are doing.

Jess: *suspicious* What project...?

Mikey: Follow me and you'll find out. *goes to back yard*

Maddie: Okay... *follows*

Kururu: Why not? :D *follows*

[edit] Here's an Idea

(In the back yard, Dimentio and Mikey have set up something using a lot of bottles of Diet Coke in almost an intricate formation. They're wearing labcoats and safety goggles, and Dimentio is not wearing his hat. Chuckie's holding a video camera.)

Okay, what's going on here?

Dimentio: Why tell you when we can show you? But first, a song.

Both Mikey and Dimentio: *singing* We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers
We can, we can, we can, we can demolish 40 beers
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum all day and come along with us
'Cuz we don't give a darn for any old fart who don't give a darn for us!

Dimentio: Now... READY THE MENTOS!!!

Mikey: *holding packs of candies* Mentos ready!

Kururu: I think I know where this is going...

Maddie: Me too...

Chuckie: Camera rolling!

(Dimentio and Mikey drop Mentos into the various Diet Coke bottles with choreography to rival that of even the best effects department[hey, those effects hafta be perfectly choreographed!]. Everyone in the back yard is in awe over the dazzling display of artfully released pure carbonated sugary froth['cept for Toph, for obvious reasons].)

Others: *clap*

Maddie: That's amazing! :D

Mr. Small: A spectacular display! ^_^

Kururu: Cool.

Toph: ... I don't get it. This must be mainly a visual thing...

Jess: *idea* I just got a brilliant idea! Let's have a video contest! Whoever can shoot the coolest or funniest video wins a prize!

Maddie: Yeah!

Kururu: Okay! :D

Penny: Awesome! :D

Jess: Great! :D Let's get started!

(Everyone gets camcorders['cept Toph, 'cuz she opted out of the contest for obvious reasons] and head out to make their videos.)

Maddie: *to self* Let's see...I'll need a purple trenchcoat, purple fedora, purple mask, and a smoke gun. That shouldn't be too hard to find, right?

[edit] Filming

  • meanwhile*

Kat: *to Ana* Okay, just try to catch the water bottle with the chopsticks, and then I'll throw the ball at you! :D

Ana: Sounds


Gomez: *trying to get in the front door* Aw, come on! *rattles the knob* Come ON!

Jess: *taping* Do a dance and I'll let you in. X3

Gomez: Open the door!

Jess: Do a dance! X3

Gomez: ...... Fine... Now open the door!

Jess: *giggling* Okay. *opens the door, bursts into laughter*

  • meanwhile*

Zoot: *to camera* I hate the world! *while holding up Fluffernut* But I don't hate the neighborhood squirell things. I love them! ^w^

Frieda: Um... I'm cute? *camera shy*

Meanwhile, again...

Mikey: Ohey, Toph! Can you help me with something?

Toph: What is it?

Mikey: Weellllllll... I had this crazy idea in my mind for the video contest that involves someone being covered in mud... I was thinking since you're an Earthbender and mud is pretty much watered-down earth...

Toph: I know where this is going. Ten bucks and I'm in.

Mikey: ... *fishes out ten bucks* ...grumble mumble i'm not freakin' made of money grumble... *gives Toph a ten* There.

Toph: This is a ten, right?

Mikey: Of course it is! Wartortle's honor. *Boy Scout hand sign thing*

Toph: Okay, let's do this.

  • meanwhile...*
  • in the costume I was looking for, minus the mask. Kururu is in a jumpsuit with an electrick socket hat, and battery backpack, and Mr. Small is in a flight outfit*

Maddie: Okay, boys~! Let's get dangerous!

Kururu: Why do I have to be the bad guy?

Maddie: It's the only part you were qualified for.

Kururu: :X

Meanwhile, outside...

Mikey: Hey, Chuckie! *holding up video camera* Can you show me some kung fu moves?

Chuckie: Of course. ... Why do you ask?

Mikey: I, uh... I thought a little kung fu action would make great film! :D

Chuckie: ^_^ *does some kung fu practice moves, not noticing a dark, slimy figure making its way towards him...*

  • meanwhile*

Ana: *keeps on getting hit by a bouncy ball, thrown and caught by Kat* This. *hit* Isn't. *hit* Fun. *hit, hit, hit*

Kat: It is for me! :D


Shooting Star: Uh... we got a problem.

Jess: What kind of problem?

Shooting Star: Well, I was trying to film Yotsuba and NiGHTS for the contest, but... *turns on the camera's playback* See for yourself.

(The playback shows Yotsuba happily playing. It doesn't seem out of the ordinary.)

Jess: Doesn't look like there's a problem to me. Yotsuba came out great.

Shooting Star: The problem is that she was playing with NiGHTS! I could see them both just fine through the eyepiece of the camera, but the little screen only showed Yotsuba! I don't think Nightmarens can be captured on film...

Jess: That is a problem...

(Suddenly, a loud scream comes from the backyard, folloewd by two voices laughing their butts off.)

Jess: What are those goofballs doing now...? *goes back there*

  • meanwhile...*

Penny: Okay, Mike. Do you have the ever so important "data"?

Mike: Yep! Boy, will they be in a big surprise when they see this! *Giggle*

(Meanwhile, in the back yard, a very frightened Chuckie is cowering near the maple tree. Mikey and a mud-covered Toph are getting a scolding.)

Jess: You guys, that was just mean. That was uncalled for.

Toph: I thought it was fun to scare the pants off of chicken-legs.

Chuckie: A-actually, I am s-still wearing my pants...

Toph: It's an expression!

Mikey: *to me* Ah, you'll think twice about it being "uncalled for" when you see the playback... I might have been laughing too hard to see clearly, but I think there was this one part where Chuckie accidentally kicked himself.

  • Meanwhile, Maddie is striking a pose and smiling, while Mr. Small watches, and Kururu is tied up.*

Kururu: I hate you guys! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Maddie: Just a day in the life for Darkwing Duck, and Launchpad! *thumbs up*

  • camera turns off*

Mr. Small: Okay, it's done.

Maddie: *Letting go of her pose, and frowning* Good. Augh, I can't keep smiling like that! cheeks...

[edit] Film Festibal

[edit] The Kung Fu Master vs the Muck Monster

(Later, everyone who's entered is ready to show their videos.)

Jess: Okay, who's up first?

  • all argue about who goes first*

Jess: OKAY, OKAY! *randomly points at someone* You first.

(My random point pointed at Mikey.)

Mikey: Okay... *puts in tape* I call mine "The Kung Fu Master vs the Muck Monster", starring Chuckie Chan and Toph Bei Fong.

Chuckie: *hides his head in shame*

(The tape begins. Chuckie is in the backyard practicing his moves when a mud-covered humanoid figure trudges over to him. When he notices the "muck monster"[actually a mud-covered Toph], he screams and almost jumps out of his skin. And yes, he did accidentally kick himself like Mikey had thought he had seen earlier. XD)

Kat and Ana: *laughing*

Kururu: Th-that's too much! I'm gonna bust a gut! *rofl*

Mr. Small: *tries to hide his laughter, it's not working...*

Chuckie: Why meeee.....?!

Jess: *Laughing* Okay, that's enough. Next one?

Dimentio: I have mine ready~?

Jess: This can't be good. All right, go ahead...

Zoot: Whoo! Go Dimentio! *w00t!*

Maddie: You're acting really weird, even for you.

[edit] dimemail.exe

(Dimentio puts in a tape. It seems to be filming his computer screen, specifically his e-mail page.)

Dimentio(on tape): Hey, it looks like I've got some mail! *e-mail pops up, it's a scene of a home kitchen with windows* What's this...? They want me to look carefully at this picture, find out what's wrong with it... nothing's wrong with it, there's a table, some windows with white curtains--

E-mail: *creepy-looking face suddenly pops up* PAAAAAH!!!

Dimentio: Aaaaahh!!! *camera falls over* ... Hmm. That must be what these people saw.

(The rest of the tape is entirely composed of some of our reactions to the same e-mail. Those shown are, in order of who got pranked first, me, Mikey, Shooting Star, you, Kururu, Gomez, Chuckie[along with Toph, who got an earful], Orbulon, NiGHTS, Penny and Mike.)

Maddie: *shivers* That was pretty freaky...

Penny: That was rude, even for you.

Dimentio: *Singing* And it's so easy when you're evil~!

Jess: Yeah, yeah, now get lost. *kicks him in the head* My turn next!

[edit] Locked out

(As I put in the tape, Gomez seems to be cringing. The tape starts with Gomez outside. He's been locked out.)

Gomez: *on tape, trying to get in the front door* Aw, come on! *rattles the knob* Come ON!

Jess: *taping* Do a dance and I'll let you in. X3

Gomez: Open the door!

Jess: Do a dance! X3

Gomez: ...... Fine... *does a dance* Now open the door!

Jess: *Giggle* Okay *Opens the Door, Laughing*

Maddie: *Laughing* That's a pretty good one! XD

Penny: I bet it won't beat ours! Can Mike and I go next?

Jess: Sure thing. :D

[edit] Dimentio: Insulting Blind Kids Everywhere

(Meanwhile, Dimentio's making faces at Toph, just because he knows she can't see him doing it.)

Jess: Dimentio, stop that.

Dimentio: Rat poo.

Penny: *puts Mike and her's video in*

[edit] You've been Rick-Rolled

  • on video*

Mike: We interrupt your show for an important message! The world is ending! Here's to Penny, for more information!

  • cut to Penny*

Penny: Thank you, Mike. Here's the footage that has caused the world to go into widespread panic!

  • cut to a real-life music video with as song that happens to go like this:*
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Ooh give you up)
(Ooh give you up)
(Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)
(Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
  • cut back, to Mike, who is now joined with Penny*

Mike: So, what shall we make of this?

Penny: We can only make one thing of it...


  • END*

Jess: Uh... what?

Mikey: That was pointless. :|

[edit] A Fred Parody :|

Jess: Ah well. Who's next?

Zoot: I'll go next! :D Come on, Orbulon!

Orbulon: Why did I bother filming with you?

Zoot:...Come on, Orbulon!

NiGHTS: This ought to be interesting. *Giggling*

Jess: Okay, let's see whatcha got.

Zoot: Okay~! :D

  • video*
  • Zoot's in a red t-shirt that says his name, only with the "Z" backwards*

Zoot: Hey, it's Zoot, and I'm really mad!!!!

  • cut*

Zoot: Okay, so I was just minding my own buisness when all of a sudden, my grandma makes me go inside because it's going to rain!

  • cut*

Zoot: I checked the weather this morning, and rain wasn't even in the forecast!

  • cut*

Zoot: I have to say it: my grandma's a loony!

  • cut*

Zoot: No one in the world listens to me! I hate the world!

  • cut*

Zoot: *now holding Fluffernut* But I don't hate the neighborhood squirell things. I love them!

  • cut*

Zoot: Why do real people have to be so mean?

  • cut*

Zoot: *singing* The world is so cruel! Why do people have to be so meeean?

  • cut*

Orbulon: *offscreen, in a terrible attempt to be a grandma* Zoot, come in, it's going to rain!

Zoot: Grandma! It's perfectly fine out!

Orbulon: *still in voice* Don't be lazy!

Zoot: *pouty* Fine!

  • cut*

Zoot: Okay, I have to go, because Mrs. Bossy is making me! Bye! *waves like madly*

[edit] Child's Play

Jess: ......................... Okay then... Um, next is Yotsuba and NiGHTS!

Yotsuba: Yay~!

(NiGHTS puts their tape in. It starts out with Yotsuba on her bike.)

Yotsuba(on tape): Wheeee~! I'm going fast!

NiGHTS: *taping* Yeah, you're going really fast! I can barely see you!

(Yotsuba hits a rock in the road and falls over. WHOOPS.)

NiGHTS: Omigosh! Yotsuba!

Yotsuba: *Crying* I fell and landed on my buuutttt!!!

NiGHTS: Did you hurt your butt?

Yotsuba: Yeah... *sniffle* You wanna kiss my butt? :3

NiGHTS: *laughing* No, I don't wanna kiss your butt... *Laughter*

Kat and Ana: *Giggle*

[edit] Ninja Time

Jess: So... who's next?

Kat: It's our turn! :D

Jess: Okay, go for it! :D

Kat: Okay! :D

  • video*

Kat: Hewwo, I'm Kat.

Ana: And I'm Ana.

Kat: And we shall be teaching you how to be...

Both: NINJA!

  • cut*

Ana: Ninja's are able to catch things with just chopsticks!

  • cut, Ana attemts to catch a pillow, a stuffed animal, and a piece of paper with chopsticks, but fails. She finally catches an empty vitaminwater bottle*

Ana: Hey, I caught it! 8D

  • a ball is thrown at her from offscreen*
  • cut*

Kat: Ninjas can also teleport.

  • ducks down behind a chair, then keeps on popping up in random places (you can tell the camera is being paused). She ends up on the right side of the screen*

Kat: Like so.

  • cut*

Ana: If you know these two things...

Kat: ...And make loud, unnessecary noises when you hit things...

Ana: Then you are ready for the final step...


  • cut, Kat and Ana do a flashy battle sequence, while the music from Final Destination plays. Finally...*

Kat: Aw, forget this. *takes the ball, and chucks it at Ana, making her fall offscreen.

  • END*

Jess: That was... weird. XD Okay, Mads, I think you're the last one... uh, is she the last one, anyone?

Shooting Star: I gave up on mine since NiGHTS wouldn't show up on the film...

Gomez: I couldn't think of anything good...

Kururu: So I guess we're gonna have to-

Maddie: Show the video, not jump.

[edit] Darkwing

  • video*
  • Outside, Kururu is dressed as Megavolt, and trying to steal a lightbulb from a lamp (that he took outside). Unknown to anyone, there's a strange thing in the background (that's not supposed to be there)...*

Kururu: Don't worry, precious. I'm gonna spring you from this joint!

  • suddenly, a cloud of blue smoke appears, and coming out of it is maddie dressed as Darkwing Duck, and Mr. Small as Launchpad McQuack*

Maddie: I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the bubble gum that gets caught in your hair! I am Darkwing Duck!

Mr. Small: And I amd Launchpad McQuack! *salutes, accidentally konking his forehead*

Maddie: You're in hot water, Megavolt!

Kururu: Over my dead batteries, Darkwing! Eat amperes!

  • he uses an electricity gun, shooting it at maddie*

Maddie: Suck gas, evildoer!

  • Maddie shoots the gas gun at him, causing a gas pellet to come out, and when it opens, Kururu coughs uncontrollably*

Mr. Small: *while holding a rope* I got the rope, DW!

  • he runs to tie Kururu up, but he trips, and ties Kururu up with himself*

Maddie: Once again, the caped crusader helps his companion from this catastrophe!

  • Maddie retie the rope, letting Mr. Small out, and with just Kururu*

Kururu: I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Maddie: Just a day's work for Darkwing Duck! *thumbs up to the camera*

Jess: .........................

Mikey: That was weird.

Kururu: Wham, bam, thank you man! :D

Penny: Was it just me, or did you guys see something strange in their movie?

Mike: Yeah! I noticed that strange thing, too!

Dimentio: *totally wasn't paying attention and went to sleep* Huh, wha?!

Jess: A strange thing in the tape.

Dimentio: Oh. ... Whatever. *goes back to sleep*

Maddie: I'm going to check it out! *runs out the front door, and comes back later, holding something...*

[edit] A Survivor

Kat: Did you find something?

Maddie: *gulps* Y-yes... *shows what it is: a small black crow wearing a ripped up red turtleneck, a battered and dirty Dixie Cup hat, and white glasses with pink lenses, that snapped on one of the earpieces. He's out cold, and has multiple scratches, plus a few unruly feathers*

Jess: What the heck?!

Toph: What is it? *feels one of the crow's feathers hit the floor* Did you find a bird or something? A... really big bird?

Maddie: Yeah, it is. A little black crow. He's pretty small. I wonder what could have happened to him. He's out cold, but he's still breathing...

Toph: Oh. The feather felt pretty big...

Dimentio: *stares at the crow* Can I add to his misery? :3

Jess: *takes his head off andd throws it* There's some misery for ya.

Penny: *picks up fallen feather* No wonder why this feather felt big. It's one of his tail feathers.

  • suddenly, the crow starts to twitch*

Oh man! Oh, what do I do?

Chuckie: Maybe we should--

Mikey: *interrupting* DENY EVERYTHING!

Chuckie: ... That was unpolite.

Jess: Don't you mean impolite?

  • crow flinches more, more like tossing around in a nightmare, and starts to moan*

Maddie: Someone PLEASE help! I don't know what to do!

Jess: Looks like... *runs back to room and returns with something that resembles a crescent moon* Put him down on the couch!

Shooting Star: Clear the couch, guys. *starts pushing people off the couch*

Maddie: Okay! *props a few pillows to elevate him, and the lays him on the couch*

Mr. Small: Great McGilicuty, what is that?

Mikey: A Lunar Wing--?! Where'd you get that... how'd you...?!!

Jess: A girl has her ways. =P (touches the Lunar Wing to the crow's forehead. As I'm holding it there, his nightmares start to fade away...)

[edit] Awakening

  • as soon as this happens, the crow relaxes, then slowly wakes up*

Crow: *with a young African-American accent, and still half asleep* Wha? Where am I...?

Jess: You're at my house.

Dimentio: Dang. I wanted to see if fried crow tasted any good... *slap!* OW!

Shooting Star: You're a freak.

Dimentio: Tell me something I don't know. *slap!* OW!

Crow: *gulp* *hides under pillows*

Maddie: Great job, Bowie Boy. You scared him!

Jess: *punches Dimentio* JERK!

Dimentio: OWWW!!! Rrr... why don't you stop that for once?! *warps to Dimension D for a while*

Jess: Good riddance. XP

Crow: I-is he g-gone?

Maddie: Yes. ^_^

Crow: Phew!

Don't worry, little guy. I'll protect you from that jerk-o.

Crow: Thanks...

Kat: Say, what's your name? I mean, we've helped you, and I'd really would like to know your name.

Crow: Glasses. ^_^

Kat: ...No, seriously.

Jess: O... kay... hmm...

Mikey: What mother names her kid Glasses...?

Jess: Maybe it's a nickname.

Glasses: What's a "mother"?

Kururu: Wha?

Glasses: Is a mother something nice? What is a mother?

Mr. Small: Let me guess, you're an orphan.

Glasses: Yes. By the way, what kind of place am I in? I've never seen a place like this.

Maddie: ...It's a home...

Jess: Yes, and it's mine. So if you're gonna be staying here with the rest of everybody, we gotta talk about bathroom rules!

Mikey: Yeeaaaahhh...

Glasses: Okay...

Jess: Great.

[edit] Fallout

[edit] another one?

A few weeks later...

Jess: *outside, raking* Phew... all these leaves... no wonder they call it fall! XD

Dimentio: *walks by, humming a certain tune that suspiciously sounds nothing like any Bowie song*

Jess: ... What's with him?

Orbulon: That's no Bowie song...

Kururu, Mr. Small, and Glasses: DESTROY! *all three jump into the leaves pile*

Jess: Awwww, I was gonna do that! DX Thanks for taking away all my fun.

Mikey: Ziggy Crapforbrains seems real happy lately. Then again, it is getting close to that time of year...

Jess: What? What time of the year? </oblivious>

Glasses: I know this time of year. It's the time that's the scariest...

Mr. Small: The time that's the spookiest...

Kururu: The time of tricks...

Mr. Small: The time of teeth rot...

Glasses: And the time of being pranked into touching the haunted scarecrow. X(

Mr. Small and Kururu: It's almost October!

Glasses: I won't have to touch a scarecrow, will I?

Dimentio: *walks by again, this time humming AND dragging an impossibly tall top hat behind him*

Jess: Of course! It's getting closer to Halloween as we speak! I need to get started on my costume!

Mikey: So soon?

Jess: Hey, with the wild ideas I come up with, I need at least two months of preparation! *runs off to find Gomez to bug him to take me shopping for costume stuff*

Mr. Small: Great McGilicuty! I should be thinking of costume ideas, and I'm here, playing in the leaves! *goes to think*

Kururu: I already know my costume. ^_^

Glasses: Come on! Someone answer me! Will I have to touch the haunted scarecrow this year? *runs after you to ask you the question*

Jess: Haunted scarecrow...? What the heck are you talking about?

Glasses: Well...


  • flashback to a year ago in the old field that Glasses and the other crows live. It's dark outside, and the moon is full. The crows are all in the field, walking in a corn crop. They had obviously woken up for the event, as pointed out by the fact that they still have their pajamas on. They're creeping up to a strange sillouhete of a scarecrow, with Glasses being shoved in the front...*

Jim: Go on, Glasses! Touch it!

Straw Hat: You said you wanted to be brave!

Fat: And this is your best chance at doing it!

Preacher: So go ahead and touch it!

Glasses: B-b-but it might jump out at me!

Jim: It's just a scarecrow!

Glasses: Okay...

  • as he goes to touch it, the other four crows creep back to the tree that the five live in, and laugh a quiet giggle*

Glasses: Okay, I did it you guys. Guys? Hello? ANYONE?!?! It's true! It's all true! It's haunted! I'm all alone! They scarecrow destroyed them!

[edit] Snipe hunt

  • Glasses is now hiding behind Jess' leg*

Jess: Ah, like a snipe hunt.

Gomez: I've never understood that. What's a snipe hunt?

Jess: That's were you take your buddy out hunting to find this creature called a snipe. A real snipe is a kind of bird found in, um, deserts or plains or something... Anyway, the point is that you take your friend into a dark forest at night and you're supposedly looking for a snipe, but there's really no snipes around and you just rush back to the car or truck or whatever and leave your buddy there. XD

Gomez: Ohhh.

Glasses: *still behind your leg* I-I still won't have to go near any scarecrows, will I?

Jess: Well, I know we don't have any scarecrows in the Halloween decoration box... but just in case, I'd recommend you stay away from Dimentio for a while. Knowing him, he's likely to pull something.

Mikey: *walking by* Hopefully it's a hamstring. XD

Jess: *Laughing* Good one!

Dimentio: *walking by again, this time with a black overcoat but no humming* You do realize I can hear every word you're saying, right?

Jess: So?

Glasses: I have to go to the bathroom. Can I do it on Dimentio?

Jess: As much as I love to abuse the guy, no. It's unsanitary.

Dimentio: Gee, thanks.

Glasses: Oh. Okay! *goes outside to find a tree or something*

Jess: Uh, you could just go inside and do it in the toile... never mind. |P I gotta go bug Gomez about taking me to town, anyway...

Mikey: Hey, could you get him to take me, to? I need some green burlap...

Jess: What do you need that for...?

Mikey: Um, nothing?

Glasses: *suddenly appears again, but with a leaf on the bottom of his foot* Take me too! I need a straightjacket!!!!

Maddie: ...What?

Glasses: It's for my costume...

Zoot: I once tried to put on a straightjacket. Kikit had to get me out. ^w^

Glasses: That isn't something to be happy about.

Jess: Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go get Gomez, see if he can take us to Lexington...

[edit] A Letter


Dimentio: *busy sewing a ribbon with the word "MAYOR" on it* You got snail mail, Jess. *points to the kitchen table*

Jess: Ooh, who's it from?

Dimentio: Someone from Kurumi, Japan--

Jess: SAY NO MORE!!! *swipes it up and rushes back to room*

Dimentio: ... Guess it must have been important.

Maddie: Who's it from?

Glasses: Must be pretty big.

Jess: *so loud you can hear me from two rooms away* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! MOMOKA'S COMING, MOMOKA'S COMING!!!!!!

Dimentio: Momoka...? Not that insane rich girl with the split personality?!

Jess: No, not that Momoka... Momoka Aizawa, my penpal!

Gomez: I had a penpal from Keron when I was little. His name was Karoro... good times... *bliss of memories*

Jess: It says she's coming here as part of a foreign exchange student program and she's arriving at... D: Holy crap, she's already left Japan! She'll be at the Bluegrass Airport anytime soon! We need to get there, and fast!

Gomez: I'll drive.

Jess: I was about to suggest that. And can we go to the mall for some Halloween stuff while we're at it? After we've picked up Momoka, of course.

Maddie: Sounds cool! I'll go!

Glasses: I've always wanted to see a real airplane. I wanna go to!

Kururu: You go ahead. I have something to do...

  • He drags Dimentio to a private place*

Kururu: *whispering to Dimentio* Look, I know we don't get along, but do you think we can team up for a little prank against Glasses?

Dimentio: Well, I am up for breaking in the new guy... what exactly did you have in mind?

Toph: *yelling from the other room* Hey, frog breath! Tutti-frutti! Get a move-on!

Yotsuba: *also yelling* We will leave you here!

Dimentio: In a minute! I'm, uh, getting my watch! Yes, my watch! I left it in the bathroom and I'm getting it.

Toph: Yeah, whatever.

Kururu: And I left my, uh, iPod in the bathroom, and I'm getting it! *makes a mad dash to the bathroom, with Dimentio, and locks the door* Okay, here's the plan...*whispers*

(The plan involves Kururu as a "crow ghost", and Dimentio as the "haunted scarecrow". They don't go to the airport, and end up scaring Glasses when he comes back, claiming that "he's next"...)

[edit] The Airport

Later, almost to the airport...

Jess: Hey, where's Kururu and Dimentio?

Yotsuba: ... I guess we did leave them there! :3

Jess: We left them?!?!

Toph: Eh, whatever. It's not that big a deal, right?

Yeah, but... now who'll hold the sign so Momoka can find us amongst the crowd? I was gonna make Dimentio do it...

Glasses: *jumping up and down, with his hand raised* I can do it! String it over my neck, and I can fly up in the air~!

Jess: Sounds like a great idea!

(We're now at the airport, and Glasses is doing just that. Nothing happens for a while, so the rest of us just sit around doing random things. soon enough, however...)

Voice: Jess! Hey, Jess!!!

(A Japanese girl with purple hair and glasses runs up to us, practically buried in her own luggage. She's wearing a PL Studios hair clip, a Pokemon 151 Articuno shirt, khaki shorts and blue Crocs and has the same marking on her right arm as I do.)

Jess: It's her! *runs to meet her* Momokaaa~!

Maddie: We did it! We found her!

Glasses: My idea worked? Awesome! 8D

Jess: Hey, Momoka! Great to see ya! Oh! *points at her hair* You dyed it!

Momoka: ^///^ You like it? I actually wanted more of a magenta, but I guess I'm stuck with it now, hehe...

Jess: Are you kidding?! It looks great! Anyways, welcome to the states. Be prepared to see some horses on the side of the road on the way back.

Momoka: Really? This is common here?

Jess: Naah, just in Kentucky. at least, to my knowledge.

Maddie: Nice to meet you, Momoka! I'm Maddie, and I hope you like it here!

Momoka: Nice to meet you, too! ^u^

Mikey: Okay, we came and got her. Now can we go? I'm starving.

Momoka: ... Th... That's a...

Maddie: Oh, boy...

Penny: I can see where this is going...

Glasses: What? What's going on?

Momoka: 8D Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! A real-live Kameru! *Glomps Mikey*

Mikey: Ack--! G-get off! And I'm a Wartortle, not a Kammy-watchit!

Everyone: ...

Zoot: ...*starts breaking out laughing*

[edit] Pranking as Usual I see

  • meanwhile, back at the house*

Kururu: *wearing a ghost crow costume* We gotta hurry! They could be back any minute!

Dimentio: *wearing part of a scarecrow costume, trying to fix the head* Keep yer pants on, stupid! You can't rush these things!

Meanwhile, back with us, on our way from the airport to the mall...

Momoka: *holding Mikey* So we're going shopping before we head to your house?

Jess: Why not? I needed to get some things, plus there's no better way to get a taste of the American experience than a mall crawling with hundreds of us USA-types. Oh, and before we get there, let me warn you. Beware of mall-rats.

Momoka: Mall-rats? :?

Jess: People who hang out at booths in the mall, trying to get your attention as you walk past, usually to try and sell you some crappy beauty product or useless junk. It's best just to ignore 'em, though they make it really hard.

Glasses: I don't think I've ever been in a mall before. Well, there was that one time we accidentally flew into the mall, but that's another story.

Zoot: I wanna hear the story! I wanna! I wanna!

Orbulon: *waving his arms* No! No he doesn't!

Zoot: Yes I do!

Momoka: ... Is it always like this with you guys...?

Jess: Pretty much, yeah.

Mikey: -.-; I feel like a lapdog...

Momoka: Aww, you're just the cutest widdle thing~! *scratches Mikey's ears*

Zoot: I wanna hear the story! I wanna hear the story!

Maddie: Zoot, you want to hear the story.

Zoot: On second thought, I don't feel like hearing the story.

Orbulon: ...What did you do to him?

Maddie: Reverse psycology. Picked it up in Toontown.

Jess: *Laughs*

[edit] Arrival

At the mall...

Jess: Okay, guys, you know the drill.

Gomez: *in human disguise* Way ahead of you.

Mikey: *sigh* I hate this... alright, let's get this over with.

NiGHTS: What are you guys talking about?

Jess: Oh yeah, you weren't here then...

Glasses: This's making my head spin...

Mr. Small: Stay calm, Glasses. We don't want you to pass out again.

Glasses: What do you mean "again"?

Mr. Small: Isn't that how we first met you?

Glasses: Huh?

(Jess has just finished changing Mikey and NiGHTS into human form, the latter of which is rubbing his rear end due to a harsh landing after learning that humans can't levitate.)

NiGHTS: Owww... that hurt... D|

Jess: Hmm... *looking at Mr Small and Glasses*

Momoka: "Hmm" what...?

Maddie: I see what you mean. We totally need to be doing something about this?

Mr. Small: Huh?

Glasses: Whatchu talkin' about?

Mikey: *in human form* I think she means you guys need the same treatment me and NiGHTS got. Oh, I pity you.

Jess: He's right. We might be able to sneak Mr Small in, on account of his size, but Glasses... *shakes head* The rent-a-cops'll throw you out before you can say "animals' rights".

Mr. Small: I'd like to try being humanized. I don't wanna be in the backpack! Not the backpack again!

Glasses: What's it like to be humanized?

NiGHTS: You get this we tingling sensation in your--

Mikey: *interrupts* Legs!

NiGHTS: ... That's what I was going to say. 8|

Jess: Okay, here ya go. *does the finger-snappy light-beam humanizing thing*

  • Mr. Small ends up a a small boy with orange hair, an orange suit, and black bowtie. He keeps his hat and shoes. Glasses is the same size as Mr. Small, and is African-American with black hair, and has the same hat, glasses, and sweater, but with black pants and yellow shoes*

Jess: Nice! Okay, let's go.

[edit] Mall Time

(We make our way into the mall. The song "Funkytown" is playing, every step we take in time with the beat.)

Mikey: Since when did anyone play "Funkytown" over a mall PA?

Chuckie: *singing and dancing as he walks* Won't you take me to... Funky-toooown!

Toph: Someone sounds happy.

Glasses: He's really being crazy.

Mr. Small: That's normal for him.

Mikey: I thought normal for him was dorky. With broken English. 8|

Chuckie: I cannot help it! The music is excellent!

Jess: *giggling* So, where's everyone going?

Yotsuba: Can we get ice cream? 8D

Gomez: I'll stick with you, like last time.

Glasses: I still need the straightjacket for my costume.

Mr. Small: And I still need stuff for a costume, as well.

  • to self* What does a straight jacket have to do with anything...? Well, let's just go wherever. We can split up and meet in the food court in about... *checks watch* ...hour and a half. Two hours, maybe. Now, little kids HAVE to go with either a big kid or an adult. And when I say "little kid", I mean anyone who's under 13. So yes, Toph, that makes you a "little kid".

Toph: *stomps foot* Crap! >(

[edit] Let's Split up Gang

(We all split up and go different places.)

Jess: *Stomach Growls* Oh man, I'm hungry... let's head to the food court.

(We go to the food court. At one of the restaurants, a skater dude is talking to a panda costume.)

Skater dude: *to panda costume* ... and that's why she wouldn't kiss me.

Momoka: Um... did I really wanna hear that?

Jess: I dunno.

Maddie: Random comments are pretty much the norm for us, Momoka.

Zoot: Have you ever noticed how your thumb is so, I dunno, opossable? 83

Maddie: Ya see what I mean?

Momoka: Uh-huh...

Jess: Okay, who wants what here in the food court? My treat.

Yotsuba: Ice cream! 8D

Gomez: Uh, I'll be fine with a burger...

Momoka: *looking at the menu above where the skater dude is working* What's a Stickette? It sounds good.

Zoot: I want soda!

Maddie: Yes, Zoot. You do want soda...

Zoot:...On second thought, maybe not...

Jess: I want a slice of pepperoni pizza with a side of chicken noodles.

Maddie: Since Zoot "doesn't" want the soda, I'll just take it for him...

Jess: Okay then.

(We all get what we ordered and go eat. Yay, food~!)

Momoka: Oh, Jess, I almost forgot. I brought you a gift from Japan. *rummages in her purse* Here! *pulls out a shirt*

Jess: Ooh, what is it? *unfolds it* Eeeeeeeeeeee! A Pokemon 151 t-shirt!!!

Momoka: I knew you'd like it! ^u^ I got you Mewtwo because I didn't think you'd like to seem like we were clones of each othe-- oops, I just made a pun, didn't I? XD

Jess: Haha, good one! XD

Gomez: ... I don't get it.

Maddie: (:giggle)

Zoot: *poking maddie* Give me a sip. Give me a sip. Give me a sip. Give me a sip.

Momoka: Uh... is there somethign wrong with him...?

Jess: He was dropped on his head when he was a baby. I think.

(Meanwhile, near a Halloween-ish store with Mikey, Glasses, Mr Small and Shooting Star...)

Mikey: *looking through the store window* Man, these guys have everything! Even that green burlap I needed!

Shooting Star: Well, I've got everything I need for my costume, so you boys feel free to look aroun-- *sees something* Oooh! A set of heart bracelets! Those would so work better than my hand-made paper ones!

Glasses: *holding a crow-sized straightjacket* I think this will work perfectly~! 8D

Mr. Small: *staring at Glasses, holding a dark blue beret* Great...

Shooting Star: I still don't get what a straightjacket or green burlap have to do with anything...

Mikey: You wil. *Grins at Glasses* Isn't that right, little guy?

Glasses: *nods*

Shooting Star: Ooh-kay...

(Meanwhile, back with us, we've made our way to Sam Goody's[electronic store] after we finished eating.)

Ooh, they're still up! Maddie, Momo-chan, come look at this!

Momoka: What is it?

Look at this.

(In the store window are standees of John McCain, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Jack Skellington. Whut?!)

Jess *In song* One of these things is not like the other...

Momoka: Um... who are these people with Skellington-san?

Gomez: I've seen everyone on TV but the creepy skeleton guy, but I still don't get it.

Jess: Never mind. -_-

Maddie: *Giggles*

Zoot: It's so awesome because I don't know what we're talking about. :3

Maddie: ...Why don't we keep it that way...

Zoot: Okay~! 83

(Meanwhile, with Toph, Chuckie, Kat and Ana...)

Toph: *whispering to Kat and Ana* Hey, you two... whaddaya say we didth Chicken Legs over there and go have some fun?

(Well, me and Dad went to the mall last night and I found that they changed it. Jack's still there, but he's with some characters from that vampire movie that's coming out.)

Kat: Way ahead of you!

Ana: But we're supposed to stay with an adult!

Kat: Ana, for once in your life, be spontaneous!

Ana: It goes against my standards of living, but...fine. ^_^

Toph: Okay, leave this to me. *yelling* Chuckie! Mr Quackers is behind you!!!

Chuckie: Mr Qua...?!!?! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *climbs onto the Seacret kiosk in fear before actually seeing "Mr Quackers"* Wait a minute... 8|

Toph: Oh, my mistake! It was just this sculpture-thing! *to Kat and Ana* C'mon, you guys! Let's go!

(They all three run off)

Chuckie: ... I have just been pranked by children... 8<

Seacret lady: Hey! You up there! If you don't wanna try these soothing sea salts, then get the heck off my stand!

Chuckie: Oh! A thousand pardons, good salt merchant. *comes down* I'll take two, please!

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