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From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

Hi, Remember that 100 artwork thing during your deviantart days? Well, This little Anon challenges you to a three step OC Roleplay Challenge Session


[edit] The Rules

  1. You can use Characters you already used
  2. You Must do this with a partner!
  3. You are free to research the show as you pleas

[edit] Step 1: Set up your cast

  1. Yourself.
  2. A best friend from your past.
  3. A Keyblade Master/Mistress fancharacter from Kingdom Hearts.
  4. A Wolf fancharacter from Wolf's Rain
  5. Someone from the Homestar Runner Universe
  6. Your Siblings, If you don't have one, make one!
  7. Your Lover, If you don't have one, make one!
  8. A gender-swapped version of yourself.
  9. A Gijinkafied version of Your pets as you'd draw them way back when and how you draw 'em now.
  10. A Giant Mech for yourself.
  11. A Goddess of some sort.
  12. A Soul Reaper fancharacter from Bleach.
  13. A Persona fancharacter partner for Chara-6 from the Persona Series.
  14. A Future Incarnation of the Doctor (from Doctor Who)
  15. A Death Weapon fancharacter from Soul Eater to be paired up with Chara-7
  16. A favorite collaborator of yours who will be your Challenge Partner.
  17. A Puella Magi fancharacter from the Puella Magi Franchise
  18. A Mr. Men fancharacter
  19. A Pokémon Trainer and her Pokemon
  20. A character born from a Typo
  21. The teenaged offspring of Chara-1 and Chara-7
  22. A recurring Roleplay Character of yours.
  23. A Child Character from your Roleplay at romancing age for a potential love intrest from inside the Roleplay wence she came.
  24. A Fanmaren from the NiGHTS series of Games with Fandreamers
  25. A Gijinka of a certain food you have.
  26. A Gijinka of a Console you wish to get in the Future
  27. Someone Completely Original

[edit] Step 2: Drawing Adventures

  1. Chara-1 and Chara-8 as a New Team of Kamen Riders, At least one Secondary Rider can be added. Secondary Rider options include Chara-2, Chara-3, Chara-4, Chara-6, Chara-7, Chara-9, Chara-12, Chara-14, Chara-16, Chara-17, Chara-19, Chara-20, Chara-21, Chara-22, Chara-23, Chara-24, Chara-25, Chara-26 and Chara-27.
  2. A Super Sentai Team comprised of any of the following Characters you did not use in the last one: Chara-2, Chara-3, Chara-4, Chara-6, Chara-7, Chara-9, Chara-12, Chara-14, Chara-16, Chara-17, Chara-19, Chara-20, Chara-21, Chara-22, Chara-23, Chara-24, Chara-25, Chara-26 and Chara-27. It must amount to at least 3 or 5 Rangers with the Option of Adding as many Additional Rangers as you want
  3. Chara-4 Meeting Chara-18 and the Wolf's Rain Pack.
  4. Chara-25 and Chara-27 coming in for dinner at Chara-1's living space.
  5. Chara-1, Chara-6, and Chara-9 in a family Portrait together.
  6. Chara-14 in your version of the TARDIS, moments into Chara-14's regeneration from the Current Doctor
  7. Chara-20, Chara-23 and Chara-26 having a good time.
  8. Chara-2, Chara-9 and Chara-24 as The Pupils of Chara-3
  9. Chara-12 Fighting Chara-6 and Chara-13
  10. Chara-7 and Chara-15 fighting a monster.
  11. Chara-26 being stared at by your current consoles
  12. Chara-22 Cooking with Chara-6 and Chara-9
  13. Chara-21 Meeting Chara-1 and Chara-7 in the past.

[edit] Step 3: Roleplay Time

Choose Three out of these Five Roleplays to undergo with your Partner.

  1. A Super Sentai Show for your Super Sentai
  2. A Kamen Rider Show for your Kamen Riders
  3. The Roleplay that Chara-22 first appeared in with The Kamen Rider and Super Sentai powers inside.
  4. Insert your Cast and the cast of Chara-22's Debut Roleplay into Wolf's Rain
  5. Insert your Cast and the cast of a Roleplay of your Choice into Cowboy Bebop
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