Lucy's Mericle Cure,The Thing in the Dorm

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[edit] Lucy's Mericle Cure

There are many things in the GROSS (Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS) Club logbook. Many are about the exploits Calvin and Hobbes have had with Susie, mostly resulting in her turning the tables on them. However, one interesting adventure is noted here, that happened one morning...

Lucy was sitting with Schroder at his piano. “So you really love Beethoven?”

“The man was a genius,” said Schroder.

“I like the movie about the big dog more.”

Schroder looked up in shock. “That bomb? The dog had no right to share the name of the composer!”

“Well, could the composer fetch a ball?” asked Lucy. “Huh? Could he?”

“Good grief, why ever would he want to?”

Lucy shrugged. “Just saying.” She turned to Linus, who was holding his security blanket, like always. “You! Drop the blanket!”

“Please desist from yelling,” Linus said calmly. “You’re ruining my concentration.”

“Concentration! You don’t need to concentrate!”

Linus started to walk away. “Shows how much you know.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucy noticed Johnny, holding Plank. “And you! Why are you always carrying that stupid board of wood around?”

“Plank’s my best friend!”

“You two are the biggest embarrassments to this summer camp!” cried Lucy.

Calvin ran by and threw a water balloon at her. “Direct hit, Hobbes!”

“Well,” growled Lucy, “maybe not the BIGGEST, but close. You obviously have problems.”

“Maybe you’re just jealous of the love and Plank share,” smiled Johnny.

“I would NEVER be jealous.”

“Honestly,” said Linus, “that’s the only explanation I can think of.”

Lucy angrily grabbed Plank and the blanket. “HA! I’m going to destroy these! Then you can be cured of your addictions!”


“My security!”

As Lucy left, Johnny and Linus dropped onto the ground in a puddle of sweat.

“Are we gonna die?” asked Johnny.

“Perhaps...unless we can save our things!”

Johnny crawled to his feet. “I’m with you! Let’s go!”

Lucy strolled across the campgrounds with Plank and the blanket, towards the road. “Just place them on the road and wait for a car to come...easy.” She was nearing the road when she was hit from above with a waterballoon by Jason, who was sitting in a tree.

“I got the fussbudget, guys!” cheered Jason.

“You blockhead!” shouted Lucy. “You could have gotten Plank wet! Wait...what?” Lucy gave Plank an odd look.

“What’s your problem?” called Jason. “Since when do you acknowledge that hunk of wood as a real person?”

In reply, Lucy threw Plank at Jason, beaning him in the head. He flew back to her like a boomerang. “Good shot, Plank.” Content, Lucy sucked her thumb while holding the blanket.

Just then, Linus and Johnny ran around the corner. “There she is!” cried Linus.

Lucy used the blanket like a whip, keeping Linus and Johnny at bay. “Stay back!” she hissed with surprising fury. “I know how to use this thing!”

“But...” Linus said quietly, “I thought I was the only one who did that...”

“We don’t know how, but we’ll save you, Plank!” cried Johnny.

“I said stay back!” With another whip, Lucy sent them flying into a tree.

“Whipped by my own blanket...” sighed Linus.

“I’ve got an idea,” Johnny said weakly.

Calvin, Hobbes, Jason, Marcus, Rolf, Johnny, and Linus were soon in front of the building.

“This is an emergency meaning!” announced Calvin. “The Get Rid of Slimy girlS club and the Urban Rangers (aside from Jimmy, who doesn’t agree with our ways) have joined forces!”

“Indeed,” continued Rolf, “Ranger Jimmy will get no badge! But the handcloth and Ranger Plank are in danger! We must hunt down the persistent girl and save the two items from certain peril!”

Marcus raised his hand. “Can we use water balloons? I’ve filled some with Kool-Aid.”

“Excellent idea!” applauded Calvin.

Linus was leaning against a column for support. “I’m having trouble breathing without my blanket!”

Johnny lay next to him. “Yeah, and I can hardly walk without worrying about poor Plank!”

“Relax, guys,” said Jason, “we’ll get them back! So what’s the deal?”

“The angry girl,” said Rolf (meaning Lucy), “is most likely on the camp’s property. Therefore, we must spread out and hunt her down! Onward!”

They all ran in different directions, aside from Linus and Johnny, who fainted again.

Calvin and Hobbes crept through the halls. “You see her, Hobbes?”

“No sign. Linus said she was acting weirdly.”

Calvin stopped. “Wait! I saw something move!”

“My instincts are kicking in!” Hobbes went into jungle cat mode and pounced on someone.

“Good lord!” gasped Edd. “Can’t a fellow take a trip to the lavatory without being assaulted?”

Hobbes got off of him. “Sorry, Double D, I thought you were Lucy.”

“If you had done that to her, you would have gotten...‘slugged,’ as she likes to say.”

Jason walked over, bruised. “I just saw her.”

“What happened!” cried Calvin.

“I got...‘slugged,’ as she likes to say.”

Marcus and Rolf were pacing in a nearby locker room.

“There’s something weird going on here, Rolf,” said Marcus. “I checked her files and they say that she’s usually aggressive towards these things. But here, she’s actually showing affection!”

“Rolf cannot understand this, either, but if we are to succeed, a special badge will be given to all.”

Marcus held up a map of the camp. “We’ve checked all the bathrooms, the weight room, and the racquetball courts. Nothing. However, there were traces of her in the main room and the nearby gym. She’s obviously in that area.”

Calvin burst in. “Big news! We just saw her sprint through the halls! Jason made contact!”

“Did he give you any details!” asked Marcus excitedly.

“He said it hurt.”

Johnny and Linus were lying in the sun outside.

“It all seems meaningless now that he’s gone,” Johnny said in anguish.

“I feel so empty inside,” agreed Linus.

“Wanna talk about it?” asked Johnny.

Linus stareed at him for a few seconds, then collapsed again.

Inside, the guys were all gathered around a door leading from one of the gyms to a small office-like room.

Jason pounded on the door. “We have you surrounded, Lucy! Are you going to give up?”

“I don’t think she can hear us,” said Calvin.

“Then we must use force!” Rolf grabbed a baseball and threw it at the door. It bounced off and hit Charlie Brown, causing all of his clothes to come off.

“Man, that never gets old,” smiled Snoopy.

Edd strolled over. “Might I offer some assistance?”

“Oh boy!” cheered Calvin. “I bet he’s got some great invention that’s gonna cause an explosion and...”

Edd simply unlocked the door.


They looked inside to see an empty room with an open door.

“Wow,” sighed Hobbes, “this whole episode is one anticlimactic bit after another.”

“We forgot this room had another door to it!” groaned Marcus. “Lucy’s escaped with Plank and the Blanket!”

Kevin, meanwhile, was doing an inventory check of all the toys in a supply closet. “Balls...bats...scooters...”

Suddenly, he was hit from behind by Plank, held by Lucy. She grabbed a scooter and rode away.

“Hate to say it, but Lucy could be anywhere now,” admitted Jason.

Kevin walked over. “That dork just hit me and stole a scooter!”

“Ha ha!” laughed Eddy. “Kevin got beat up by a girl!”

Kevin smacked Eddy.

“Hey, Eddy!” said Ed. “That guy who got beat up by a girl just hit you!”

“Shut up.”

“Which way did she go?” asked Calvin.

“Down the hall towards the racquetball courts,” said Kevin.

“No time to lose!” cried Rolf. “Everyone grab a scooter and arm yourselves!”

Lucy was rolling down the hall when Rolf, Jason, and Marcus started chasing her, also on scooters. She turned and drove down a narrow path leading to a wall.

“Ha!” laughed Jason. “A dead end!”

Somehow, Lucy managed to turn her scooter so she bounced off the wall and drove the other way. The others crashed.

“Calvin! Hobbes!” called Marcus. “Stop her!”

Calvin and Hobbes bravely stood in the middle of the hall, only for Lucy to barrel though them (although Hobbes was easy, as he was stuffed). The others by this time had gotten up and were driving after her. As they passed, Hobbes’s tail got caught around a wheel and was yanked down the hall, along with Calvin, who was holding on. Around a few turns, they would sharply curve, causing Calvin, still dangling off the end, to smack into a wall.

Eventually, the chase led them to a large gym. They were all chasing Lucy around the jogging track.

“You okay, guys?” Jason called to Calvin and Hobbes who were literally grinding against the wall.

“Couldn’t be better,” said Hobbes.

“What do you mean couldn’t be better!” exclaimed Calvin. “We’re in dire pain!”

“That was sarcasm.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

Hobbes’s tail came untied. He and Calvin fell off.

“Calvin!” cried Marcus, as their scooters got farther away.

“Go on without us!” shouted Calvin.


“Hey!” yelled Calvin as they disappeared down the track. “When I say that, you’re supposed to stop and help! COME BACK!”

“Obviously, they don’t watch any movies,” said Hobbes.

Calvin looked up. “I’ve got an idea!”

Calvin and Hobbes ran over to a volleyball net and sprung themselves back to the scooters, coming down on them hard. The crash resulted in Calvin and Hobbes on one scooter with the other three dangling off. Calvin turned around and started ranting at them:

“Well, how the tables have turned! Now maybe I can slam YOU guys into the wall a few times! See how it feels!”

As Calvin was talking, Lucy made a turn and drove out the door.

“Spiky-haired Calvin boy!” cried Rolf. “You missed the turn!”

“So I did.”

They drove out a different door, straight into the road, where they were promptly hit by a car.

Lucy, meanwhile, passed Johnny and Linus.

“My blanket!”


Linus managed to climb to his feet. “We can’t let her kick us around like this! We have to get back what’s ours!”

“Yeah!” agreed Johnny. “Let’s get her!”

Lucy was riding down the road. Snoopy and several little birds were hiding in the trees with slingshots.

“Okay, men,” Snoopy announced to his troops, “don’t shoot until you see the whites of her eyes!”

Woodstock chirped something.

“Good point,” said Snoopy. “The way she’s drawn, her eyes don’t really HAVE whites. Just fire when you feel like it.”

Everyone fired at Snoopy. “I meant at her!”

Linus and Johnny passed by, chasing Lucy. “She’s heading for the pool!” called Linus.

Lucy suddenly stopped her scooter and jumped in the air. Using the blanket as a glider, she flew away in the wind.

“How can we catch up with her?” sighed Linus.

“Run faster!” suggested Johnny. “She’s crazy!”

“I know. While everyone was already used to Plank and my blanket, this is the first time she’s truly been exposed to them. They’re so addictingly lovable, that for someone who’s repressed them all her life, she’s been hit full on by their effects!”

Snoopy walked over, dressed as the WWI Flying Ace. “Need a lift?”

With Snoopy’s help, they eventually reached the pool.

“Thanks!” called Linus, as they headed in.

There, in the water, sat Lucy, riding on a raft made of floatation noodles tied together. One large stick-like board made the mast. Plank was tied to the top, with the blanket waving like a flag.

“What do we do now?” asked Johnny.


Linus and Johnny jumped into the pool and swam across to the raft.

“You better not get Plank wet!” growled Johnny.

“I would never,” said Lucy, with a demented look. “I’m taking better care of him than you ever did!”

“NOOOO!” Johnny gave Lucy a hard push. She recovered quickly and pulled out three floatation noodles sitting on the side of the pool.

“You want them?” said Lucy. “I’m not giving up without a fight!”

The three of them started battling, using the noodles as swords. After a few minutes of random flopping getting them nowhere, Johnny and Linus twisted a few noodles around Lucy’s legs. She tripped up and fell into the water.

“That’s it! If I can’t have one can!” Lucy pushed the raft, which rapidly floated across the pool.

“We’re in the deep end now!” Johnny said nervously.

Lucy grabbed some strings holding the raft together and pulled. The raft came apart. The noodle holding the mast with Plank and the blanket started to trip and sharply fell into the water. Before it could hit and get wet, Linus swam over and grabbed it, barely holding it up. He had to sit on a noodle to stay afloat.

Johnny was wrestling with Lucy when he saw Linus in trouble. He threw Lucy off and swam to Linus’s aid.

“If you can grip part of this with your legs and use your arms to swim while I kick,” said Linus, “we can get them to safety!”


They began to do so. Lucy saw them and managed to balance herself on two noodles while holding another. She drifted over and swung the noodle at the two boys, trying to get them to lose their grips on the mast. They managed to push the two noodles out from under her, causing the girl to fall down on them. Suddenly, they all lost their noodles and frantically climbed aboard the lone one with the mast. Their combined weight caused it to sink rapidly. The three scrambled up to the top with Plank and the blanket, but it would be a matter of seconds before it submerged.

Suddenly, Calvin, Hobbes, Jason, Marcus, and Rolf drove in through the window driving the car that had hit them earlier.

“Isn’t this, like, the fourth time something’s smashed through that window?” Marcus pointed out in midair.

“Happens,” shrugged Jason.

The car made a huge splash in the pool, sending Linus, Johnny, Lucy, Plank, and the blanket safely out of the water.

“And this is probably the second time we’ve done the ‘saved by a splash’ thing!” continued Marcus as the car sank.

Linus hugged his blanket. “My blanket!”


Linus turned to Lucy, who had smashed into a wall. “Are you okay?”

Lucy was mumbling something in a daze. “Blockhead...blockhead...what was all that?”

“I don’t think she remembers anything,” whispered Johnny.

“No, once she lost possession of Plank and my blanket, their addiction wore off.”

“Plank says you were brave and that he’d do the same thing for you any day!”

“Thank you, Plank.”

Many people remember that day. Some remember it as the day that the GROSS Club and the Urban Rangers teamed up and were all rewarded with the “Saved a Member and Handcloth” badge. Linus and Johnny remember it as the day they finally stood up to Lucy. Eddy remembers it as the day that Kevin got beaten up by a girl, and Kevin remembers it as yet another day that he beat up Eddy. Ed remembers something about buttered toast. Almost all the kids remember it as the day that Double D saved their butts by repairing and returned a submerged stolen car (they owed him for that). Still, everyone can remember it best as yet another great adventure at camp!

[edit] The Thing in the Dorm

Instead of it being a typical morning at camp, like almost all the stories began, today it was actually evening at camp. The camp had arranged a sleepover for all the kids in the nearby dorms. Calvin’s parents were dropping him off there.

“I never got to do something like this as a kid,” complained Calvin’s dad. “I think it’s just the camp sucking out more of our money.”

“Look on the bright side, dear,” said his mom. “If they’re having a special sleep over night for all the kids, it means that Calvin won’t bother us tonight.”

Inside, thunder clapped as Calvin and Hobbes put their stuff down in their room and began to unpack.

“I don’t get it,” said Hobbes. “If we’re paired up two to a room, then how come BOTH of us have to share it with Double D?”

“Beats me,” shrugged Calvin. “Maybe they’re racist against tigers or something. Dibs on the bed.”

Hobbes glared at him. “WHAT?!

“Hey,” smiled Calvin, climbing onto the bed, “maybe they’re just gonna make you sleep in the hall.”

“It’s you or me!” Hobbes sprung at Calvin. They fought as Double walked in.

“Hello, Calvin and Hobbes,” he said calmly.

“Hey,” they called, still fighting.

“Oh, this will be so much fun,” continued Double D, “although this dorm could stand a bit of cleaning. However, Eddy says he has a great scam ready!”

“Can you tell us what?” asked Calvin, stopping the fight. “Y’know, so we can build a fortress and stuff.”

Double D walked away. “Sorry, I’ve said too much already.” After he left, Calvin and Hobbes resumed fighting.

Double D walked into Ed and Eddy’s room next door to find it had already become a mess. “Heavens! Was your room like this when you got here?!”

“Nah,” said Eddy, “Ed just walked in and this sorta...happened.”

“I’m a pro, huh, guys?” grinned Ed.

Pigpen walked by and looked in. “Ha! That’s nothing!”

Eddy turned to his friends. “Okay, here’s my latest scam, guys!”

A few minutes later, Jason and Marcus stepped off the elevator to find a huge sign posted on the wall. “‘Hotel Eddy?’” read Jason.

“Wow,” said Marcus, “I’m surprised they haven’t done this one already.”

Eddy ran by and grabbed their bags. “I’ll take those!” He threw the bags into a room. “Feel free to be generous in the tip.”

“But that wasn’t even our room!” complained Marcus.

Rolf threw the bags out. “Do not litter in Rolf’s space! Leave now!”

Eddy ignored Rolf. “Like I said, feel free to be generous in the tip.”

Jason sighed and tried to leave. “Look, we’ve got our own plans, so we’re just gonna be heading to our room now...”

Eddy dramatically threw himself in their way. “Why crawl through the long hallways when you can simply be transported with ease by our friendly bellhop Ed?”

Ed grabbed Jason and Marcus, thundered down the hall and threw them into a room. “Faster than a speeding bullet!”

“This isn’t our room either!” cried Jason.

“Yeah,” agreed Marcus, “and we just knocked Charlie Brown out the window.”


Eddy leaned out the window. “No one cares, ya blockhead!” Eddy closed it and everyone left as Linus walked in.

“Funny,” said Linus. “I thought Charlie Brown was here.”

As he was saying this, Charlie Brown reached for the window, but fells Linus saw this, made a grab for him, but missed. Snoopy caught Charlie Brown several stories below. “Snoopy! You saved me! Thank you so much!”

Snoopy simply handed him his food dish. “Good grief,” sighed Charlie Brown.

Everyone was in the cafeteria that evening getting food. Jimmy was sitting down when Eddy slapped an omelette on his plate. “Ever had an omelette made by me, a master chef before?”

“Actually,” said Jimmy, “I was about to eat this quiche.”

“Aw, they’re practically the same thing!” cried Eddy in exasperation. “Go on! Eat it!”

Jimmy took a bite. “What’s in this?”

“The world’s best ham!”

“AAAAHHHHH!” Jimmy jumped up in horror. “I can’t eat meat! Sarah!”

Sarah stomped over. “Eddy, you idiot!”

“That’ll be five bucks, room service,” grinned Eddy.

“But...” said Jimmy, “we’re not in a room.”

“Dang it. There’s gotta be a way around this.” As Eddy thought about this, Sarah punched him, sending him flying onto the tray return conveyor belt, leading to the kitchen. He found Double D washing dishes. “Double D? What are you doing in here?”

“Giving this lazy kitchen staff a lesson on proper cleaning! Messy, messy, messy...”

Eddy got off the conveyor belt. “You’re a real freak.”

“A curse, I’m afraid,” sighed Double D.

Eddy stepped out to see Jason and Marcus finishing the omelette and leaving. He chased after them. “HEY! YOU GOTTA PAY FOR THAT!”

“Run!” cried Jason.

Jason and Marcus ran down the hall and into the elevator. The doors closed as Eddy reached them. “Darn it! Ed! Get over here!”

Ed thumped over. “Towers of love!”

“I need to get to our floor now!” instructed Eddy.

“Can do, Peru!” grinned Ed. He threw Eddy skyward , sending him smashing up through the ceilings several stories to his floor.

Eddy managed to cut off Jason and Marcus. “Pay up!”

“No,” Marcus said calmly. He and Jason pulled out two cartoon mallets and smashed Eddy, sending him back down to the lobby.

“Hey! Where the heck did they get those mallets?”

“We order specially from catalogs!” Marcus called down. “What did you want us to pay you for, anyway?”

“That ham omelette you ate!” Eddy called back up. “I cooked it!”

“We were eating a cheese omelette,” replied Jason. “I saw Calvin and Hobbes with a ham one, though.”

Eddy turned angrily to Calvin and Hobbes, who were standing next to him.

“Uh-oh,” said Calvin, running for it.

That night, Eddy paced the dorms, listening in to rooms.

Double D yawned. “Eddy, we’ve been at this all night. It’s almost lights out. Can we just go to bed already?”

“You’re right,” sighed Eddy. “It’s all over, man.”

“Will a comet hit us like the dinosaurs?” asked Ed.

They walked into the floor’s lounge and sat down. “Well,” said Double D, “sometimes we all must accept defeat. That’s just how things go sometimes.” Suddenly, lighting flashed outside and thunder clapped. Double D studied the storm out the window. “Odd. It wasn’t raining a few seconds ago.”

“Meh,” said Eddy. “Let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow, Hotel Ed is gonna give them the best omelettes in the world and then charge ‘em room service whether they like it or not!”

“Dippin’ Dots are the ice cream of the future!” agreed Ed.

They walked out into the hall to find that it was now completely dark, as opposed to having the lights on a minute ago. “Oh my,” said Double D. “It’s lights out...”

“Creepy,” agreed Eddy. “Now, where’s our room, again?”

Eddy opened a door. A hooded figure stood in the room. “Oops, sorry.” Eddy closed the door.

“What do you mean?” said Double D. “That was your room, Eddy!”

“Then who was in it?” Eddy opened the door again to reveal no one.

“It is the Ghost of Christmas Future!” whispered Ed.

“Really, Ed,” Double D said patiently. “No Dickens creation would waste time on us. I’m sure it was a trick of the light.”

They turned saw someone out of the corner of their eyes walking across the hall.

“Trick of the light?” Eddy said nervously. “It moves fast, then.”

Ed clapped his hands. “Stalkers! Yay!”

“Is that someone we know?” asked Double D.

Eddy ran into his room. “How about we just hide until morning?”

“But my room’s door is locked!” cried Double D. “I think Calvin and Hobbes are asleep!”

“Well, rooming with Ed is bad enough!” Eddy slammed his door.

“Oh, curses,” moaned Double D.

Suddenly, Ed and Eddy screamed and burst out of their room. “That thing was back!” gasped Eddy. “IN OUR ROOM!”

“I said hi for you, Double D!” smiled Ed. They peeked back in, to find that the room was empty.

“Something odd is going on here.” Double D said quietly.

“Yeah!” Ed agreed happily. “It’s like those movies I watch! Cool!”

(To the tune of “B-Movie Show” from The Brave Little Toaster)

Eddy: You should talk

It’s no fun getting stalked

Double D: My skeptic mind can’t figure out how

Ed: No, it’s sweet

A real monster to meet

Just like Evil Tim

Double D: My, I pity him

Eddy: But we can’t just sit and wait

Or even hesitate

That thing could be anywhere right now

(As Eddy says this, the hooded thing slips by)

Double D: I agree

This hooded entity

Could be around each hall

We’ll give it our all

(They run for it, seemingly followed around each bend)

All Three: We’ll run, we’re in a cliche plot

We’ll use all that we’ve got, whoa-oh

Ed: This is awesome and so great

Eddy: It’s something that I hate, no-oh

(They dash through a bathroom and hide in stall)

Double D: Yes, I’m scared, we’re in no way prepared

Never thought this would happen to me

Chased around through a college dorm

Is very far from norm

It’s stormy outside

There’s nowhere to hide

I’m scared whether that thing is alive

Or something that died

(The hooded thing passes through and leaves. Ed jumps out)

Ed YAY! It's like a movie

It's a B-movie show

It's like a movie

It's a B-movie show

“This is so amazing!” cried Ed. “It’s like the time the ghoul from the haunted dentist office chased the three heros through the urban city! I think that one was a sequel. Or maybe I made it up...”

Eddy: Ed’s a freak

Double D: But he’s the help we seek

His bad trivia could save us now

Eddy: He’s all wacked

But if we get attacked

(On the word “attacked,” the hooded thing comes out behind them. They jump into a garbage can and bounce the opposite direction across the hall, dodging it)

Double D and Eddy: It would be the end

Let’s just trust our friend

(The hooded figure passes by again. The Eds huddle behind a corner)

All Three: Must find a way

Out of this mess

Naturally, it causes stress

There must be an escape route we can see

(Ed sees something)

Ed: An elevator!

Double D: Quick! To the lobby!

(They all struggle and fall out of the can. They then scramble down the hall towards the elevator, singing the final chorus. Along the way, the hooded thing peeks out of each dorm room they pass, as if there’s more than one creature)

All Three with unseen chorus: It's like a movie

It's a B-movie show

It's like a movie

It's a B-movie show (Double D reaches the elevator first and presses the “DOWN” button and nervously watch the numbers above the doors tick up)

Eds (anxiously): Ahhh, ahhh

Ahhh, ahhh

Ahhh, ahhh

Ahhh, ahhh...


(Finally, the doors open. The Eds dash in as the song ends)

“Let’s get outta here!” yelled Eddy. The elevator started going down, very slowly.

“Alright, gentlemen,” Double D said, trying to stay calm, “we must all collect our thoughts now...who or what is this thing, and what are we going to do?”

“Ask for its’ autograph!” suggested Ed. “Then we can know what it is and remember it FOREVER!”

“How about we just run for our lives?” considered Eddy. “We can find some sorority house and crash there!”

The doors opened on the floor right above the lobby. The hooded thing was standing there. The Eds screamed and pressed the “door close” button before it could get on.

“Supernatural powers...” sighed Double D. “How comforting.”

“Awsomeness!” cheered Ed.

The doors finally opened at the lobby and the Eds ran out, still screaming. Eddy pointed ahead. “There are the doors!” He jumped for it, but instead splattered against them.

“Can I assume they’re locked?” Double D rolled his eyes.

“Assume away.”

Ed turned around. “Here comes our pal!” The Eds looked up to see the hooded thing had again returned and was getting closer and closer.

Double D backed against the wall. “This must be haunting this dorm for a reason! Perhaps we can help it...”

The hooded figured stopped and seems to consider this. Then it shook its’ head and continued towards them.

“Maybe it’s just messing with us!” guessed Eddy. The figure nodded. Eddy sighed with relief. Then the figure continued towards them, anyway.

“What if it was messing with you when it said it was messing with you?” said Ed. The figure nodded again.

“Darn it!” cried Eddy.

Double D had an idea. “Ed, how do the people usually escape the villains in your movies?”

“They usually don’t. Cool, huh?”

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Eddy couldn’t take it anymore. He burst through the door, despite it being locked, and ran for it.

“Or that happens,” said Ed. He and Double D followed Ed. They stopped in the street.

“We can’t catch our breath here!” panted Double D. “It’s not safe in the streets!”

They all looked up to see a car approaching them. The hooded thing was at the wheel.

“Okay,” grumbled Eddy, “this has gone from scary to stupid.” They jumped out of the way. Ed landed on a manhole that opened up. They all fell through, into the sewers.

“Unclean!” cried Double D. “Messy, messy, messy!”

“This keeps getting better!” smiled Ed.

They heard something approaching, echoing off the walls. A shadow of the hooded thing was approaching. The Eds screamed yet again.

“Ed!” commanded Eddy. “Throw us NOW!” Ed threw him and Double D into the air. They flew right back into the dorm building’s lobby.

“Oh, NOW we’re safe,” complained Double D sarcastically. “We’re back where we came from!”

“Yeah, but that thing’s still with Ed,” yawned Eddy. “Let’s go to sleep.”

Double D shook his head. “Sorry, Eddy, but I can’t. Our friend is in trouble now!”

Eddy groaned. “Oh, don’t guilt me into coming with you.”

“I won’t.” Double D walked out.

Eddy watched for a few seconds. “DANG IT! It worked!” Eddy caught up with him. They peered down into the sewers.

“Can you see him?” whispered Double D.

“No...what do we do now?”

“Hey, guys!” called Ed. Eddy and Double D turned to see Ed waving from the dorm building’s door.

“How did he do that?” wondered Eddy.

“Don’t ask questions!” cried Double D. “If we’re all out here, then that means that our ‘friend’ is going to be...” They turned around to see the hooded thing rising out of the sewers. Double D sighed. “I would scream, but it’s getting old.”

They all ran into the lobby yet again and crashed into a wall, falling over unconscious. The hooded thing just watched, as if amused...

“What are you guys doing?” asked Calvin. The three Eds looked up.

“It’s morning!” realized Double D. “We made it!”

“Aw,” Ed said disappointedly. “It was all a dream?”

“It better have been!” hissed Eddy.

“But it wasn’t!” reasoned Double D. “After all, how did we all get here otherwise?”

Eddy considered this. “Dang it, he’s right. Look, it’s morning now, we’re never coming back here again, so it doesn’t matter. Let’s go serve everyone breakfast and then charge ‘em. I wonder what that thing following us was...”

As they lef, Johnny found Plank on the floor nearby. “Plank? There you are, buddy! You’ve been sleepwalking again, haven’t you?”


Two planned Halloween specials never made it for this series. One was called “This Is Halloween,” which ironically didn’t take place on that holiday. My early notes of the series say that the camp is mysteriously being haunted by something. Most likely, it would turn out to be the Kankers or Moe playing a trick, exposed by Ghostbusters Calvin and Hobbes. Afterwards, the kids would find a bunch of busts in the closet. Everyone leaves but Calvin. The busts come to life, and joined by the ghosts from the Haunted Mansion, would sing “Grim Grinning Ghosts.” This would be followed by a scene with the Hitchhikers trying to get a ride home with Calvin (they were intended as a one-shot cameo in this, surprisingly!). Luigi and the Poltergust 3000 may have also showed up.

Then there was the Ghostmaster sequel. It is revealed in this that there IS indeed a little-known ritual out there that can bring back the evil Darkling. Unfortunately, Jason and Marcus’s rival, Eugene, finds it and posts it on the Internet. The ghostmaster trio decides that the most logical solution to this is to go around destroying everyone's computers. Jason and Marcus quickly stop this and simply take the curse off the Internet, but not before three people find it and do sections of the curse. Thus, THREE Darklings, although slight weaker, show up. The heros also get super powers from the good ghosts. Double D thinks about being stronger and becomes a muscle man. Eddy thinks about money, on the other hand, and turns into a dollar bill blowing in the wind. Hobbes is the only normal one, who runs around trying to keep peace. Once again, the Darkling is gone. This was rejected because it lacked the dark atmosphere of the first one.

Finally, here's a deleted scene that was cut for a good reason...

Edd: Really, Eddy, we could just have fun!

Eddy: Fun? Who cares about that?

(Sung to the tune of “Forget About Love” from Return of Jafar)

Eddy: Forget about our scams

Forget about the way we’d always plot and plan

Forget about candy

Forget about the stuff we never got to see

All of our stuff keeps failing

We crawl

We fall

With our arms flailing

And we never get it done

Just forget about fun

Forget about hotels

You never did like them, it’s real easy to tell

We should give in right now

My hopes and dreams have all been run down by a plow

We never had fun this way

It’s just annoying, that’s what I say

And don’t act so stunned

Just forget about fun

Edd: I had almost forgotten the way it felt

When things actually went right

I’d get so excited

Eddy: They were all blighted

Edd: Our first jawbreakers

Eddy: We’re just losers!

Forget about that stuff

Edd: I can't forget about that stuff

Eddy: It just shows that we’re all weak, not tough

Edd: Spirit-wise, we’re tough

Eddy: We’re out here on our own

It’s just hard to get cash when we’re all alone

Edd: Hmm-mm-mm-mm

Edd and Eddy: Fun always gets you active

Eddy: We’ll always lose girls, who’re attractive

Edd: A cozy little scam

Eddy: Oh, please!

Ed: I like to eat ham

Eddy: Oh, geez!

Edd: Eddy, you do stun

Edd and Eddy: (I can't) (Just) forget about fun!

Eddy: Aww...maybe you’re right...

I can't forget about that leap

Ed: I can't forget about that leap

Eddy: And how it felt

To get stuff from Kevin, that creep

Edd: Please, now, Eddy...

Eddy: Whatever we may do

Edd: Whatever we may do

Eddy: I know that someday

We’ll finally come through

Ed: Buttered toast

All Three: We’ll think, we’ll be creative

Our scams will all be innovative

Edd: Something that’s really cool

Ed: I’m there!

Edd: Though we may break some rules

Eddy: Who cares?

You’re right, thanks a ton

All Three: We can't forget about fun

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