Episode 51- Road To Porkbelly

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

[edit] Act 1

It was after school for Timmy Turner, and his father was the one to greet him at the door. Poor Timmy, wouldn’t know what was coming to him when he opened the door.

“Welcome home my son” said Timmy’s father, “your mother has big news for all of us.”

“And just what might that be?” asked Timmy as he was quite tired from the day he had at school.

“Well” said Timmy’s mother as she poked her head into the entrance of the house, “first thing, is that you’re moving up to Middle School. Turns out the local school board believes that your teacher Crocker is too mentally ill to be qualified as teacher and have upgraded you one grade higher.”

“But I’m not smart at all” said Timmy.

“We’re also going to move away from Dimmsdale and head to Porkbelly” said Timmy’s mother, “turns out that the real estate agencies there want my help, and I have already done enough here.”

“But I want to stay in Dimmsdale, all of mine friends are here” protested Timmy.

“I’m sorry Timmy” said Timmy’s father, “but it seems to be final, we’re going to move to Porkbelly within at least three days. So you’ll have time to say goodbye to your friends and say hello to new friends in Porkbelly.”

After that disturbing event, Timmy walked right up to his room to take a good one look at it. As he entered the room, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof appeared from the fish bowl in their fairy forms.

“Say sport, what’s keeping you down this time?” asked Wanda.

“My parents say we’re going to move to some place known as Porkbelly” replied Timmy, “I don’t want to move away, wait a second, I could easily wish for us to stay here in Dimmsdale for good. Cosmo, Wanda make it so.”

“Okay sport” said Wanda to which both of her and Cosmo’s wands went dead, ‘sorry sport, but it seems your mother loves her new job at Porkbelly and we can’t mess with love even if it’s with somebody’s new job.”

“Yeah, I didn’t even know that the no wishes on love also covered that” added Cosmo.

“But there’s still got to be a way to make mom not stay in Porkbelly and stay here instead” said Timmy, “but I don’t think I’m that smart enough to think up of a plan like that.”

“How about your friend fudge head?” asked Cosmo, “He’s very smart and always knows how to come up with brilliant ideas.”

“You mean Neutron from Retroville?” asked Timmy.

“Well, he is a genius and he could come up with a plan to make your mother leave her new job at Porkbelly and come back here instead” replied Wanda.

“Then I wish he were he then” said Timmy.

With an instant, Jimmy Neutron appeared once again in Timmy Turner’s world. Jimmy recognized his old friend Timmy and noticed that there was an additional “fairy program” in the room.

“Say, what the heck did you bring me over here this time?” asked Jimmy to Timmy, “And who is that?”

“Oh, this is our son Poof” replied Wanda as she showed Poof up and close to Jimmy to which Poof responded by barfing right on him.

“Look, he likes fudge head!” remarked Cosmo.

“So why did you bring me here anyway this time?” asked Jimmy, as he was handed a towel by Timmy, to clean up the barf left by Poof.

“I need your help, my mom got a new job with some real estate agencies in a town known as Porkbelly” replied Timmy, “and I’m not smart enough to come up with a plan to make her move back, and I can’t us, uh, my fairy programs of preventing her from moving to Porkbelly.”

“Hmm, an interesting proposal” said Jimmy as he began to think about it, “why not I come along with you to Porkbelly.”

“And just how are you going to do that fudge head?” asked Cosmo.

“By bringing along my latest invention of my adult-look-alike android” replied Jimmy, “I just thought of a more improved android over what my arch nemesis Finbair Calamitous invented.”

“Wanda, Cosmo, if you please wish it here?” asked Timmy.

“Sure thing sport” replied Wanda as she and Cosmo then teleported what seem like to be a real adult right into Timmy’s room.

“Wow, this thing looks quite realistic” said Timmy as he was quite astonished.

“I was going to test it back in Retroville using it to spy on adults” said Jimmy, “but I think I can use this as a mini-disguised-mech, operating as a teacher at the local school you’re going to go to.”

“Well, I just heard from my parents that for some reason I’m going to be upgraded to middle school, and I’m really not all that smart” said Timmy.

“Well that’s strange even for someone like me” said Jimmy, “say what about your friends?”

“Hmm, perhaps we can make some sort of a deal with the local genius here” said Timmy.

The scene then switches to AJ’s secret lab whom invited Timmy and Jimmy right into his place. AJ was quite shocked that Timmy would be moving to Porkbelly, as if this was just out of the blue.

“Timmy, I’m amazed at two things, one that you’re going to move away and two you’re going to be upgraded to being in the local middle school at Porkbelly, I mean what’s up with that I’m smarter than you and I still continue to reside in an elementary school” said AJ.

“I know what you mean by that” added Jimmy.

“So with your new android, Jimmy” said AJ, “you can take note on Timmy’s activities in Porkbelly, and I can transfer that to Timmy’s old friends here in Dimmsdale, sounds fair enough?”

“Sure sounds like it” replied Timmy as he and Jimmy shook AJ’s hand on the deal.

“So what do you think is causing my mom to head to Porkbelly to help out the real estate agencies over there?” asked Timmy to Jimmy as they began to walk out of AJ’s lab.

“I’m not sure, really and I’m quite dumbfounded by this myself” said Jimmy.

The scene then quickly shifts to Porkbelly, the town which Timmy is prepared to move there within three days. The entire town was mostly in ruins, thanks to the latest antics of Johnny Test and his pet talking dog Dukey to which Hugh Test was reprimanding his son for his destructive behavior right inside the lab of his two sisters-Susan and Mary Test.

“Johnny, I just about had enough of you ruining the entire town of Porkbelly” said Hugh, “you ruin the town more times than anyone who’s trying to conquer it for whatever silly schemes.”

“But it’s not my fault” protested Johnny.

“I don’t care whose fault it is” said Hugh, “you got involved in messing up the entire town, and I’m afraid that we’re going to have to put a tracking device on you.”

“Yes, we have invented such a device that we can track your every movements” said Susan as she placed one on Johnny’s ankle.

“Ha, you don’t have one for me, looks like you get the bad rap on this one Johnny” said Dukey as he gave a happy grin.

“Sorry Dukey” said Mary as she placed a new collar on him with the same tracking technology, “but we can’t trust you either.”

“This is quite absurd!” cried Dukey who was trying to chew the device off of himself.

“And since the downtown council has declared it a three day holiday until this mess is cleaned up” said Hugh, “you two are grounded, and won’t set foot outside until you behave well.”

“This is going to be a long boring three days” sighed Johnny.

[edit] Act 2

It was finally after three long days of packing, the Turner family packed up their furniture and other assorted vital stuff and left Dimmsdale for good. Timmy watched sadly, as he saw “You Are Now Leaving Dimmsdale” sign pass by.

“Oh cheer up sport” said Wanda as she was in the fish bowl as a gold fish with Cosmo and Poof, “look at this as a brand new experience.”

“Well, I hope Jimmy has arrived there at Porkbelly first” said Timmy.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure fudge head has gotten things all worked out” said Cosmo.

“Say, Timmy are you talking to your fish?” asked Timmy’s dad as he looked back at the car seat.

“Uh, I’m just, er telling my fish to calm down because they’re going to miss my old room back at Dimmsdale” said Timmy.

“Well, you can also tell your fish about your new room in our new house in Porkbelly when we finally arrive” said Timmy’s mom as she was at the wheel of the car.

“Yeah, look also on the bright side Timmy” said Cosmo, “at least you won’t be baby sat by Vicky anymore.”

“That’s the only thing I’m glad about” said Timmy, “I just wish Vicky would have stopped babysitting me back in Dimmsdale. I swear, I’m going to find out what’s making my mom getting her new job in Porkbelly and forcing us to move.”

Meanwhile, back in Porkbelly, poor Johnny Test and his pet talking dog-Dukey were sitting in Johnny’s room waiting for the moment they would not be grounded anymore.

“This is ridiculous!” cried Johnny as he was trying to find a way to get the GSP tracking device off of his ankle.

“I know what you mean, how long are we suppose to stay in your room?” asked Dukey.

“Hi Johnny” said Hugh Test, Johnny’s father as he along with Mary and Susan Test entered the scene, “your time of punishment is over. Time to take off those tracking devices of you and Dukey.”

“Finally!” cried Johnny in quite an excited mood as his sister Susan cuts off the GPS tracker on his ankle.

“It’s about time” added Dukey as his tracking collar was removed by Mary.

“If you two are ever involved with destroying the entire town again” said Hugh, “these devices will be worn on you two even longer!”

After Hugh along with Susan and Mary Test left the scene, Johnny and Dukey were quite curious to who was going to move into the house next door along with also what was going to happen to the empty lot right next to it.

“You know Johnny, what do you think they’re going to do to that empty lot next to that empty house?” asked Dukey as he was observing the empty house and the lot next to it.s

“Let me guess, someone is going to move in the empty house and some strange fancy house is going to immediately pop right up in the empty lot?” replied Johnny.

Suddenly, the car carrying the Turners along with a moving truck arrived right on the street of where the empty house was located.

“Wow, Johnny, you’re good at this, since I didn’t see that coming” said Dukey, “but are you going to be right about the empty lot next to it?”

Meanwhile, underground in the empty lot next to the house Timmy was going to move into, Jimmy Neutron had already arrived on the scene with an underground digger he had invented.

“This is the perfect time to test my latest and newest invention, the Instant House 4000" said Jimmy.

Jimmy then pressed a button that was on the underground digging machine he had invented. Suddenly, the entire ground above began to shack as it were an earthquake.

“Wow, we must be in the middle of whatever must have caused your mom to move here” laughed Timmy’s dad as he was trying to brace himself.

“Johnny, are you behind this?!” cried Hugh as he busted right into his room to which Dukey and Johnny were just staring out of the window.

“It’s not me” replied Johnny, “we’re innocent this time!”

“Yeah, what he said” added Dukey.

Suddenly, back in the empty lot next to the house Timmy was going to move in, what seemed like a large high-tech house emerged from the soil as if it had just been planted into the ground. The high-tech house sprouted out from the ground until it reached the size of the house next to it.

“Wow, neat!” cried Timmy’s dad as he noticed it, “I wonder who lives in that house.”

“You three must be our new neighbors I have been hearing about” said Lila Test, Johnny’s mother as she met with Timmy’s parents.

“Well, I’m going to get to work immediately with the real estate agencies to help fix up our new hometown of Porkbelly” said Timmy’s mother.

“Let me help you with that” added Lila, “I have connections to all the higher ups here in Porkbelly in the business community.”

“Well, I’ll come right into to your place to discuss these matters” said Timmy’s mother as she left the scene with Lila.

“While your mother does that, I’m going to greet who just moved into the next house that came literally straight up from the ground” said Timmy’s dad.

“Uh, I’m going to do that” said Timmy as he took Cosmo, Wanda and Poof whom were still in the fish bowl as gold fish, “you may want to instruct the moving men where to place our stuff.”

“You’re right” said Timmy’s dad as he then got out and began to oversee the moving men unload Turners’ equipment.

Timmy then walked right toward the high-tech house that just somehow rose up from the ground right next to the house he was going to move into.

“I’m betting old fudge head created this house” said Cosmo.

“Welcome to the Instant House 4000" said Jimmy’s voice to what seem like an android greeting Timmy.

The android that greeted Timmy was a tad bit redesigned by Jimmy to make it seem like an older version of himself. As the door closed behind Timmy, he noticed that Jimmy had brought most of his entire lab with him including Goddard.

“Wow, this place is great!” said Timmy in such an excited mood to which the chest of the android lifted up revealing Jimmy controlling it.

“Yeah, this works great as a portable lab, much better than my Infinite Cube” said Jimmy.

“Wow, you even brought your wormhole portal thingie with you” said Timmy.

“Yeah, I’ll be able to travel back and forth from Porkbelly and Retroville” said Jimmy, “I have also created another Jimmy bot like my android here to replace me back at Retroville to temporary takeover while I take my job at the middle school you’ll be attending at Porkbelly.”

“Wow, fudge head just thought about everything!” cried Cosmo with such excitement.

Suddenly a doorbell rang to which Jimmy then immediately closed the chest hatch of the android to disguise himself again.

“Uh, oh we got company” said Jimmy as he then input a code in the security panel to which switched from his portable lab to what seem like an average furniture all over the entire high-tech house.

As Jimmy answered the door in his android suit, it was Hugh Test along with Susan, Mary and a not too enthusiastic Johnny, with also Dukey, and also finally with Timmy’s dad behind them waving at Jimmy in his android suit.

“Come on, I saw the house pop up here first!” cried Timmy’s dad as he was trying to wave toward Jimmy in his android suit.

[edit] Act 3

Jimmy didn’t know what to do now that he was confronted by new people he had never seen before, aside from Timmy’s dad trying to wave to him from the back.

“Say, what’s your name new neighbor?” asked Hugh Test to Jimmy who was in the android.

“Uh, Jamie Neuron” replied Jimmy.

“Say, you wouldn’t also happen to be the one whom is filling in the position as a new teacher at the middle school my Johnny here is going to take?” asked Hugh.

“Great, another lame teacher for me” sighed Johnny.

“At least it’s not all that bad” said Hugh, “at least I know where to find your teacher should you not do well in his class. These are my two older daughters Mary and Susan Test whom are both geniuses.”

“I can certainly see that, I have heard reports from this town about you two” said Jimmy who was quite interested in the two Test twins.

“Well, we better go” said Hugh, “Johnny has a busy day tomorrow at school, and I hope to see you there as well.”

As the Tests left the scene along with Dukey, Timmy’s dad finally approached Jimmy in his android suit.

“Say, you remind me of someone who tries to disguise himself as Buzz Adams” said Timmy’s dad, “though I believe you seem to be smarter. I’m Mr. Turner, your new neighbor from next door.”

“Your, er, son dropped by just to wish me good luck” said Jimmy as he showed Timmy who was still carrying the fish bowl which held Cosmo, Wanda and Poof.

“I see that Timmy is trying to get well acquainted with the new middle school teacher he’ll have tomorrow” said Timmy’s dad.

“Oh, you bet that’s certainly the case” replied Jimmy.

“Well, I got to go, my wife has just finished meeting with the neighbor’s wife who is connected with the local business community here in Porkbelly” said Timmy’s dad as he left the scene with Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof.

Meanwhile, as the Turners went back into the new house for the night, both Johnny and Dukey were quite suspicious of not just simply the Turners but also the neighbor a house down.

“What do you think that Mr. Neuron is up to from the house beyond this one?” asked Johnny as he was in his room in his pajamas getting ready for bed.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Dukey as he was just about go to sleep.

“I mean there was something strange about him” replied Johnny, “as if he were not human.”

“What’s so strange about not being human, I’m not human and we’re talking and you’re perfectly fine about that” said Dukey as he gave a big yawn ready for bed.

“I mean, really a house like that doesn’t immediately pop up over night, and I’m not that smart and I know that” said Johnny.

“True, true” said Dukey as he was trying to close his eyes to go to sleep, “now please I don’t think this calls for any sort of investigation such as a stakeout of Mr. Neuron’s house. We don’t want your dad to get on your nerves again.”

“That’s a great idea” said Johnny as he grabbed Dukey by the tail which woke him up right when he was just trying to sleep.

“Ouch, why did you do that for?” asked Dukey.

“We’re going to sneak over to Mr. Neuron’s house and see what sort of strange things he has got there” replied Johnny, “I mean when a house like that just pops up from the ground it’s got to be something suspicious.”

“You mean it could be the work of our local G-Men?” asked Dukey.

“I don’t think they would be that stupid to do something like this out in the open” replied Johnny as he was putting on some black clothing.

“Wait, we’re sneaking over to Mr. Neuron’s house tonight?!” cried Dukey.

“Look, it’ll only take a few minutes and then we’ll just race right back to our room, I swear” replied Johnny.

“Alright” said Dukey as he puts black clothing on himself, “but if your dad catches us and puts those tracking devices on us again, I’m going to show you what bad dogs do to their owners with little presents in their shoes and it’s not very pretty either.”

Johnny and Dukey, in the dead of night while every member of the Test household were getting ready to go to bed, both Johnny and Dukey throw a rope from the window of Johnny’s room and began to climb right down.

“So how are we going to do this?” asked Dukey to Johnny as they reached the ground, “We have to get pass the house that has the beaver kid living right next to us.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be even quieter than a mouse” said Johnny.

Meanwhile, back in Timmy’s new room, Timmy was just getting ready to go to bed when he heard some rustling in the bushes below his room.

“Sport, are you going to bed anytime soon?” asked Wanda who had already tucked Poof inside their castle.

“Yeah, you should really get some sleep after that long ride here” added Cosmo.

“I think we might have a bugler about outside” said Timmy as he crept up right toward the window.

“Well, we’re your fairy godparents and we say it’s too late to deal with this” said Wanda.

“Oh come on, have a little sense of adventure” said Cosmo to Wanda, “let Timmy go expose whomever is in those bushes even if it’s some dangerous thug.”

“Er, just to be safe, I wish I had cool high tech army gear just to make sure that I’m safe to find out whomever is in those bushes” said Timmy.

“Somehow, I don’t like where this is going” sighed Wanda as she and Cosmo gave Timmy the sort of equipment used in the military for night operations, “this is quite high-tech stuff sport, use caution with them.”

“You mean use it again whoever is hiding in those bushes and expose them for the criminals that they are!” laughed Timmy as he opened up hsi window and climbed down to the ground.

While Timmy was doing that, back in the Instant House 4000, Jimmy had a rough day preparing for his stay in Porkbelly.

“Well Goddard” said Jimmy as he got out of his android suit and leaped right down, “it’s been quite a long day here. I’m going to go do whatever homework my Jimmy bot has downloaded from class and do it here.”

“Bark, bark” responded Goddard.

“You stay here and turn on the security system of the house” said Jimmy.

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