Danny Phantom

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Daniel "Danny" Fenton, also known as Danny Phantom is a superhero, the protagonist and titular character of the Nickelodeon animated television series Danny Phantom.


[edit] Character biography

One day in his parents' laboratory, Danny has an accident involving the newly built "Fenton Portal" and his molecular structure is fused with ectoplasm allowing him to transform into a ghost-like form and use their powers at will.

As a human, Danny Fenton looks normal enough. He is a nervous, very clumsy, 14-year-old boy who tries to fit in with the crowd. But as a ghost, his hair turns white from black, his clothes turn black and white, his eyes go from blue to bright green and "Danny Phantom" gains a number of new supernatural powers. In either form, Danny (as well as all other humans) can see, hear, and talk to other paranormal beings, as well as battle them. The only exception is when Danny or another ghost turns himself or herself invisible, which ghosts can do at will. To save his friends and family, Danny frequently battles with various ghosts.

Because of his family's and the whole town's hatred of ghosts, Danny has told nobody except his friends Tucker Foley and Sam Manson about his powers, and struggles to hide his ghost identity from his family: his parents Jack and Madeline/Madison "Maddie" Fenton and his sister Jasmine "Jazz" Fenton. However, Jazz realized that Danny was a half-ghost in the episode My Brother's Keeper, and covered for him until Danny told her in the episode The Ultimate Enemy. Some of his enemies have also figured out his secret identity and have tried to exploit it as Technus did in "Flirting with Disaster".

There have been a few hints, particularly in the first season, that Danny has romantic feelings for Sam (Samantha), one of his best friends. However, Danny has been dubbed clueless (especially as of the episode Flirting With Disaster), so his feelings for Sam have not yet been verified. His feelings for Sam are further noted as he is forced to somewhat come to terms with his feelings when facing her new crush, Gregor, in Double Cross My Heart. He also develops a close relationship with another girl named Valerie Gray during Reign Storm, despite the fact that she's often trying to kill Danny Phantom with her various anti-ghost weaponry.

He was voiced by actor David Kaufman.

File:Tv hi danny phantom 02.jpg
Danny Fenton, rather bored

[edit] Danny Fenton's official biography

Danny Fenton: Everyone's a little different, but Danny, well, he's A LOT different. On the outside, he's a nervous, a bit clumsy 14-year-old who wouldn't stick out in a crowd. But underneath that awkward teenage exterior, Danny is a genuine superhero! After an accident in his parents' lab, Danny was given some ghostly powers. Half-ghost, Danny can see, hear, and talk to other paranormal beings—not to mention battle them on a regular basis to save his friends, family and, you know, the rest of the planet.

[edit] Danny's personality

From normal 14-year-old with "eccentric" Ghost-Hunters for parents - to becoming a half-human, half-ghost, teenaged superhero with ghost-powers, is one big change that has occurred in Danny's life in the past few months; even with him being as unique as he is, Danny has every reason to feel as paranoid as he does about keeping his ghost half a secret whenever possible. However, his paranoia has yet to do a thing about his boundless curiosity, which (besides the prodding of his friends in the episode Memory Blank) was the main reason why he got his ghost-powers to begin with. When his friends and family are in danger, he can become rather stubborn and over-protective, which does not bother his friends as much as his naive nature. In the end of the fight though, it is his loyalty to his cause, along with his faith in the love of his peers, helps him to overcome all obstacles. After Memory Blank, Sam manages to redesign Danny's suit to include a logo on his chest (akin to the other 'superhero' symbols), a curved D with a P inside. Danny has a great sense of humor and frequently makes jokes and wisecracks.

[edit] Danny's ghost powers

Danny Phantom has gradually increased his power and abilities as his knowledge of the ghost world matures. He has both gained completely new abilities as well as increased the power of his current ones. Below is a complete list of his currently known abilities.

[edit] Code 1

  1. Transformation – Allows Danny to switch between human and ghost forms. He can transform the Ecto-Skeleton as well due to its connection with his brain. His transformation is prefaced by two blue-white rings that appear respectively around his waist and move in opposite directions of each other while transitioning Danny to his ghost form. Other variations may include the rings appearing in Danny's lengthwise axis, or even transitioning from a single limb. He usually accompanies this with his battle cry, "I'm going ghost!", although he does not use it as often in later episodes. If Danny falls unconscious, gets heavily disoriented, or uses too much energy while in ghost form, he usually reverts back to human form. For example, being kissed while in ghost-form causes him to immediately revert. There have been exceptions to this, like in Life Lessons, when one of Skulker's traps causes Danny and Valerie to pass out. Apparently, his ghost form is not affected by the intense cold and vacuum of space, since he flew out into orbit with nothing but a rocket pack and a space helmet in Flirting with Disaster (though he could have flown out on his own, he needed the rocket pack to get him into orbit in a hurry to stop Technus). In Kindred Spirits, the transformation is the code Vlad needs to perfect his clone of Danny Phantom. In My Brother's Keeper, he used the blue-white rings to breake free of Spectra's grip while in ghost mode and he didn't transform.
  2. Ghost Sense – Danny can sense nearby ghosts. When he does, a wisp of blue mist comes out of his mouth and he shivers, getting the appearance of standing at attention or an electrical pulse going down his spinal cord. In My Brother's Keeper, Danny apparently associates his Ghost Sense with the sensation of being cold, and Spectra's true identity as a ghost is hidden from him by keeping her office so cold Danny can continually see his breath. (In the episode, everyone's breath is shown as a blue mist, which suggests that Danny's misty breath is similar to seeing one's breath on a cold day). His older, evil self (Dark Danny) had this ability, but it was a red wisp that came out of his nose. Danny's ghost sense does not go off when his clone/cousin Danielle is close by, nor does it go off for Vlad Plasmius. This is probably because both Dani and Vlad are half-ghosts, and do not trigger his sense. It is also unclear if Vlad has a Ghost Sense.
  3. Intangibility & Invisibility – Danny has the ability to turn intangible and invisible at will. With the use of intangibility, Danny can pass through most objects (except specialized materials, such as the Fenton Ghost Fisher's line and ectoplasmic goo), becoming untouchable; Danny can also make other people and objects intangible provided he is in physical contact with them. Danny's intangibility is in part connected to his teenage emotions, as he has been known to go intangible at some very inopportune and unwanted times. It is quite common for Danny to make only a part of his body intangible (either on purpose or otherwise). When invisible, he is unable to be seen by human (and some ghosts') eyes. Invisibility and Intangibility both work in similar ways and thus work together. Also, in the Ghost Zone, humans (and Danny when not in ghost mode) can phase through everything, including ghosts.
  4. Flying/Floating/Hovering – While in ghost form, Danny has the ability to float/fly through the air, sometimes at considerable speeds and heights. He often uses this in combat, but occasionally will do it for fun and relaxation. He can also make other humans and objects hover but must keep in physical contact with them. In Maternal Instincts, Danny's top speed in flight was clocked at 112 mph. However, he may eventually become much faster then this, because when Tucker became half-ghost for a short period of time, he managed to travel at incredibly fast speeds far beyond 112 mph. While floating, he also has the ability to turn his bottom half into a wisp (he can also use his power to separate his upper and lower halves which he uses to dodge attacks sometimes), which he most often does when he wants to fly quickly, but he usually leaves his legs and the rest of his body intact while floating or flying slowly. In Memory Blank, an inexperienced Danny accidentally turned his arms to wisps instead of his legs.
  5. Paranormal Strength, Speed, Agility and Durability – In Ghost-Mode, Danny can display extraordinary physical feats of strength (see Parental Bonding), speed (see above Flying), agility (martial arts talent, and see below Spectral Manipulation), and durability. So far, only when Danny is in Ghost-Mode, can he perform such physical abilities, while in human form, Danny Fenton is still something of a physical weakling. He's been known to survive the impacts from heights, and from hits that would have killed a normal human being.
  6. Overshadowing/Possession – With this power, first learned in Parental Bonding, Danny can take possession of a human being or an animal from within by phasing completely into the person's body, allowing him to completely control that person's actions. Danny has used this power on several people, including Tucker, Dash, and even his dad, for various reasons. When overshadowed, the victim keeps his or her original form, but his or her eyes and voice change to Danny's. Note that some ghosts have been able to overcome this shortcoming. The victim has no memory of what he or she did while overshadowed, but usually feel a slight dizziness and disorientation. Micro-Management marked the first time Danny, or for that matter any ghost, overshadows an animal(a rat). Apparently he is also able to speak while in it's body. On numerous occasions, it has been demonstrated that this ability can be resisted, and that Danny can even be forced out of the person with the right equipment, or if he's not up to full power. In Micro-Management he overshadowed a mouse, but with diminished powers, he wasn't able to keep control for very long. Overshadowing can also be resisted through sheer willpower. For example, in Kindred Spirits, Danny is overshadowed by one of his clones, but manages to resist it as it tried to force him into transforming. Thus far, the only individuals who have been shown able to successfully resist an overshadowing attempt have been beings with spectral powers: Danny does so in Splitting Images (the second attempt by Poindexter) and Kindred Spirits, and a ghost-power-blessed Tucker ejects Danny from his body in What You Want. It is apparent that when a ghost overshadows another ghost, they either switch bodies, or fuse together. Apparently, two ghosts can be in one human's body at once as seen in What You Want when both Danny and Tucker (given ghost powers be Desiree) fought in Paulina's body.
  7. Ectoplasmic Energy Blast - "Ghost Ray" – An ectoplasmic blast that usually comes out of the palm of his hand, Danny blasts enemies using this attack. The attack takes many forms: a ray of energy, a glowing orb, or even a repulsion field. He has also kept the energy used inside his hand, using it to empower his strikes. After learning it in What You Want, he could use this power at any time, and in Memory Blank, an inexperienced Danny Phantom shot a blast out of his rear end (much like Jake Long, the American Dragon, in the episode Professor Rotwood's Thesis). By the time of the Danny Phantom TV Movie: Reign Storm, Danny had learned how to fire off a Ghost Ray out of his finger in Human Mode and learned how to fire a Ghost Ray out of his whole hand. Also, in Nicktoons Unite!, Vlad could shoot similar circular rays.
  8. Ectoplasmic Energy Shield - "Ghost Shield" – Danny can use this ability to form shields of ectoplasmic energy, which he can use to block or rebound attacks from enemies. There are two kinds of shields. The first kind of shield appears as a sphere of energy that protects from all sides. The other is a single wall of energy that is more direct in its range but is much stronger. Also, Danny can pull out an Ecto-Orb, and use it as a circular shield, as seen in Beauty Marked and Reality Trip. A variation of this power was shown in Control Freaks when Danny surrounded himself in a shield and shattered it to fire off blasts in all directions.
  9. Wall Walking – Danny, as well as many other ghosts, can walk on uneven and vertical surfaces as though they were horizontal. Most likely this is an application of his flying/hovering ability.
  10. Ghost Stinger – In Public Enemies, Danny uses this pseudo-electric attack to free Wulf from Bullet's weapon. Other examples of its use might include Vlad in Million Dollar Ghost, Penelope Spectra in Doctor's Disorders, and Dan Phantom in The Ultimate Enemy.
  11. Spectral Manipulation – Danny has on rare occasions been known to change the shape of his body, like his midsection, for short periods of time. Among these occasions include stretching along the waistline, creating holes in his stomach, and temporarily vaporizing his middle (although this is probably a use of his intangibility power).
  12. Ghostly Wail- – In The Ultimate Enemy, Danny develops the unique ability to generate an extremely powerful shriek from his vocal cords and mouth, a bit like a Banshee's wail - the Ghostly Wail can cause terrible pain to ghosts and damage tangible matter. When used, this power quickly drains Danny's energy. On more than one occasion, when Danny used the Ghostly Wail, parts of his human form stay with his ghost form. In The Ultimate Enemy, when Danny used it against all of his enemies, his Phantom costume remained when he reverted back to human form. In The Fright Before Christmas, when Danny used it against a group of animated trees, his jacket was on his costume, though he quickly reverted to his street clothes. And in King Tuck, when he attempted to use it against the sphinx (though it had no effect on it, but blew away everything else), he turned completely back into his human self. In Kindred Spirits, when Danny uses it against Vlad, they both revert to their human forms, but Vlad just gets back up and transforms again. Vlad may not have this power, giving Danny an advantage over him. It sounds like moaning ghosts. As a gag, in Fanning the Flames at the beginning of the episode, as Danny, Sam, and Tucker leave the Ghost Zone, some ghosts appear saying "What on earth is that Ghostly Wail?". (They were referring to Tucker's rather bad singing) In the PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions of Nicktoons Unite!, the Ghostly Wail sounds more like Danny screaming than moaning ghosts.
  13. Ectoplasmic Illumination – In Micro-Management, Danny used an energy-like power where he lit up a mouse hole, this may just be a use of an ectoplasmic energy blast except weakened so instead of hurting someone, it brightens the area. He also uses this power in Double Cross My Heart against the "Guys in White".
  14. The X-Tremebob State – In Henshin Wu He Gets So Angry That He Transforms into A Monster
  15. Duplication – A power first used by Vlad, Danny has gotten closer and closer to obtaining this power. He has tries to do it twice in "Maternal Instinct" and "Identity Crisis" but only grew extra limbs. After managing to do it in "Reign Storm" when he split into four (he was wearing the Ecto-Skeleton which enhanced his powers), he appeared to finally do it in "Beauty Marked", if only for a quick second.
  16. Cryokinesis – In a commercial for the upcoming TV movie Urban Jungle, it's revealed that Danny will also be capable of using ice-empowered versions of the Ghost Ray. This seems to be more of an extension of his current powers than a separate power altogether. It's as of yet unknown as to what further uses Danny will have for this new ability.

[edit] Code 2

  1. Phantom-field - Danny makes a small force field around him or his friends, and makes a nice hard object to throw. Advanced Ghost Sheild
  2. Code 2 Cyrokanisis - in which danny can burn ghosts, and cook food. XD
  3. DigiMorph - Danny can transform objects for a short period of time.
  4. Fidoken - Kind of like the Hadoken, but Danny can control how large the fireball is by concentrating his Woo Foo energy on the fireball.
  5. Digimize - the ability for Danny to shrink to a minisculine size & access places virtually unnoticed.
  6. Digisibility - the ability to turn invisible for limited periods of time.
  7. Digivaporate - the ability to rapidly evaporate water.
  8. Digisnoose - The ability to return magically enchanted objects back into their normal, inanimate object state.

[edit] Code 3

  1. EctoFlauge - an advanced version of "DigiMorph," EctoFlauge takes the concept a step further by enabling one object or creature to have the appearance of another without the need to change it's basic chemical structure as "DigiMorph" requires, and without the need to constantly concentrate on keeping the magic held on the transformed subject in place as the magic will keep the subject transformed until Coop desires for the magic to be dispelled.
  2. Digi Wave - A summoning of a big wall of water to come crashing down on evil villains or put dangerous fires out.
  3. Digi-Termination - A concentrated mind-wave shot out from Terrence's paws which creates a lot of damage to machine based villains, in some cases completely deactivating them!
  4. Beast Drive - Transform Danny into beast Code

[edit] Beast Code

  1. ReDigirate - This is a healing move which draws from one Woo Foo Warriors own aura to recover the aura of another, no matter who or what that might be.
  2. Digi-Time - This is a move that requires extreme concentration. When Terrence slams both of his arms together and shouts "Terrence Time!" an extreme blast of aura causes time for Terrence to become temporarily slowed down, making what would normally be five seconds of action worth five minutes of action, although it is possible to make the move last for a longer amount of time if it is ever needed. This move is extremely useful for battling really fast enemies or is useful for being able to search for an enemies weak spots without being seen by normal villains eyes.
  3. Movement Virus: Danny uses Magic to stop opponent from moving.
  4. Combination: Danny shoots energy beams at you while throwing Datarangs. Very hard to avoid.
  5. Doppelganger: Danny creates a clone of himself.
  6. Animal Acceleration is a move that charges up Woo Foo Energy inside the body in order to allow the warrior to travel up to 50 times faster than normal which is helpful in defeating fast and versatile enemies.
  7. Energy Bond is move allows one or more other warriors to temporarily give their Woo Foo energies to another thereby increasing their Woo Foo Aura and fighting abilities exponentially depending on the level of the Woo Foo Warriors and how many warriors gave their strength to the receiving warrior.
  8. Nuclear Firestorm is a move of concentrated anger, frustration, hatred, and jealousy powered up into a super-penetrated blast of fire that explodes and incinerates anyone unfortunate enough to get caught in its blast.
  9. Coop-edo-cinerate is an advanced version of Coop-edo that allows Coop after charging up Coop-edo to make an energy field of fire to surround but not engulf the bird to deal extra damage to bad guys
  10. Nova Bang Attack is a move that can be fired from either one or two hands (preferably with two) and the blast goes green to yellow-orange to red-orange to red to blue the closer it gets to an enemy and the attack scorches (though not to a fatal degree) any enemy it touches and the attack has a wide range and is useful when dealing with multiple enemy agents such as an evil army of bad guys
  11. Kaio-Coop Technique allows Coop to temporarily multiply his Woo Foo aura power fighting level by a factor of two, three, four, five, ten, even to a degree of twenty if need be although this move is not without its drawback as the slightest mistake in using this technique while fighting causes great harm to whoever uses it and it's rumored that after an Energy Bond Infusion a Kaio-Coop with a bunch of Woo Foo Warrior's combined energy would shoot the warrior's fighting potential up even higher, though whether this is true or not remains to be seen.
  12. Rock of Ages is a super massive attack that draws from the Woo Foo energy blasts from multiple warriors into a super massive chunk of energy to be fired upon one enemy in order to first crush and then engulf the enemy with a super-powerful amount of fire-power and pain!
  13. Mega Morph- Yin and Yang can turn into anything in the world.
  14. Yanger- Whenever Yang loses his temper, he turns into a giant fireball! How cool is that?!
  15. Spinado- When Yang spins his sword super fast, it turns into a tornado. (A small one!)
  16. Super noogie- A noogie so hard that someone could lose 20 IQ points!
  17. Electric Blast- A very shocking blast that Yin can do!
  18. Electrinado- A electric Foo-nado that Yin and Yang do together. (Yin does Electric Blast and Yang does Foo-nado)

[edit] Fusion Code

  1. Sonic Blast: A blast of sound that stuns any enemies without ear protection
  2. Lightning Strike: Calls down a rain of lightning from the clouds that homes in on targets\\
  3. Mace: A large energy mace that can also turn into a can of mace.
  4. Bow and Quiver: A bow that can shoot long distances and a quiver that holds all kinds of arrows.
  5. Stinkarro: A stinky blast that can stun enemies and has other side effects
  6. Aerokenesis: The ability to control not only air and the wind, but also all kinds of gases.
  7. Yangtricity: makes fists of electricity
  8. Yang-tastic slash: Yang puts all of his energy in his sword and then swipes it causing a long stream of woo-foo energy wich cuts through anything in its way.
  9. The Yang Bang: Yang's sword turns into a mighty war-hammer that can even smash diamonds into pieces
  10. En-Yang-le: Yang combines his foo chakas to create a whip he can entangle his enemies with

Foo-per speed swipe: Yang swings his sword at a super fast speed, usualy in numerous and continuous combos

  1. Yin-stant charge up: Yin automatically charges up magic woo-foo energy to blast her foes with
  2. Yin-vasion: Yin summons knights of magic to help her in battle
  3. The Yin Spin: Yin spins around shooting balls of woo-foo energy making her a dangerous threat to all
  4. Light-Yin Blazer: Yin shoots a stream of lighting that blasts through most objects magical or not

[edit] Code 5

  1. Golden Auraan aura that transforms a Woo Foo Warrior's energies into a super-charged entity which increases the users powers 100 fold! A Woo Foo Warrior level of at least a 1,000 is required to pull this off, and so far he's the only one to sucessfully pull this move off.
  2. 1,000 Points of Light - A super intense blast of light that leaves villains blinded during precious minutes that a Woo Foo Warrior can use to plan a counter-attack, plan a strategic retreat, or when confronting the Night Master, really cause him physical pain!
  3. Dark Fireball - Creates a black and blue fireball that can cause fire damage and also causes their enemies to run like crazy because the fire is on their behind or head.
  4. Rapid Fire Punch - Uses Woo Foo to punch the enemy like crazy, and also gives an illusion that he has 1000 fists landing on the enemy.
  5. DigiForce - Uses Woo Foo energy to move objects or enemies. Also, it can also be combined with any technique to give a Woo Foo Knight extra powers.
  6. Digi-do! In this move, Coop charges up his body with a bunch of woo-foo energy, then Terrence with all his might throws Coop into a large monster to cause serious damage to it!
  7. Digi-Ball! Either Coop or Terrence begins this move by charging up a ball of Woo Foo Energy and spikes it to hit an opposing villain! The ball then hits the enemy than bounces off, to be intercepted by the other Woo Foo Warrior to be hit back onto the villain. This can be repeated for as many times as possible until the Woo Foo Energy orb wears off or the villain retreats.
  8. Shapeshifting/Disguise - X is able to assume the appearance of his younger self, without interfering with the use of his other powers. His disguise is later stripped away by the Fenton Peeler.
  9. Ectoplasmic Shaping - Dark Danny is capable of forming binds and ropes out of ectoplasm.
  10. Gaseous Form - He can turn into a green gaseous form, as seen when Future Valerie threw an Ecto-Grenade at him.
  11. Ghost Portal Creation - He can create temporary portals into the ghost zone by merely waving his hand. It was possible when Dark Danny destroyed the Fenton Portal, he gained the power.
  12. Immobilization - He can freeze a person by touching or facing his hand at them.
  13. Ectoplasmic Goo - He can shoot ecto goo like Spider-Man's webs.
  14. Advanced Spectral Manipulation – Dark Danny has gained the ability to change the shape of his body. Among these occasions include stretching along the waistline, creating holes in his stomach, temporarily vaporizing his middle, and turning his head 180 degrees.
  15. Intangibility Fusion – Dark Danny was able to fuse one of Clockwork's time medallions into Danny through the use of his intangibility powers. While fused, the object inserted is unreachable by human or ghost abilities; it can, however, be removed through the use of special equipment (I.E., the Ghost Gauntlets).
  16. Sleep Beam - Dark Danny was able to shoot Jazz with a "sleep beam", but it didn't hurt her like an ordinary beam; it just knocked her out.

[edit] Trivia

  • Danny goes to Casper High, and it is no coincidence to the fact that ghosts are always roaming around in the halls, lockers, rooms, and underground meat storage rooms.
  • Danny had a lot of trouble controlling his ghost powers at first. Often he would accidentally trigger them when nervous or angry. In Memory Blank, an inexperienced Danny is constantly falling through his chair and the floor at school. When he is infuriated or focused, his eyes glow a bright and vivid yellow-green.
  • Danny loves dogs, when he was a kid, he always wanted a puppy as expressed in Fanning the Flames, but his parents would not let him have one; in Shades of Grey, Danny has to deal with the Ghost-Dog.
  • In Mystery Meat, when Jack asks Danny, Tucker and Sam if they want to be Ghost-Hunters, Danny expresses that he wants to become an astronaut when he grows up - not that his father heard him. He also admits this to Valerie in Flirting with Disaster, and even gets a chance to fight in space during the episode. Later, in Reality Trip, Danny gets a chance to pilot an actual space shuttle, which would have been more enjoyable if he wasn't trying to keep the shuttle from crashing. Danny also collects shuttle posters, and has a number of model rockets hanging from his bedroom ceiling.
  • While in Ghost-Mode, Danny has an echo effect with his voice, which makes him sound more ghostly.
  • Whenever Danny's bedroom has been seen, there is a Basketball next to his bed.
  • In Teacher of the Year, Danny's username for the online computer game Doomed is Ghost-Boy.
  • In Flirting with Disaster, Danny's screen name is "DFenton"
  • According to Secret Weapons, Danny's computer password is "Paulina Fenton", which, as Sam points out, is not that hard to figure out.
  • Danny has been split between his ghost half and human half several times, each time with different results. In What You Want, Danny was split by the Fenton Ghost Catcher and his ghost half appeared as a blue specter with green eyes, which seemed surprised to be separated from Danny and quickly remerged with him. In The Ultimate Enemy, Danny is separated by an invention by Vlad, and his ghost half is vengeful while his human half is fearful. In Identity Crisis, Danny is separated by the Ghost Catcher into two distinct personalities - 'Super' Danny and 'Fun' Danny. At first, Super Danny has all the superpowers and Fun Danny has none, but another trip through the Ghost Catcher splits the powers evenly between the two of them.
  • Danny is also quite the artist, doodling pictures when he is bored, like in Fright Knight. Jazz, on the other hand, is not such a great artist (Secret Weapons), showing attention to detail but rather two-dimensional work in her sketch of "Ghost X" (Skulker).
  • While in Ghost Mode, Danny has been seen using martial arts moves, and his mother, Maddie Fenton, has been revealed as an accomplished martial artist. Danny also used several moves in Flirting With Disaster that appeared to be martial arts.
  • Apart from having to hear all about his parents inventions 'straight from the horses' mouths', Danny is shown how to work his parents inventions by his parents, and to work on maintenance on them: in Bitter Reunions, when Danny is up against Vlad Plasmius, Danny knows how to work the weapons in the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle/Fenton RV. In The Million-Dollar Ghost, Danny is expected to change the Fenton Ghost Portal's ecto-filtrator, so either he must know how or his father Jack must only think that Danny does. In Identity Crisis, Jack is teaching 'Fun-Danny' how to use Fenton ghost-hunting technology against 'Super-Danny', so Danny is being taught how this technology works.
  • In The Fright Before Christmas, it is revealed that Danny has generally disliked Christmas for most of his life. This is due mostly to his parents arguing over the existence of Santa. Their annual arguments results in Danny's parents being distracted and causing traumatic events during his childhood, including a dog urinating on him, and their Christmas turkey turning into a monster.
  • Danny has various sporting equipment in his room, among them a volleyball, a basketball and hoop, and a skateboard. Danny also keeps a baseball in his locker, as seen in Memory Blank.
  • Danny's weakest school subject is Math. Dialogue in Maternal Instincts and Micro-Management reinforce this fact.
  • Danny's home phone number is 555-1221.
  • In the TV movie Urban Jungle, Danny will receive a new freezing power. Exactly how it will be utilized remains to be seen. Some think it will be like Dark Danny's power to freeze someones movement with a wave of the hand and others think it might be freeze as in ice.
  • In Teacher of the Year, it is revealed that Danny once had a gerbil when he was in the sixth grade, or at least until Tucker accidentally killed it.
  • Many fans debate as to whether Danny (and by extension, Vlad) is an actual half-dead ghost or merely a fully-living human with ghost-like powers. In fact, Spectra once commented on this interesting question in My Brother's Keeper.
  • Apparently, Danny Phantom has his own fan following, and even his own series of comic books (which he never approved or even knew of). This was revealed in Reality Trip when he, Sam, and Tucker went to the "San Diego Comics Fab" to find a Reality Gem. With Danny's identity known to the world at the time, the fan following was practically ecstatic, with several people even cosplaying as him and Sam at the convention (Tucker was rather disappointed that no one dressed as him).
  • Though she does not know it, Danny has a crush on Sam Manson.
  • Danny is a bit of a wimp without his powers. Every time Danny is portrayed without ghost powers (My Brother's Keeper, The Ultimate Enemy, Maternal Instinct), he is clearly frightened by ghosts and runs scared.
  • In Mystery Meat, Danny's school record reports that he's broken 27 beakers (most likely due to intangibility kicking in at the worst moments) and is banned for life from handling anything breakable.
  • Danny has used many other powers in some episdoes. In Parental Bonding, he turned into mist to escape the Dragon Ghost's hand, in Splitting Images, he was able to use Pointdexter's 'Spectral Communication' and in Reality Trip, he teleported a few feet behind himself. Also, in Beauty Marked, he possibly split himself into two, meaning he is getting better at Duplication.
  • Danny may have been partially inspired by Spider-Man when Peter Parker was a teenager. Both were shy, skinny teenagers who were considered geeks. Both had football playing bullies constantly bulling them and they both make wisecracks in superhero mode and are considered criminals by the city they live in and their secret crush's (Mary Jane Watson for Peter and Paulina for Danny) to fall in love with them.
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