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NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic, I Remember it so you don't have to. Well it's Chapter 3 of Weirdies: Group 2, Their Sad attempt to Join Jess and Maddie in their 20 hero group, but sadly fails in every possible way. and who better than the one and Only Dude in the Swede Dude: alright, Lets dive right into the roots. NC: Their Next stop was Hogwarts, Why, Let's ask the Characters!

Zatch: Why are we here, in a magic school?

AC: Because, I Need a way to extinguish the Philosipher's Stone inside me.

Becky: It kind of looks like...

AC: Hogwarts, I Flunked a Magician's test for this school Big Time once.

NC: Why are you returning to a magic school which you flunked?

Zatch: Well, we gotta know why we're here, and why we're here this way.

Tia: Don't Look at me, Kolulu was the one who paid attention in history class.

Kolulu: Oh, yeah. There were strange effects occurs when the Old King dies before a new one is crowned.

Zatch: So we might Confuse trusted allies with enemy mamodo, trust no one, AC and Becky are the only ones capable of getting us home.

Flapjack: what is that...

(AC is wearing a Power Glove)

AC: It's the power glove of west springfeild. When I Touch a Mamodo Spellbook and say "SUPER FIST OF GEORGE W. BUSH" a mamodo spirit appears, now that they are in human shape, I Doubt it will work.

Dude: Nothing Says "I Am American" more naming a Super fist after an idiotic US President and using a glove Controller for a Japanise Console to Initiate Said Super Fist!

Sunni: If you flunked a magic school somehow, This will be extra credit.

Hegwig: (enters through the door) State your names.

AC: I am AC, Self-Proclaimed King of Magicians. These are the NiGHTS of the Round Table. Lady Becky, Lady Kolulu, Lady Tia, Sir Zatch, Lady Jenifer, Sir Flapjack, Lady Sunni Lady Sarah...

NC: Great quick thinking, AC, I Like that part of you

Hegwig: (Thought: he has an internal sorcerer's stone) You are welcome here.

(The Front Gates open)

AC: Right this way my Fellow Magicians, Our stronghold is Hogwarts!

Dude: Okay, Get ready, Hogwarts is gonna be Rocked...By an Alan Menken Song.


AC, Zatch and Flapjack: We're NiGHTS of the round table We wrote the song when able All of us love our Hot Girlfriends And AC's Comcast Cable Hogwarts to us is Camelot let's eat Ham and Jam and Spam-a-lot (Instrimental) Kolulu, Jenny and Sunni: We're Maidens of this table We planned, (Step) the dance, (Step) when able The Internet got us in here with AC's Comcast Cable Hogwarts to us is Camelot we kiss under moon of Spam-a-lot (Instrimental) AC and Becky: This Dream is in This awesome multiverse! Reality is boring, see so we have Comcast Cable Hogwarts to us is Camelot (Enter Dumbledore) Dumbledore: You Pushed your stay to damn-a-loooooooooooot! (End Dance)


AC: Wow. We screwed up big time...

Becky: And we Installed a Weirdie Signal in the Griffiondor Dorms

NC: Uhhhhh...were they just kicked out of Hogwarts Dude: Yes, they were... NC: Wow, they are idiots. Dude: and you do realise who's planning this mess. NC: Del Spooner? Dude: Yes, Del Spooner. NC: and who do you think directed this fanfic again Dude: I think his name was Haio Miazaki... NC: I'm Gonna get Mindf***ed, Am I? Dude: Well, that's the whole point. NC: (Takes off his hat) Aw well, if ya can't beat 'em (Puts on a Pirate hat) Join 'em. Dude: (Also puts on a pirate hat) You took the words right out of my mouth.

(F.F.M.(Fast Forward Mindf***): The Cavebots De-evolved by the BnL Devo Gernades break out, Re-Evolved, But Not all the way... Nigel Planter finds two robot monkeys. Weirdie Signal Lights up. Jess, Worried that it might be a stalker using it, Sucks her Thumb. The DeLorian is being fueled. AC sees the signal. Nigel Planter sneaks in Robotic Chimpanzees in Hogwarts. AC Modifies the DeLorian. It Transforms into A Giant Robot. this Moment goes normal Speed:)

AC: If it's a caveman and cavewoman, I want my money back. (Bad Joke!)

NC: So AC Finds Two Gorrillas in Hogwarts Causing Chaos following a Track of Monkey Tracks that Evolve all the way to gorrila.

AC: The tracks are getting bigger from that fish buffet in the Sea nearby hogwarts.

Becky: (Notices the Chimp Tracks turning into Gorrilla Tracks) That's a lot of fish. (Bad Joke!)

Dude: They also run into Sinbad and Shaqille O'neal Looking for Simalar Gorrillas.

AC: You're looking for the Brown and Gold Gorrillas, Too?

Keldor (Played by Sinbad): Yeah, We Painted that Gorrilla Gold using fur Altering Magic.

Dude: This Chapter Sucks for some reason. NC: That's the Power of Sinbad, Mr. Swede. Dude: Now I Know why This Chapter Sucks. Lindsey: (Entering for Some Reason) And Knowing is Half the Battle. NC and Dude: Thanks, Lindsey Ellis, the Nostalgia Chick. (G.I. Joe) Lindsey: Faster than you can say "I Hate Puppies" (Puppies Joke) Sinbad catches the Two Gorrillas who...Evolve into cavepeople.

AC: I want my money back! (Bad Joke!)

Dude: Faster than you can say "2 Year vacation" We get a demented peek at the mind of Sinbad.

Keldor: Hi, I'm Keldor the Magician. Want the E-Tank Boost in a Tiny Package? (Eats a Peanut. Cut to inside a bush, A caveman is watching him.) Then try Planters Energy Peanuts. (The Brown Haired Caveman Appears and Gets Beaten up by Keldor) The Gensing and Caffine keeps you up through the day. (The Female Caveman Also Gets a pounding) And Evening Hunger can stay awa-

AC: (Cutting the Imagination Trip) Hold on a Second, They are our cavemen and we do what we want with 'em. (Boxes them Up in a Bigger Box)

Lindsey: We don't know how you got a bigger box Dude: Or why the cavemen are starting to look familiar. NC: but we thank you for getting rid of that mindf- for us.

Sarah: Engines

AC: Go!

Flapjack: Fumes

AC: Go!

Jenny: Co-Ordenetes

AC: Set!

Kolulu: Amnesia Dust

AC: Go!

Zatch: Fuel

AC: Green!

Becky: Warp Commence.

NC: And So, the 2nd gang of Weirdies flies away without picking anyone up! Of course, No Wizard sent from school, they need the education. Dude: But they did leave their mark on Hogwarts in the form of the Weirdies Signal! Lindsey: and when are they gonna Revisit this world, Who cares, this fanfic Blows big time! Just like deciding to do my job. (Lindsey and Doug Fight *PLEASE STAND BY* Lindsey plays Carameldansen and The Nostalgia Critic and Dude in the Swede does the Matching dance *Big Lipped Aligator Moment*) NC: I'm The Nostalgia Critic Lindsey: I'm your Nostalgia Chick Dude: I'm that Dude in the Swede All: We Remember it so you don't have to


(The Warp sends these guys to Marin's Homeworld.)

AC: Where are we?

Marin: Welcome to Japan! My Name's Marin Asagi and I'll be your Tour Guide for today!

AC: Wha-Wait, You're Marin Asagi?

Marin: Yes, My family's Still very poor so I have to work as a tour guide, but no one from America ever comes here I know, But that's what makes the world go 'round

AC: Our DeLorian recently Refueled, do you know of Peter Pan.

Marin: Uh...

AC: Didn't Think so, did you keep a certain...monomakia.

Marin: How do you know about Melan?

AC: Watchers know tons of things. (Two Hooded Figures appear and blow up the DeLorian) Our Car! (To Marin) Send out Melan! Please, They are Evil! He can help us fight!

Marin: Alright, Here's some backup! (Tosses Melan's Ambuel to the weirdies. Once the seal's released, He starts blasting away, he Slices and Dices some heartless. Shadow Spell Summons a Unicarn Dragon, Shadow Knight is Riding on a Unicorn, Why, Cause I'm a Dork who can't spell without confusion!)

AC: He's about to blow fire on us!!

(No, but he's gonna freeze you with an Ice beam)

Shadow Knight: This is the New and Inproved Monster Buster Club?

Shadow Spell: I don't see the original members anywhere...

Shadow Knight: That's because that isn't the Monster Buster Club we waited for...

Shadow Spell: I'm so sorry.

Shadow Knight: Your dad's Idiocy is rubbing off on us, I Suppose next we expect some sort of Spanish Inquisition...

(Duh-Nah! Wild Spanish Inquisition Appeared)

SI Guy 1: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition, Our three weapons is Surprize, Fear, Phobias and Surprize.

Shadow Spell: I'm on It, S.K. (points a magic wand at them, Which fires a LOLazer)

SI Guy 2: I didn't get to use the rack!

(Scene: Inside a bedroom. AC wakes up with his crew intact. AC Decides to warm his hands at a fireplace)

Voice: Wait a sec, you ain't Howl!

AC: Ah! Who Said that!

Voice: I Did! (AC Looks to find that the fire seems to be Calcifer, A Fire Demon in charge of Making a flying castle Tick) Look, you seem pretty banged up. So we thawed you out using Amalthea's hair dryer, Man that girl has long hair.

(Knock, Knock.)

Calcifer: Hey, You can Answer the Chestnut Door, The Blue one on the Wheel.

AC: (Turns the Knob to blue, He Opens the Door to reveal a girl with pink hair in a downwards ponytail) Who are you?

Girl: My Name's Katrina, My Younger Sister's Trying to Make a garden out of My Room! How can you help?

AC: Uh...

Calcifer: Leocario

AC: Leocario Isn't Here Yet, Please come again!


AC: I Met a random Character, but it still Rocks to see I'm In Chestnut!

(Knock, Knock.)

Calcifer: Hey, It's a New record for Chestnut City, 2 knockers in a row.

AC: (Opens the door to reveal another girl around the Exact same age as the first, only she has Orange Hair in downwards pigtails) Can I help you?

Girl: Hi, My Name's Anabelle, I Thought my Sister would like the flowers I Put around her room, But She hates them, Can you give me some design Tips?

AC: Leocario Isn't Here Yet, Please come again!


Calcifer: So, Wanna explore the world of Chestnut?

AC: Do I ever! Now we can find the Weirdies!

Calcifer: AC, Before you go, this is another chestnut...

AC: Those girls, They were...

Calcifer: Variations of the Twins Kat and Ana, Welcome to the "Class of No Class" Chestnut City!

AC: (Anime Fall!)

Witch of the Waste: Ooohh... So Close.


(Sarah is watching Family Guy)

Calcifer: Where's AC?

Sarah: Looking For Suitable heroes...

Calcifer: Family Guy?

Sarah: Yep.

(Bowler Hat Guy has finished signing the contract when suddenly...)

Lewis: Goob! Stop! You don't now what you're doing!

Bowler Hat Guy: Yes, I Do Know! I'm Destroying your Future!

Lewis: She's using you goob, and once she gets what she wants, she'll get rid of you!

Bowler Hat Guy: Bu-Wha-! (Shot by Doris, who then attacks Lewis)

Lewis: I am Ne- (Interupted by the CEO being Shot, he fades away along with Doris. The CEO Finds a Gunshot on his head)

CEO: Whoa, Didn't see that coming. (his head Explodes, we see Peter Griffin has a gun)

Peter: Hasta La Vista, Wizeman

Brian: Peter, You just killed the Inventco CEO!

Peter: Oh, (pause) I'll Take what She's having

(minor Clapping from Walt Disney)

Walt: Bravo, Bravo. You've become so Persistant, you even killed a character.

Peter: He was Wizeman from the NiGHTS Series, I Can Explain

Walt: You leave me no other choice. I Called the FCC

TOM: The FCC? (pause) I know all about the FCC

(Walt Disney looks frightened)

TOM: They will clean up cartoon messes In a matter such as this

(Walt Disney walks backwards toward the door.)

D: They will add this world to Kingdom Hearts that will make all fans pissed

(Walt is leaning toward the pit of death)

Flash: Cartoon Fans will cheer and Give Sony a Stakehouse Shoom and Swiss (Holds up a hamburger)

(All of AC's Favorite Cartoons, especially non-disney characters, pop up and make walt fall into the pit of death)

ALL: 'Tis the plain situation of Cartoon Relocation by the Fellers at the Freakin' FCC

(We then cut to the 18 year old bunny rabbit Aroura ran into, sitting in a lofa)

Adult Cream: They're the Stuffiest of Stuffiest of special intrest groups

(Flash blows up a dimention then salutes Hitler as he sings)

Flash: Blow up a cartoon dimention then they order in the troops

(SARA Comes out of a Toilet)

SARA: Any Android should know that a world will Eventualy poop

(It turns into a Disney on Ice Stage)

ALL: 'Tis the plain situation of Cartoon Relocation by the Fellers at the Freakin' FCC

(A Picnic with Timmy Turner and Teen Kolulu)

TOM: When you're in love with someone who's a sexy thing... You need the same animation style ding-a-ling

Wanda: Cause you can't say penis?

TOM: Right!

Link: So they sent this little warning They're prepared to do their worst

Bender: And they shoved it in your mailbox hoping you could be cohurst

SARA: I can think of Quite another place They should have stuck it first

ALL: Well it's Just Plain Moronic And Possibly Psycotic Like the plain situation of Cartoon Relocation by the guys who just farted They might just be Retarded Like the Fellers at the Freakin' FCC

(Toss the corpses overboard. enter Michel Eisener)

Peter: Aw, Crap!

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