The Northern Islands

From Fellaor

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The network of tropical islands north of the main continent are controlled by two main powers, the stronger of these being the Tiras Confederacy, based upon the island of Mar Tiras. An occasional contender for power in the region is the kingdom of Selesear, which is also the largest and westmost island. Most of the islanders speak a dialect of common call Tolfien.

The Norther Islands


The Tiras Confederacy is ruled by four merchant princes, each of whom have jurisdiction over a cluster of islands. The most powerful of these is the lord of Mar Tiras (and the surrounding Islands), The other three governing cities are Elweai, Lenwae, and Camthalion. The governing council is in continuous session, but it's rare for any of the princes to be in attendance, instead they appoint representatives, known as mouthes, to sit in conference in their place. Merchant prince is not an inherated title, but rather an elected representitive of the established merchant families in each jurisdiction. When a merchant prince dies a council, known as a naming council, is called in that prince's jurisdiction. Each of the merchant families sends a representative, and a new prince is chosen if he has the support of two thirds of the families. In each of the representative districts except Campthalion, the position of "merchant family" is inherited and does not reflect actual involvement in commerce. In Campthallion, the merchant council is chosen from each family which owns either 20 jar of land or a ship with four or more masts.

The Island of Selesear is ruled by a single king, known as a Jarimon, whose authority is absolute, he is also ceremonially the head Vietmon (Priest) of the local god, Wei Joss, although different monarchs have pursued their duties with different degrees of rigor, the present Jarimon has not been highly involved in religious affairs. Traditionally Selesear has sent an observer to the council of the Tiras Confederacy.


Most of the economic activity in the region is devoted to gathering enough food to feed the inhabitants of the land, either in rice farming or fishing. The Merchant princes have contributed to the region's wealth, the Islands serve as a shipping hub to and from the continent, and serve in the shipping of goods about the about Fellaor. Other parts of the economy are involved in the production of rubber, and various dyes for export.


Predictably, naval expenditures constitute the majority of military spending in the region. At present the Tiras Confederacy is at War with The Empire (of the Hayden Dynasty). Imperial troops have taken Marburg and large portions of the Island of Lenwae. The Tiras confederacy has been waging an indecisive naval battle against the fleets of the empire in hope of cutting supply shipments to the invaders. These efforts have benefited from the recent involvement of the Elnaen, the naval forces of the island of Selesear.

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