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Pinkerton is a small village about five miles south of the base of the White Bear River in the geographic region known as The Riverlands. Its economy is largely agricultural, with a water mill providing grain flour for the community. The village is governed by an elected mayor, and maintained by a sizeable police force of sixteen, seven of whom sleep in a small barracks at the south end of town. The town is protected by a palaside wall on all sides save that bordering the river there being only a few houses on the east side. Commerce is small, there is a black-smith, Gillian, and a small inn which has rooms for up to five travellers. The inn also has a saloon attached, called the Dirty Bee. The Village Hetman (an inhereted title) is poet by the name of Olis Elsemar, and his house can be found along the river in the north side of the village. The population is 562.

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