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The Thraindom of Amalest is the largest dwarven kingdom remaining on Fellaor. As such, the title of dwarven may be a misnominer, as its population is primarily human, and has been since at least 1465. The Thraindom is ruled by the dwarf lord Dairan VI, from deep within the great mountain. Most settlements within the kingdom are primarily either dwarven or human with low degrees of cross integration, however, smaller human settlements may be found surrounding the larger dwarven mountain-holds. The mountain holds serve as hubs for trade, mining, and industry.



The Government of Amalest is a strict autocracy, which is ruled by the Thrain and his descendants, with all administrative decrees issued forth from The Great Mountain. Each Dwarven-hold is also ruled by a separate Dwarf-Lord who has pledged himself to the Great Mountain. The Four remaining Dwarven-holds within the borders of Amalest are Melhar, Durenthal Keep, and the Twin Mountains of Sohnheim and Gowen. In addition, The mountain of Elath-Grun, the so called Last Outpost, is also a dwarf hold which has pledged to the great mountain, although it does not fall within the ancient borders of the thraindom. Human settlements are usually governed by an elected mayor and granted a large degree of administrative autonomy provided that the village renews its pledge to the great mountain with a tribute of gold and soldiers each year.


The military of Amalest is divided into separate dwarven and human armies, known as the Karath-Urn and the Elmhaim respectively. Traditionally the Karath-Urn has protected the kingdom from invasions from the underdark and the Elmaim has guarded the surface world. However it is not uncommon for the Karath-Urn to engage in above world operations, particularly against the orcish armies coming from the wastes. At present, Amaleth disputes ownership of the Kenland Valley, with Sorthim, and the Elmhaim frequently conduct training operations on border regions of that vallaywhich has added to the unease between nations.


Most mining and manufacturing is performed by dwarves and occurs within the mountains, most agriculture occurs within the human settlements with great ammounts of foodstuffs being shipped north either as tribute or in exchange for manufactured products from the mountains. This economic system has created some degree of disaffection between the dwarven and human populations within the kingdom. Much trade also occurs at the port of white Harbor, which serves as a hub for inter-continental shipping and shipping to the Etalion Islands, which are keen buyers of dwarven goods.


The northern part of the kingdom is primarily mountainous while the southern aspect is primarily grasslands and is somewhat better suited towards agriculture. The southern half of the kingom is almost entirely inhabited by humans, while in the north the population is primarily dwarven (with a few interspersed human settlements). The region becomes increasingly mountainous one travels north towards the wastes, eventually becoming virtually untransversable except by river and cavern as one approaches the Kahil-Ebron mountain range, which defines the border of Amalest with the Wastes. As one travels east in the north, eventually the mountains fade away into the kenland valley and the kingdom of Sorthin.

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