
From Fantasy Novel

Modeled as a mix of Klingons, Minbari and Jem'Hedar http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Jem%27Hadar

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Order of Creation
Avg Height
Avg Weight
Current Location


[edit] Name

Author explanation - Contra is an English word (I am unfamiliar with any root form that Contra comes from - but it is likely it comes from another language somewhere) - which refers to "opposition", and is commonly used to describe warriors in conflict - such as the Nicaraguan Contras. The word is obviously associated with warfare, battle, etc - so a simple change of the word from Contra to Kantra (with the same pronunciation) fills the need for a name quite well.

Inter story name explanation text here.

[edit] Appearance

[edit] Abilities

[edit] Unique Abilities

[edit] Use of the Current

[edit] Habitat

[edit] Origin and History

[edit] Life

[edit] Birth and Early life

[edit] Sexuality, marriage, and reproduction

[edit] Daily Life life

[edit] Later life

[edit] Death

[edit] Language

Authors note: This language and its varients should be a mix of a somewhat german and russian sound (Klingon and Minbari). The more aggressive the part of society, the more harsh the sound.

Given the ordered nature of the Kantra society, they have developed three related, but more or less seperate languages. Each language is based on a root language, once shared among the entire race - but later diverged and split between the increasingly isolationist parts of Kantra society. The vast majority of this race is involved with war, and the language used by these Kantra is a very gutteral and harsh language, involving sounds combined in ways that are not typically found in other languages.

The priestly class of Kantra use a different language vaient. It is similar in sound, but has a more poetic, flowing and pleasing sound to it - not as harshly delivered or throaty as its warrior cousin. Its delivery is slow and presice, with a smooth yet firm sound.

The laborers, public servants, and academics use a very technical language, used to describe with great detail. Its sound is somewhat clumsy by comparison - some would say a bad mix of the warrior and priestly languages, but also quite useful.

All Kantra are taught the root language as they grow into maturity, so that they can communicate with all levels of society if needed (the Kantra High Council, for example deals exclusively with this "universal" Kantra language). When dealing with other races, the Kantra typically also make use of this root language.

[edit] Customs

[edit] Birth

[edit] Marriage

[edit] Death

[edit] Naming Conventions

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