From Familia Niveum
Sample Domain Miracles:
Level 1 Ghost Miracles and lesser Enhancements:
Make an event seem a bit more usual
An image of the traditional antithesis to someone
else's ghost miracle (dragon gets a knight, for
Send a message to a Tradition Spirit that she
wants it to attend her.
Level 2 Lesser Divinations:
Identify nearby people who are
set in their ways.
Know the traditions of a given military unit.
Know how to run any given ceremony
Know where someone customarily puts x item
Level 3 Lesser Preservations:
Reinforce the power of certain traditions
(traditionally, pilots are more inclined to ignore
orders. Shooting down a harmless old woman seems
like an illegal order, doesn't it?).
Make one legal precedent overrule another.
Invoke the power of story Traditions--( see
Mercedes Lackey's Hundred Kingdom books.)
Level 4 Lesser Creations:
Create a new Tradition on the spot
Invoke a cliche
Make someone think what she is doing is
traditional (creation of perception of tradition)
Make someone more inclined to appreciate
tradition. (creation of respect of tradition)
Create a judicial precedent
Level 5 Lesser Destructions:
Make people forget a tradition in a certain area
(back to those pilots, hey, that tradition of people
orders at all?, that doesn't exist around here
Banish a Tradition Spirit from an area, or weaken
Destroy a judicial precedent, or make a courtroom
forget a precedent.
More to come later
Level 5 Greater Divinations:
Hear a whispered conversation during a
wedding, five years gone.
Get a vague image of her own funeral, and the
Level 6 Lesser Changes:
Make the tradition for St. Patrick's day be
wearing red, rather than green.
Give a spirit of Tradition an appearance in the
prosaic world
Make wedding vows sworn in a traditional ceremony
Make French judges typically wear red togas to sit
in court.
Level 6 Greater Preservations:
Make people performing the ghost dance
invulnerable (or other, similar, traditional
invocations of protection.).
Make it impossible to interrupt the retelling of
Grant a tradition spirit immense power
(really,that's what the above
Level 7 Greater Creations:
Make a new Christian Sacrament
Create a strict hierarchal system of traditions,
and forbid them fighting over control of a
Make a precedent of equivalent power to Roe vs.
Level 8 Greater Destructions:
Make judicial systems work on
interpretations of the law only, without regard
to past decisions.
Destroy the espirit de corps of any military unit
or army (that relies heavily on tradition for
that--which is most of them).
Replace any given tradition with another.
Destroy a holiday's authority over people's lives.
(make christmas like father's day, or all hallow's
eve. Make Samhain like valentine's day, for
Level 9 Greater Changes:
Make all Tradition spirits able to possess humans
Make Stone Spirits worship traditional ways of
behavior (if they don't currently)
Make large nations' populaces habitually perform
Odin's rituals, rather than their
own customary ones. (true believers would simply
be breaking with familial tradition to go to their
own church)