Will Anderson

From Familia Niveum

Revision as of 21:39, 2 April 2006 by (Talk)

Aspect 0 Domain 3 Realm 3 Spirit 1

Gifts: Durant

      Nemesis (Dark Agents)


Reputation in the birth town as "Loony Kid" 1 Repuatation as good, normal person in the big city 2 Parent's factory 3 Verdict about his insanity 3 Red's strightforwardness 4 The murder attributed to him 2 Estate of Repressed Memories 5


Doug Forester “Red” - [Love]

  Red is a straightforward and a bit violent man when confronted with problems. He has few friends, but can call those to be true. There is a certain brotherhood with customary meetings and similar interests between them. Red travels in an old car, does odd jobs and enjoys the wilds. In his heart though he is more then ready to settle should he find a place or person to tie him down. While not the brightest person, somehow he always manages to grasp the basic truths underlining the situation and never shrinks to tell his mind. Will thinks highly of him because of his honest and insightful way of dealing with other people. Red set him to leave his town, which led Will to a new and better life.   

Derek Webb [Hate]

 Derek is an athletic and bright person of humble origins. He managed to get into University due to his hard work and natural intelligence. His ongoing well deserved success lead him to become mad with anger, when he discovered that his girlfriend cheated on him, with someone whom Derek considered clearly undeserving, a lazy, horse playing guy who got into the university only because of his parents money. Derek confronted him when they both were driving to the airport. They left the car to discuss things, which soon lead to a fight. In the fight Derek dealt a blow after which his opponent collapsed and hit his head on the stone. He tried to help him, but his victim died in several minutes of agony. This has shaken Derek profoundly as he never intended to kill anyone. After regaining composure he picked up all that would link him to the crime (though a bit too hastily so Will managed to find a personal item linking him to the place of crime) and prepared to leave as an idea stroke him. He made the death look like a work of a madman, as he remembered hearing that someone mentally unstable was on the loose, when he was at the gas station. After returning he for sometime lived in fear of discovery and guilt of the deed, but eventually managed to move on. After graduating Derek broke up with his girlfriend and moved to the big city where he opened his own company Leir Tech, which was on the raise ever since. To quell the feeling of guilt he strived to do good works and help other people. His outgoing personality and drive made him a popular person with many friends.  

At this point Will found him. Will’s feelings at this point were rather neutral and hearing of Derek’s reputation he could not but bring parallels between their lives. But as Will became a Noble he had in his power to discover that while Derek still deeply regretted the murder, he gave no thought at all to the consequences of the framing Will for the deed. This combined with the fact that Derek was doing well in his mortal life inflamed the hatred of Will. He knows though that as his life got ruined by running away from the problem, so will Derek’s would be as the events of the past would come back to haunt him. Affiliation: Dark Virtue:

Affiliation: Dark Virute: Cruelly Truthful


   Must avoid attention and records
   Must follow lawful directives of peace officers
   Vulnerable to Nightmares
   Can't oppose person, who isn't avoiding any shameful memories
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