Szalacsi Sándor
From Fallia
A rövidített Szalacsi videóhoz siketek és nagyothallók számára készült magyar felirat! All rights reserved!
Magyar változat
1 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:08,215 Sándor vagyok, Jókai út 27 szám alatti lakossss 2 00:00:08,819 --> 00:00:10,655 Éssss.... 3 00:00:12,725 --> 00:00:13,878 Miko? 4 00:00:17,682 --> 00:00:20,868 És a ...(ö) Fogarasi Árpádról mit tud elmondani? 5 00:00:21,236 --> 00:00:27,822 Hát Árpád egyetM ... (hát) egy évvel fiatalabb ... éntőlem... 6 00:00:28,500 --> 00:00:30,500 TALÁN!!!... egy évvel... 7 00:00:31,012 --> 00:00:35,598 Mer a nővérjével együtt jártam iskolába a Balvinnal... 8 00:00:36,703 --> 00:00:38,832 És semmi többet nem tudok elmondani! 9 00:00:39,604 --> 00:00:42,230 Árpád.................. 10 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:44,733 fiatalabb tőlem... 1 évvel... 11 00:00:45,526 --> 00:00:47,569 Malvin... iskolatársam........ 12 00:00:48,906 --> 00:00:50,167 Vót... valamikó! 13 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:53,014 Hogy dógozik? Jó munkásember? 14 00:00:53,358 --> 00:00:56,584 Biztos... biztos jó munkásember... 15 00:00:58,604 --> 00:01:01,630 Árpád... biztos jó munkásember! 16 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:11,433 A... a nővérje velem egykora... születésű 17 00:01:11,626 --> 00:01:15,069 Úgyhogy... egyebet nem tudok mondani 18 00:01:15,506 --> 00:01:17,367 Kérem kapcsolja ki! 19 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:19,014 És a zépítményéről mit tud? 20 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:22,814 Hát a zépítményéről annyit tudok, hoogy 21 00:01:23,900 --> 00:01:25,014 a tanácssss..... 22 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:30,014 megkapta a azouijektumra való 23 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:33,014 hogy mondjam magának... 24 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:39,614 hogy ezt a zépítményre megkapta a tanácstúl a zengedélyt 25 00:01:39,900 --> 00:01:43,514 hooogy...................... 26 00:01:43,900 --> 00:01:47,614 hogy akarja magának kifejezni hooogy..... 27 00:01:48,900 --> 00:01:52,614 MINDENT MEGKAPOTT ERRE A ZOIJEKTUMRA.. 28 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:57,314 meg....300.000 lite'...30.000... 29 00:01:58,000 --> 00:01:59,314 Vagy nem tudom! 30 00:02:01,099 --> 00:02:04,934 Valami ouijektumra... hogy... 31 00:02:05,028 --> 00:02:06,016 LITER 32 00:02:06,151 --> 00:02:09,802 300 eze'... 30 ezer literessss 33 00:02:09,951 --> 00:02:13,073 VISZ-tartályra megkapja a azengedélyt... 34 00:02:13,884 --> 00:02:14,894 Éssssssss....... 35 00:02:14,931 --> 00:02:17,092 És mire fog szolgálni ez az objektum? 36 00:02:18,029 --> 00:02:21,700 Hát ezz a kucsordi tanácsss részirűl... 37 00:02:21,900 --> 00:02:23,655 megkapta a zengedélyt... 38 00:02:24,776 --> 00:02:27,120 ez;..ahogy;....a;... 39 00:02:27,482 --> 00:02:30,084 azoxigén kihasználására 40 00:02:30,501 --> 00:02:33,870 Illyesmi(t) halottam... ÉNN! 41 00:02:34,780 --> 00:02:37,190 Tudomásom szerint 42 00:02:37,300 --> 00:02:39,544 Hogy 30, hogy.a zoxigén 43 00:02:40,103 --> 00:02:43,491 eszt...a...amikor................. 44 00:02:43,642 --> 00:02:46,210 a 30ezer literes visztartály 45 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:49,115 Az objektum...?!?... részirűl 46 00:02:50,015 --> 00:02:54,828 Hogy aszt fel fogja használni amikor... 47 00:02:55,272 --> 00:02:56,291 Hidralika... 48 00:02:57,001 --> 00:02:58,423 Mittudomén! 49 00:02:59,330 --> 00:03:01,557 És atomtámadás ellen is véd ez? 50 00:03:02,057 --> 00:03:02,843 Nem 51 00:03:02,954 --> 00:03:04,582 IGEN!! 52 00:03:04,652 --> 00:03:06,896 Az ellen NEM véééd... 53 00:03:07,289 --> 00:03:08,215 De viszooont 54 00:03:08,484 --> 00:03:11,552 így magyarásszTA KI Árpi, 55 00:03:11,600 --> 00:03:15,506 hooooogy.................. 56 00:03:15,665 --> 00:03:21,443 A viszbűl veszi ki a a zoxigént! Teccik érteni??? 57 00:03:21,636 --> 00:03:24,813 A viszbűl fogja azo... 30ezer...... 58 00:03:25,950 --> 00:03:29,052 Literbül vesziki a zoxigént! 59 00:03:29,570 --> 00:03:33,500 Magyar szöveg: FaLLiA tEAm (C) 2002 NOVEMBER 60 00:03:33,600 --> 00:03:34,000 Bonus in Sandor.txt 61 10:00:00,000 --> 10:00:00,000 Faszom is kivanmá' Kocsorddal..,úgyhogy lelépek..! Vitorlát bontok!!!.... ENNYI!.....KÉSZ!! 62 10:00:00,000 --> 10:00:00,000 Falliák In Alphabetical order: Attosz Crusader Kivlov LLuciano Temü Tier Tomee 63 10:00:00,000 --> 10:00:00,000 Visit our Website @
Angol változat (English version)
1 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:08,215 I am Sandor, I live at 27th Jókai Str 2 00:00:08,819 --> 00:00:10,655 And...... 3 00:00:12,725 --> 00:00:13,878 Whe'? 4 00:00:17,682 --> 00:00:20,868 And...(am) What could you tell me about Árpád Fogarasi? 5 00:00:21,236 --> 00:00:27,822 Well Árpád is one Year younger...from me... 6 00:00:28,500 --> 00:00:30,500 Maybe!!!...4 a Year... 7 00:00:31,012 --> 00:00:35,598 'Cause I went to school with his sister, Balvin... 8 00:00:36,703 --> 00:00:38,832 And nothing else I can tell you! 9 00:00:39,604 --> 00:00:42,230 Arpad.................. 10 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:44,733 is younger than me...4 one year... 11 00:00:45,526 --> 00:00:47,569 Malvin... my schoolmate... 12 00:00:48,906 --> 00:00:50,167 Was... sometime! 13 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:53,014 How does he work? Is he a good worker? 14 00:00:53,358 --> 00:00:56,584 Sure... sure a good worker... 15 00:00:58,604 --> 00:01:01,630 Arpad... is sure a good worker! 16 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:11,433 His...sister is the same time...was born 17 00:01:11,626 --> 00:01:15,069 Well...I can not tell you anything else 18 00:01:15,506 --> 00:01:17,367 Please turn it off! 19 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:19,014 And what do you know about his Building? 20 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:22,814 Well, 'bout his building I know, thaaat 21 00:01:23,900 --> 00:01:25,014 the officcce...... 22 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:30,014 get the permission 4 the object 23 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:33,014 how can I tell you... 24 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:39,614 that 4 this building he got the permission from the office 25 00:01:39,900 --> 00:01:43,514 thaaat...................... 26 00:01:43,900 --> 00:01:47,614 how wants he explain it 2 you thaaaat.... 27 00:01:48,900 --> 00:01:52,614 HE GOT EVERYTHING 4 THIS OBJECT.. 28 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:57,314 than...300.000 litr ...30.000... 29 00:01:58,000 --> 00:01:59,314 Or I do not know! 30 00:02:01,099 --> 00:02:04,934 4 some object... that... 31 00:02:05,028 --> 00:02:06,016 LITER 32 00:02:06,151 --> 00:02:09,802 300 thou'... 30 thousand litresss 33 00:02:09,951 --> 00:02:13,073 4 the WATER-tank get the licence... 34 00:02:13,884 --> 00:02:14,894 Aaaaaaannndd.... 35 00:02:14,931 --> 00:02:17,092 And what is this object 4? 36 00:02:18,029 --> 00:02:21,700 Well this from the office of kocsord... 37 00:02:21,900 --> 00:02:23,655 got the licence... 38 00:02:24,776 --> 00:02:27,120 this;;....the;... 39 00:02:27,482 --> 00:02:30,084 4 the exploit of the oxygen 40 00:02:30,501 --> 00:02:33,870 Have heard 'bout somethin' like that.....II! 41 00:02:34,780 --> 00:02:37,190 As I know 42 00:02:37,300 --> 00:02:39,544 That 30, that.the oxygen 43 00:02:40,103 --> 00:02:43,491 that...the...when................. 44 00:02:43,642 --> 00:02:46,210 the 30thousand litres watertank 45 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:49,115 The object...?!?... from 46 00:02:50,015 --> 00:02:54,828 That it will use this when..... 47 00:02:55,272 --> 00:02:56,291 Hydraulics... 48 00:02:57,001 --> 00:02:58,423 Donknow! 49 00:02:59,330 --> 00:03:01,557 And does it protect in case of atomic attack? 50 00:03:02,057 --> 00:03:02,843 No 51 00:03:02,954 --> 00:03:04,582 YES!! 52 00:03:04,652 --> 00:03:06,896 Does not protect against thaaaat.... 53 00:03:07,289 --> 00:03:08,215 But then 54 00:03:08,484 --> 00:03:11,552 Arpi explains it like, 55 00:03:11,600 --> 00:03:15,506 thaaaaat.................. 56 00:03:15,665 --> 00:03:21,443 From the water get it out the oxygen! Could you understand??? 57 00:03:21,636 --> 00:03:24,813 From the water will the o ...30thousand... 58 00:03:25,950 --> 00:03:29,052 Litres getout the oxygen! 59 00:03:29,570 --> 00:03:33,500 English translation: FaLLiA tEAm (C) 2002 NOVEMBER 60 00:03:33,600 --> 00:03:34,000 Bonus in Sandor.txt 61 10:00:00,000 --> 10:00:00,000 Faszom is kivanmá' Kocsorddal..,úgyhogy lelépek..! Vitorlát bontok!!!.... ENNYI!.....KÉSZ!! 62 10:00:00,000 --> 10:00:00,000 Falliák In Alphabetical order: Attosz Crusader Kivlov LLuciano Temü Tier Tomee 63 10:00:00,000 --> 10:00:00,000 Visit our Website @