Drea mer
From Expanding Your Horizons
every one has a dream and it is up to you to acheve it. do what you want. write, play sports, act, paint or jest tack do what you reas what and fallow your dreams. dont let any one stop you.
the begining of a dreamer the clould brushed over her and she knew what she had to do she here a crack be hind he and a soft voce in her ear "your to late and dont wory no one will ever fine you" tears whent down her face she was to late he looked at the card it only had one world montowa "what on earth is a montowa" he though he read every leter outloud and then he was gon a nother girl was in her room diffent word in which the others lived her thing she frow all around as bing tairs covered her face she fell on the ground try to stop cry a sound of a crack or a pop ecod in the room she looked up and he wa there "we need you" she look at him speied and shock her head yes he grabed her and puled her up gently and speled the world backwords and they were goon
This picher i think best desribs me and how i love fairies,moons, and writeing.
if you want put a picher of what desrive you on the site you can all so put a poam or some thing that you have writen you can have people come on and ask then to write what they think of what you or what some one esls has done.