From Eve
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Powergrid |
20 MW |
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Capacity |
375 |
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Armorhp |
469 |
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Max velocity |
245 m/sec |
Name: Anathema
Hull: Crucifier Class
Role: Covert Ops Frigate
Designed for commando and espionage operation, its main strength is the ability to travel unseen through enemy territory and to avoid unfavorable encounters.
Developer: Khanid Innovation
Khanid Innovations was quick to take advantage of the disintegration of the Crielere Project. Through shrewd diplomatic and financial maneuvering they were able to aquire a working Buzzard prototype as well as several of the former top scientist of Project Mirage to work on adapting its technological innovations to Khanid ship technology.
Amarr Frigate Skill Bonus:
- 10% reduction in Small Energy Turret capacitor need per level
- 10% Small Energy Turret optimal range bonus per level
Covert Ops Skill Bonus:
- -96% to -100% reduced CPU need for cloaking device per level
- 10% reduction to duration/activation time of modules requiring Astrometrics per level