Chancellor of the Censor

From Eshraval Saved

The Chancellor of the Censor is one of the 14 main Chancellor's of the Montasje, it is headquartered in Haven Seorse.



The Chancellory of the Censory is responisble for keeping objectionable material from entering the media stream in Arëdighùan, including but not limited to, Art, Movies, Anti-Governmental Propaganda, and books.


It has been argued by many Liberal Critics, that the very purpose of the Censor is to restrict the freedom of the citizens of Arëdighùan. The Government has constantly responded that the goverment exists only to serve the people, not control them, and the censor is only one of many outlets for that service.


Created in ???? after the victorious Yringa set up his new Monarchy. The Censor was tasked with removing past Government Propaganda from around the nation, and keeping "objectionable" material out of the newspapers, books, and other forms of media at the time.

Past Chancellors

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