Arëdighùani Fasion
From Eshraval Saved
The Fashion trends of Arëdighùan began with the Norric Colonisation, before then common dressage was simple commonor tunicks of the poor shakril famers that were the primary inhabitants of Arëdighùan before the Norric Colonisation.
After the Colonisation many of the fashionable designs came strait from Haarden, generally, the Arëdighùani were a few years behind Haarden, as it took time for the Fashions to set in and become mainstream.
More recently, Arëdighùan has experianced a great revival of the old styles of the early 1200's, the full suit, and gown-style dress's, and Tumain's. The cloths are meant to denote richness, and being of a higher social class, and with the influx of money into Aredighuan over the past decade, many feel they are entlited to it.
Social Message
All Arëdighùani clothing denotes a message from its owner to the public, A formal gown says "I am wealthy, and have good taste", a general suite can say "I am working and have no time for frivolities", all clothing has a message imbeded in it, though Arëdighùani will not always advertise what it is, feeling that the simple mystery of it adds to how people interpret the look.