
From Endoftheworld


The Dragons of Earth (地の龍 Chi no Ryū) are the counterpart to the Seven Seals. Collectively, they are regarded as the Seven Angels (七の御使 Shichi no Mitsukai), messengers of destruction. Their mission is to unleashed death and famine so the Earth can be cured of the plague of humanity. The Angels are free agents with no sense of camaraderie and were assembled by Hinoto's sister Kanoe, secretary to the Governor of Tokyo.

Dragons of Earth

The Dragons Of Earth are a group of seven individuals who are fated to stand against the Dragons of Heaven in the apocalyptic battle on the Promised Day to determine the fate of the Earth and humanity. The Dragons of Earth ideologically represent the belief that conflicts between man and nature cannot be resolved peaceably, and that humans are on an irreversible path that will ultimately lead to the murder of the planet itself unless they are stopped. Unlike the Dragons of Heaven, the Dragons of Earth seem to have no common rationality for their acceptance of their roles as the destroyers of humanity.

Many of the Dragons of Earth are textbook cases of antisocial, narcissistic, or avoidant behavior. They either lack the ability or desire to form meaningful bonds with other humans, or tend to form unhealthy relationships. Many of them seem to be amoral, not truly understanding why killing is intrinsically wrong. Although they all realize that humanity is destroying the Earth and that by removing humanity, they would be allowing for the Earth to be revived, they seem genuinely indifferent to this matter.

Again at odds with the portrayal of the Dragons of Heaven, the Dragons of Earth lack the ability to create Kekkai (barrier fields), and it seems to be the case that whenever a Dragon of Earth finally forms a sincere bond with another person or realizes that they wish to protect someone dear to them, they are shortly thereafter killed.

Unlike the Dragons of Heaven who are shown to have strong bonds for each other as well as unity within the group, the Dragons of Earth are only seen together once in the entire manga, when they meet up after Fuuma's awakening. They are encouraged by Fuuma to simply go their own ways. Only Nataku and Kakyou always stay with Fuuma.

List of Angels

  • Monou Fuuma
  • Kigai Yuuto
  • Yatouji Satsuki
  • Sakurazuka Seishirou
  • Nataku
  • Kuzuki Kakyou
  • Shiyuu Kusanagi
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