From Endoftheworld
Revision as of 02:47, 5 December 2007 by (Talk)
Feel free to add what ever small info you want under your name. Also if I have forgotten anyone by fluke of chance, feel free to add your/their name to this list.
Contents |
[edit] Miri
- Creator & Moderator of EotW
- Plays a scary amount of people. Scary.
- Owner of Aya's soul. Well part of it.
- Pimp of all the bitches listed below. (IN HER OWN MIND) (She totally is.) (..yes yes she is)
- Plays Sadists, Pre-cogs, Villains, Sociopaths, Antisocials, Emotional-retards. Fear the social retardation of my collective muses.
- Plays sexy men with blue eyes and glasses.
- Is owned by The unholy trio of muses. We all fear them. No really.
[edit] Dees
- Partner in Crime #1 (ie: Unofficial co-mod #1)
- Liberal, decadent, European heathen. Writes porn. Likes cats.
- Very, very sexy.
- Horribly, amazingly, super special awesomely sexy.
- Sexy times a frillion plus one despite WRONGLY ACCUSING PEOPLE OF LIE-TELLING.
- Plays Happy people.
- Plays sex-crazed people.
- Plays Kamui in all manner of forms, nuff said.
[edit] Kaji
- Partner in Crime #2 (ie: Unofficial co-mod #2)
- Has a tendency to mentally synchronize with Aya.
- Official Drawer-of-porn.
- Not sexy, but draws sexy men, so it's all good.
- Is Miri's bitch and is indeed quite sexy despite any denials otherwise.
- Plays healers. Live in fear.
- Very sexy healers. Almost as much as she is
- Too crazy to fear the Trio.
- Watch out. the Art Muse bites. Hard.
- Kaji was born without a heart. But she keeps a few in jars on her desk.
- Actually, Kaji does have a heart. It's defective.
- is still not sexy, despite any capitalist lies.
- Is a dork.
[edit] Readx0r
- Partner in Crime #3 (ie: Unofficial co-mod #3)
- Very sexy.
- Horribly, amazingly sexy.
- Sexy times a frillion despite telling UNTRUE IMPERIALISTIC LIES.
- Really is sexy...and writes sexily too.
- PLAYS UKES (and on occasion Semes).
- Plays sucidial/self-destructive people, usually in the form of small 16-year old blond shinigamis.
[edit] Gaara
- master of characters who tend to "open mouth, insert foot" or are homicidal.
[edit] Aya
- Bringer of Air Gear
- Also Subaru's snark mode
- Regularly feeds Kaji new crack muses.
- Kaji's bitch (Except Kaji is actually /her/ bitch according to the muses)
- One of Kaji's many loves.
- Is known for developing muses with the inability to /say/ what they mean. So other people help them with that.
- Spitfire loves Sano. (He's never /said/ that ) YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. (...he admits /nothing/) DID THE RINGS MEAN NOTHING THEN?
[edit] Ikki
- The lone male in the pack
- tends to be rather elusive
- Likes boobs
[edit] Shiny
- Krad nuff said
- Another one of Kaji's loves.
- Excellent Dancer
- purveyor of para para and Caramelldansen
- her milkshake brings all the players to the yard
- is /very/ sexy too.
[edit] Elle
- The spazzy one
- just don't let her make you lunch unless you have a stomach of steel or extremely odd tastes in dining. (Hey, my food is awesome.)
- Has the attention span of a monkey that is dead and on fire.
- Being British, has a tendency towards rambling sarcasm and overbearing politeness.