Stand Canyon

From Electrosphere

Stand Canyon is seen in Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception. Stand Canyon lays on the deserted southern area of Aurelia, between the Kingshill area and the city of Santa Elva. Basically this is an Aurelian natural resource area. Stand Canyon had become a mining facility, built with some bridges and mining equipment. Narrow rock canyons are spread out the entire area, covered with reddish brown sand surfaces, making it looks very desolated, though there are also plants that grows around the area. The canyons are very strong and craggy.

[edit] Leasath - Aurelia War (Op. ---)

A group of Aurelian special ground units, the Miller Unit, was reportedly trapped within Stand Canyon, surrounded by Leasath Army that was ordered to wipe them out. Gryphus Squadron was assigned to rescue Miller Unit from devastating and to help them dissipating the enemy from the area. While conducting the operation, It was reported that Gleipnir was frequently storming Stand Canyon with Shock Cannon from great distances, but it could be easily evaded by flying lower the canyon rim. Finally, Miller Unit could be saved and preparing next "taking-over" operation to Santa Elva.


Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (the game)

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